@ohos.hiTraceChain (Distributed Tracing)

The hiTraceChain module implements call chain tracing throughout a service process. It provides functions such as starting and stopping call chain tracing and configuring trace points.


The initial APIs of this module are supported since API version 8. Newly added APIs will be marked with a superscript to indicate their earliest API version.

Modules to Import

import hiTraceChain from '@ohos.hiTraceChain';


Enumerates trace flag types.

System capability: SystemCapability.HiviewDFX.HiTrace

Name Value Description
DEFAULT 0 Default flag.
INCLUDE_ASYNC 1 Asynchronous call flag. By default, only synchronous calls are traced. If this flag is set, both synchronous and asynchronous calls will be traced.
DONOT_CREATE_SPAN 1 << 1 No span flag. By default, spans are created within a trace of synchronous and asynchronous service calls. If this flag is set, no spans are created.
TP_INFO 1 << 2 Trace point flag. By default, no trace point is added when trace is enabled. This flag is used for debugging. If this flag is set, trace points will be automatically added on the TX and RX sides of synchronous and asynchronous calls to output trace point and timestamp information. Trace points are classified into four types: CS, SR, SS, and CR. For a synchronous call, the output trace points are CS, SR, SS, and CR; for an asynchronous call, the output trace points are CS, SR, and SS.
NO_BE_INFO 1 << 3 No begin/end flag. By default, information about the start and end of the trace task is printed. If this flag is set, information about the start and end of the trace task will not be printed.
DISABLE_LOG 1 << 4 Log association flag. If this flag is set, information about the trace task will not be printed.
FAILURE_TRIGGER 1 << 5 Failure trigger flag. This flag is reserved for future use.
D2D_TP_INFO 1 << 6 Device-to-device trace point flag. It is a subset of TP_INFO. If this flag is set, trace points are added only for call chain trace between devices.


Enumerates trace point types.

System capability: SystemCapability.HiviewDFX.HiTrace

Name Value Description
CS 0 CS trace point.
CR 1 CR trace point.
SS 2 SS trace point.
SR 3 SR trace point.
GENERAL 4 General trace points except CS, CR, SS, and SR.


Enumerates communication modes.

System capability: SystemCapability.HiviewDFX.HiTrace

Name Value Description
DEFAULT 0 Default communication mode.
THREAD 1 Inter-thread communication.
PROCESS 2 Inter-process communication.
DEVICE 3 Inter-device communication.


Defines a HiTraceId object.

System capability: SystemCapability.HiviewDFX.HiTrace

Name Type Mandatory Description
chainId bigint Yes Call chain ID.
spanId number No Span ID.
parentSpanId number No Parent span ID.
flags number No Trace flag combination.


begin(name: string, flags?: number): HiTraceId

Starts call chain tracing. This API returns the result synchronously.

System capability: SystemCapability.HiviewDFX.HiTrace


Name Type Mandatory Description
name string Yes Traced service name.
flags number No Trace flag combination. For details, see HiTraceFlag.

Return value

Type Description
HiTraceId HiTraceId instance.


// Start call chain trace. The trace flag is the union of INCLUDE_ASYNC and DONOT_CREATE_SPAN.
let traceId = hiTraceChain.begin("business", hiTraceChain.HiTraceFlag.INCLUDE_ASYNC | hiTraceChain.HiTraceFlag.DONOT_CREATE_SPAN);
// End the call chain tracing after the service logic is executed for several times.


end(id: HiTraceId): void

Stops call chain tracing. This API works in synchronous manner.

System capability: SystemCapability.HiviewDFX.HiTrace


Name Type Mandatory Description
id HiTraceId Yes HiTraceId instance.


// Enable call chain trace. The trace flag is DEFAULT.
let traceId = hiTraceChain.begin("business", hiTraceChain.HiTraceFlag.DEFAULT);
// End the call chain tracing after the service logic is executed for several times.


getId(): HiTraceId

Obtains the trace ID. This API returns the result synchronously.

System capability: SystemCapability.HiviewDFX.HiTrace

Return value

Type Description
HiTraceId HiTraceId instance.


// Enable call chain trace. The trace flag is DEFAULT.
let traceId = hiTraceChain.begin("business", hiTraceChain.HiTraceFlag.DEFAULT);
// After the service logic is executed for several times, obtain the current trace ID.
let curTraceId = hiTraceChain.getId();
// The call chain IDs in the trace IDs obtained from the same call chain trace must be the same.
if (curTraceId.chainId != traceId.chainId) {
// Processing logic for exceptions.
// End the call chain tracing after the service logic is executed for several times.


setId(id: HiTraceId): void

Sets a trace ID. This API returns the result synchronously.

System capability: SystemCapability.HiviewDFX.HiTrace


Name Type Mandatory Description
id HiTraceId Yes HiTraceId instance.


// Obtain the trace ID of the current call chain.
let traceId = hiTraceChain.getId();
// Set traceId to the obtained trace ID.


clearId(): void

Clears the trace ID. This API returns the result synchronously.

System capability: SystemCapability.HiviewDFX.HiTrace


// Before the service starts, try to clear the trace ID.
// Enable call chain trace. The trace flag is DEFAULT.
let traceId = hiTraceChain.begin("business", hiTraceChain.HiTraceFlag.DEFAULT);
// End the call chain tracing after the service logic is executed for several times.


createSpan(): HiTraceId

Creates a trace span. This API works in synchronous manner.

System capability: SystemCapability.HiviewDFX.HiTrace

Return value

Type Description
HiTraceId HiTraceId instance.


// Enable call chain trace. The trace flag is DEFAULT.
let traceId = hiTraceChain.begin("business", hiTraceChain.HiTraceFlag.DEFAULT);
// Create a trace span after the service logic is executed for several times.
let spanTraceId = hiTraceChain.createSpan();
// The call chain IDs in the trace IDs obtained from the same call chain trace must be the same.
if (spanTraceId.chainId != traceId.chainId) {
// Processing logic for exceptions.
// The service is complete. Disable call chain trace.


tracepoint(mode: HiTraceCommunicationMode, type: HiTraceTracepointType, id: HiTraceId, msg?: string): void

Triggers a trace point. This API returns the result synchronously.

System capability: SystemCapability.HiviewDFX.HiTrace


Name Type Mandatory Description
mode HiTraceCommunicationMode Yes Communication mode for the trace point.
type HiTraceTracepointType Yes Trace point type.
id HiTraceId Yes HiTraceId instance for trace point triggering.
msg string No Trace description passed for trace point triggering.


// Start call chain trace. The trace flag is the union of INCLUDE_ASYNC and DONOT_CREATE_SPAN.
let traceId = hiTraceChain.begin("business", hiTraceChain.HiTraceFlag.INCLUDE_ASYNC | hiTraceChain.HiTraceFlag.DONOT_CREATE_SPAN);
// Trigger the trace point after the service logic is executed for several times.
hiTraceChain.tracepoint(hiTraceChain.HiTraceCommunicationMode.THREAD, hiTraceChain.HiTraceTracepointType.SS, traceId, "Just a example");
// The service is complete. Disable call chain trace.


isValid(id: HiTraceId): boolean

Checks whether a HiTraceId instance is valid. This API returns the result synchronously.

System capability: SystemCapability.HiviewDFX.HiTrace


Name Type Mandatory Description
id HiTraceId Yes HiTraceId instance.

Return value

Type Description
boolean Boolean value indicating whether the HiTraceId instance is valid. The value true means yes and the value false means no.


// Enable call chain trace. The trace flag is DEFAULT.
let traceId = hiTraceChain.begin("business", hiTraceChain.HiTraceFlag.DEFAULT);
// Set the value of traceIdIsvalid to true.
let traceIdIsvalid = hiTraceChain.isValid(traceId);
if (traceIdIsvalid) {
// Processing logic for the scenario where the validity check on the trace ID is successful.
// The service is complete. Disable call chain trace.


isFlagEnabled(id: HiTraceId, flag: HiTraceFlag): boolean

Checks whether the specified trace flag in the HiTraceId instance is enabled. This API returns the result synchronously.

System capability: SystemCapability.HiviewDFX.HiTrace


Name Type Mandatory Description
id HiTraceId Yes HiTraceId instance.
flag HiTraceFlag Yes Specified trace flag.

Return value

Type Description
boolean Boolean value indicating whether the specified trace flag in the HiTraceId instance is enabled. The value true means yes and the value false means no.


// Enable call chain trace. The trace flag is INCLUDE_ASYNC.
let traceId = hiTraceChain.begin("business", hiTraceChain.HiTraceFlag.INCLUDE_ASYNC);
// Set the value of enabledIncludeAsyncFlag to true.
let enabledIncludeAsyncFlag = hiTraceChain.isFlagEnabled(traceId, hiTraceChain.HiTraceFlag.INCLUDE_ASYNC);
if (enabledIncludeAsyncFlag) {
// Processing logic for the scenario where the INCLUDE_ASYNC trace flag has been set.
// The service is complete. Disable call chain trace.


enableFlag(id: HiTraceId, flag: HiTraceFlag): void

Enables the specified trace flag in the HiTraceId instance. This API returns the result synchronously.

System capability: SystemCapability.HiviewDFX.HiTrace


Name Type Mandatory Description
id HiTraceId Yes HiTraceId instance.
flag HiTraceFlag Yes Specified trace flag.


// Enable call chain trace. The trace flag is INCLUDE_ASYNC.
let traceId = hiTraceChain.begin("business", hiTraceChain.HiTraceFlag.INCLUDE_ASYNC);
// Set the value of enabledDoNotCreateSpanFlag to false.
let enabledDoNotCreateSpanFlag = hiTraceChain.isFlagEnabled(traceId, hiTraceChain.HiTraceFlag.DONOT_CREATE_SPAN);
// Set the DONOT_CREATE_SPAN trace flag.
hiTraceChain.enableFlag(traceId, hiTraceChain.HiTraceFlag.DONOT_CREATE_SPAN);
// Set the value of enabledDoNotCreateSpanFlag to true.
enabledDoNotCreateSpanFlag = hiTraceChain.isFlagEnabled(traceId, hiTraceChain.HiTraceFlag.DONOT_CREATE_SPAN);
if (enabledDoNotCreateSpanFlag) {
// Processing logic for the scenario where the DONOT_CREATE_SPAN trace flag has been set.
// The service is complete. Disable call chain trace.