@ohos.deviceAttest (Device Attestation)

The deviceAttest module provides attestation of devices in OpenHarmony by comparing the device information with that stored in the cloud. You can use the APIs provided by the deviceAttest module to obtain the device attestation result.


  • The initial APIs of this module are supported since API version 9. Newly added APIs will be marked with a superscript to indicate their earliest API version.

  • The APIs provided by this module are system APIs.

Modules to Import

import deviceAttest from '@ohos.deviceAttest';


getAttestStatus(callback: AsyncCallback<AttestResultInfo>) : void

Obtains details about the device attestation result from the cloud. This API uses an asynchronous callback to return the result.

System capability: SystemCapability.XTS.DeviceAttest


Name Type Mandatory Description
callback AsyncCallback<AttestResultInfo> Yes Callback invoked to return the result.
If the operation is successful, error is undefined, and result is the AttestResultInfo obtained. Otherwise, error is an error object.

Error codes

ID Error Message
20000001 system service exception.


import base from '@ohos.base';

try {
    deviceAttest.getAttestStatus((error: base.BusinessError, value: deviceAttest.AttestResultInfo) => {
    if (typeof error != 'undefined') {
        console.info("error code:" + error.code + " message:" + error.message);
    } else {
        console.info("auth:" + value.authResult + " software:" + value.softwareResult + " ticket:" + value.ticket);
        console.info("versionIdResult:" + value.softwareResultDetail[0],
        " patchLevelResult:" + value.softwareResultDetail[1],
        " rootHashResult:" + value.softwareResultDetail[2],
        " PCIDResult:" + value.softwareResultDetail[3],
        " reserver:" + value.softwareResultDetail[4]);
} catch (error) {
    let code: number = (error as base.BusinessError).code;
    let message: string = (error as base.BusinessError).message;
    console.info("error code:" + code + " message:" + message);


getAttestStatus() : Promise<AttestResultInfo>

Obtains details about the device attestation result from the cloud. This API uses a promise to return the result.

System capability: SystemCapability.XTS.DeviceAttest

Return value

Type Description
Promise<AttestResultInfo> Promise used to return the device attestation information obtained.

Error codes

ID Error Message
20000001 system service exception.


import base from '@ohos.base';

try {
    deviceAttest.getAttestStatus().then((value: deviceAttest.AttestResultInfo) => {
    console.info("auth:" + value.authResult + " software:" + value.softwareResult + " ticket:" + value.ticket);
    console.info("versionIdResult:" + value.softwareResultDetail[0],
        " patchLevelResult:" + value.softwareResultDetail[1],
        " rootHashResult:" + value.softwareResultDetail[2],
        " PCIDResult:" + value.softwareResultDetail[3],
        " reserver:" + value.softwareResultDetail[4]);
    }).catch((error: base.BusinessError) => {
        console.info("error code:" + error.code + " message:" + error.message);
} catch (error) {
    let code: number = (error as base.BusinessError).code;
    let message: string = (error as base.BusinessError).message;
    console.info("error code:" + code + " message:" + message);


getAttestStatusSync() : AttestResultInfo

Obtains details about the device attestation result from the cloud synchronously.

System capability: SystemCapability.XTS.DeviceAttest

Return value

Type Description
AttestResultInfo Returns the device attestation information obtained.

Error codes

ID Error Message
20000001 system service exception.


import base from '@ohos.base';

try {
    let value: deviceAttest.AttestResultInfo = deviceAttest.getAttestStatusSync();
    console.info("auth:" + value.authResult + " software:" + value.softwareResult + " ticket:" + value.ticket);
    console.info("versionIdResult:" + value.softwareResultDetail[0],
    " patchLevelResult:" + value.softwareResultDetail[1],
    " rootHashResult:" + value.softwareResultDetail[2],
    " PCIDResult:" + value.softwareResultDetail[3],
    " reserver:" + value.softwareResultDetail[4]);
} catch (error) {
    let code: number = (error as base.BusinessError).code;
    let message: string = (error as base.BusinessError).message;
    console.info("error code:" + code + " message:" + message);


Defines the device attestation result information.

System capability: SystemCapability.XTS.DeviceAttest

Name Type Readable Writable Description
authResult number Yes No Device hardware attestation result.
softwareResult number Yes No Device software attestation result.
softwareResultDetail Array<number> Yes No Detailed information about the device software attestation result.
- softwareResultDetail[0]: version ID attestation result.
- softwareResultDetail[1]: attestation result of the security patch label.
- softwareResultDetail[2]: version hash attestation result.
- softwareResultDetail[3]: attestation result of the system capability set.
- softwareResultDetail[4]: reserved.
ticket string Yes No Soft certificate delivered by the cloud.
If the device hardware attestation is successful, a value is returned. If the attestation fails, this parameter is empty.


The attestation result of device hardware and software information can be any of the following:

  • -2: No attestation is performed.
  • -1: The attestation fails.
  • 0: The attestation is successful.