Thermal Control Customization



By default, OpenHarmony provides the thermal control feature. If a device becomes overheated during usage, thermal control measures need to be taken for the device. For example, if the battery temperature is too high during charging, then thermal control needs to be applied to the charging device. However, thermal control varies according to product specifications. To address this issue, OpenHarmony provides the thermal control customization function.


The configuration path for battery level customization is subject to the configuration policy. In this development guide, /vendor is used as an example of the configuration path. During actual development, you need to modify the customization path based on the product configuration policy.

How to Develop

Setting Up the Environment

Hardware requirements:

Development board running the standard system, for example, the DAYU200 or Hi3516D V300 open source suite.

Environment requirements:

For details about the requirements on the Linux environment, see Quick Start.

Getting Started with Development

The following uses DAYU200 as an example to illustrate thermal control customization.

  1. Create the thermal folder in the product directory /vendor/hihope/rk3568.

  2. Create a target folder by referring to the default thermal control configuration folder, and install it in //vendor/hihope/rk3568/thermal. The content is as follows:

    ├── thermal_service_config.xml
  3. Write the custom thermal_service_config.xml file by referring to the thermal_service_config.xml file in the default thermal control configuration folder. The following table describes the related configuration items.

    Table 1 Configuration items for thermal control

Configuration Item Configuration Item Description Parameter Parameter Description Data Type Value Range
name="cpu_big" Big-core CPU control (big-core CPU frequency) N/A N/A N/A N/A
name="cpu_med" Medium-core CPU control (medium-core CPU frequency) N/A N/A N/A N/A
name="cpu_lit" Small-core CPU control (small-core CPU frequency) N/A N/A N/A N/A
name="gpu" GPU control (GPU frequency) N/A N/A N/A N/A
name="lcd" LCD control (screen brightness) N/A N/A N/A N/A
name="volume" Sound control (volume) uid User ID int Product-specific
name="current" Charging current control (charging current during fast charging and slow charging) protocol Supported charging protocols: fast charging (supercharge) and slow charging (buck) string sc or buck
name="current" Charging current control event - 1: event sending enabled
-0: event sending disabled
int 0 or 1
name="voltage" Charging voltage control (charging voltage during fast charging and slow charging) protocol Supported charging protocols: fast charging (supercharge) and slow charging (buck) string sc or buck
name="voltage" Charging voltage control event - 1: event sending enabled
-0: event sending disabled
int 0 or 1
name="process_ctrl" Process control (survival status of foreground and background processes) event - 1: event sending enabled
-0: event sending disabled
If this parameter is not set, the value is defaulted to 0.
int 0 or 1
name="shut_down" Shutdown control (device shutdown) event - 1: event sending enabled
-0: event sending disabled
int 0 or 1
name="thermallevel" Thermal level control (thermal level reporting) event - 1: event sending enabled
-0: event sending disabled
int 0 or 1
name="popup" Pop-up window control (pop-up window display) N/A N/A N/A N/A
    <item name="cpu_big"/>
    <item name="cpu_med"/>
    <item name="cpu_lit"/>
    <item name="gpu"/>
    <item name="lcd"/>
    <item name="volume" uid="2001,2002"/>
    <item name="current" protocol="sc,buck" event="1"/>
    <item name="voltage" protocol="sc,buck" event="1"/>
    <item name="process_ctrl" event=""/>
    <item name="shut_down" event="0"/>
    <item name="thermallevel" event="0"/>
    <item name="popup"/>
  1. Write the file by referring to the file in the default thermal control configuration folder to pack the thermal_service_config.xml file to the /vendor/etc/thermal_config directory. The configuration is as follows:

    import("//build/ohos.gni")                      # Reference build/ohos.gni.
    ohos_prebuilt_etc("thermal_service_config") {
        source = "thermal_service_config.xml"
        relative_install_dir = "thermal_config"
        install_images = [ chipset_base_dir ]       # Required configuration for installing the thermal_service_config.xml file in the vendor directory.
        part_name = "product_rk3568"                # Set part_name to product_rk3568 for subsequent build. You can change it as required.
  2. Add the build target to module_list in in the /vendor/hihope/rk3568 directory. For example:

        "parts": {
            "product_rk3568": {
                "module_list": [
                    "//vendor/hihope/rk3568/thermal/profile:thermal_service_config", // Add the configuration for building of thermal_service_config.
        "subsystem": "product_hihope"

    In the preceding code, //vendor/hihope/rk3568/thermal/ is the folder path, profile is the folder name, and thermal_service_config is the build target.

  3. Build the customized version by referring to Quick Start.

    ./ --product-name rk3568 --ccache
  4. Burn the customized version to the DAYU200 development board.

Debugging and Verification

  1. After startup, run the following command to launch the shell command line:

    hdc shell
  2. Obtain the current thermal control information.

    hidumper -s 3303 -a -a

    The following is the reference thermal control result after customization:

    name: cpu_big	strict: 0	enableEvent: 0
    name: cpu_med	strict: 0	enableEvent: 0
    name: cpu_lit	strict: 0	enableEvent: 0
    name: gpu	strict: 0	enableEvent: 0
    name: boost	strict: 0	enableEvent: 0
    name: lcd	strict: 0	enableEvent: 0
    name: volume	uid: 2001,2002	strict: 0	enableEvent: 0
    name: current	protocol: sc,buck	strict: 0	enableEvent: 1
    name: voltage	protocol: sc,buck	strict: 0	enableEvent: 1
    name: process_ctrl	strict: 0	enableEvent: 0
    name: shut_down	strict: 0	enableEvent: 0
    name: thermallevel	strict: 0	enableEvent: 0
    name: popup	strict: 0	enableEvent: 0


During development, you can refer to the default thermal control configuration.

Packing path: /vendor/etc/thermal_config/hdf