JS API Changes of the DFX Subsystem

The table below lists the APIs changes of the DFX subsystem in OpenHarmony 3.2 Beta2 over OpenHarmony 3.2 Beta1.

API Changes

Module Class Method/Attribute/Enumeration/Constant Change Type
ohos.hiSysEvent hiSysEvent query(queryArg: QueryArg, rules: QueryRule[], querier: Querier): number; Added
ohos.hiSysEvent hiSysEvent removeWatcher(wathcer: Watcher): number; Added
ohos.hiSysEvent hiSysEvent addWatcher(watcher: Watcher): number; Added
ohos.hiSysEvent Querier onComplete: (reason: number, total: number) => void; Added
ohos.hiSysEvent Querier onQuery: (infos: SysEventInfo[], seqs: number[]) => void; Added
ohos.hiSysEvent QueryRule names: string[]; Added
ohos.hiSysEvent QueryRule domain: string; Added
ohos.hiSysEvent QueryArg maxEvents: number; Added
ohos.hiSysEvent QueryArg endTime: number; Added
ohos.hiSysEvent QueryArg beginTime: number; Added
ohos.hiSysEvent Watcher onServiceDied: () => void; Added
ohos.hiSysEvent Watcher onEvent: (info: SysEventInfo) => void; Added
ohos.hiSysEvent Watcher rules: WatchRule[]; Added
ohos.hiSysEvent WatchRule ruleType: RuleType; Added
ohos.hiSysEvent WatchRule tag: string; Added
ohos.hiSysEvent WatchRule name: string; Added
ohos.hiSysEvent WatchRule domain: string; Added
ohos.hiSysEvent RuleType REGULAR = 3 Added
ohos.hiSysEvent RuleType PREFIX = 2 Added
ohos.hiSysEvent RuleType WHOLE_WORD = 1 Added
ohos.hiSysEvent hiSysEvent write(info: SysEventInfo): Promise<void>;
write(info: SysEventInfo, callback: AsyncCallback<void>): void;
ohos.hiSysEvent SysEventInfo params: object; Added
ohos.hiSysEvent SysEventInfo eventType: EventType; Added
ohos.hiSysEvent SysEventInfo name: string; Added
ohos.hiSysEvent SysEventInfo domain: string; Added
ohos.hiSysEvent EventType BEHAVIOR = 4 Added
ohos.hiSysEvent EventType SECURITY = 3 Added
ohos.hiSysEvent EventType STATISTIC = 2 Added
ohos.hiSysEvent EventType FAULT = 1 Added