详细的API说明请参考Camera API参考。
import image from '@ohos.multimedia.image'; import camera from '@ohos.multimedia.camera'; import fs from '@ohos.file.fs'; import PhotoAccessHelper from '@ohos.file.photoAccessHelper'; import { BusinessError } from '@ohos.base';
const width = 640; const height = 480; const format = 4; const capacity = 8; let reveiver: image.ImageReceiver = image.createImageReceiver(width, height, format, capacity);
设置拍照imageArrival的回调,并将拍照的buffer保存为图片。 Context获取方式请参考:获取UIAbility的上下文信息。
let context = getContext(this); async function savePicture(buffer: ArrayBuffer, img: image.Image) { let photoAccessHelper = PhotoAccessHelper.getPhotoAccessHelper(context); let testFileName = 'testFile' + Date.now() + '.jpg'; let photoAsset = await photoAccessHelper.createAsset(testFileName); //createAsset的调用需要ohos.permission.READ_IMAGEVIDEO和ohos.permission.WRITE_IMAGEVIDEO的权限 const fd = await photoAsset.open('rw'); fs.write(fd, buffer); await photoAsset.close(fd); img.release(); } function setImageArrivalCb(receiver: image.ImageReceiver) { //设置回调之后,调用photoOutput的capture方法,就会将拍照的buffer回传到回调中 receiver.on('imageArrival', (): void => { receiver.readNextImage((errCode: BusinessError, imageObj: image.Image): void => { if (errCode || imageObj === undefined) { return; } imageObj.getComponent(image.ComponentType.JPEG, (errCode: BusinessError, component: image.Component): void => { if (errCode || component === undefined) { return; } let buffer: ArrayBuffer; if (component.byteBuffer) { buffer = component.byteBuffer; } else { return; } savePicture(buffer, imageObj); }); }); }); }
async function getImageReceiverSurfaceId(receiver: image.ImageReceiver): Promise<string | undefined> { let photoSurfaceId: string | undefined = undefined; console.info('before ImageReceiver check'); if (receiver !== undefined) { console.info('ImageReceiver is ok'); setImageArrivalCb(receiver); photoSurfaceId = await receiver.getReceivingSurfaceId(); console.info(`ImageReceived id: ${JSON.stringify(photoSurfaceId)}`); } else { console.error('ImageReceiver is not ok'); } return photoSurfaceId; }
function getPhotoOutput(cameraManager: camera.CameraManager, cameraOutputCapability: camera.CameraOutputCapability, photoSurfaceId: string): camera.PhotoOutput | undefined { let photoProfilesArray: Array<camera.Profile> = cameraOutputCapability.photoProfiles; if (!photoProfilesArray) { console.error("createOutput photoProfilesArray == null || undefined"); } let photoOutput: camera.PhotoOutput | undefined = undefined; try { photoOutput = cameraManager.createPhotoOutput(photoProfilesArray[0], photoSurfaceId); } catch (error) { let err = error as BusinessError; console.error(`Failed to createPhotoOutput. error: ${JSON.stringify(err)}`); } return photoOutput; }
function configuringSession(captureSession: camera.CaptureSession): void { // 判断设备是否支持闪光灯 let flashStatus: boolean = false; try { flashStatus = captureSession.hasFlash(); } catch (error) { let err = error as BusinessError; console.error(`Failed to hasFlash. error: ${JSON.stringify(err)}`); } console.info(`Promise returned with the flash light support status: ${flashStatus}`); if (flashStatus) { // 判断是否支持自动闪光灯模式 let flashModeStatus: boolean = false; try { let status: boolean = captureSession.isFlashModeSupported(camera.FlashMode.FLASH_MODE_AUTO); flashModeStatus = status; } catch (error) { let err = error as BusinessError; console.error(`Failed to check whether the flash mode is supported. error: ${JSON.stringify(err)}`); } if (flashModeStatus) { // 设置自动闪光灯模式 try { captureSession.setFlashMode(camera.FlashMode.FLASH_MODE_AUTO); } catch (error) { let err = error as BusinessError; console.error(`Failed to set the flash mode. error: ${JSON.stringify(err)}`); } } } // 判断是否支持连续自动变焦模式 let focusModeStatus: boolean = false; try { let status: boolean = captureSession.isFocusModeSupported(camera.FocusMode.FOCUS_MODE_CONTINUOUS_AUTO); focusModeStatus = status; } catch (error) { let err = error as BusinessError; console.error(`Failed to check whether the focus mode is supported. error: ${JSON.stringify(err)}`); } if (focusModeStatus) { // 设置连续自动变焦模式 try { captureSession.setFocusMode(camera.FocusMode.FOCUS_MODE_CONTINUOUS_AUTO); } catch (error) { let err = error as BusinessError; console.error(`Failed to set the focus mode. error: ${JSON.stringify(err)}`); } } // 获取相机支持的可变焦距比范围 let zoomRatioRange: Array<number> = []; try { zoomRatioRange = captureSession.getZoomRatioRange(); } catch (error) { let err = error as BusinessError; console.error(`Failed to get the zoom ratio range. error: ${JSON.stringify(err)}`); } if (zoomRatioRange.length <= 0 ) { return; } // 设置可变焦距比 try { captureSession.setZoomRatio(zoomRatioRange[0]); } catch (error) { let err = error as BusinessError; console.error(`Failed to set the zoom ratio value. error: ${JSON.stringify(err)}`); } }
function capture(captureLocation: camera.Location, photoOutput: camera.PhotoOutput): void { let settings: camera.PhotoCaptureSetting = { quality: camera.QualityLevel.QUALITY_LEVEL_HIGH, // 设置图片质量高 rotation: camera.ImageRotation.ROTATION_0, // 设置图片旋转角度0 location: captureLocation, // 设置图片地理位置 mirror: false // 设置镜像使能开关(默认关) }; photoOutput.capture(settings, (err: BusinessError) => { if (err) { console.error(`Failed to capture the photo. error: ${JSON.stringify(err)}`); return; } console.info('Callback invoked to indicate the photo capture request success.'); }); }
function onPhotoOutputCaptureStart(photoOutput: camera.PhotoOutput): void { photoOutput.on('captureStart', (err: BusinessError, captureId: number) => { console.info(`photo capture stated, captureId : ${captureId}`); }); }
function onPhotoOutputCaptureEnd(photoOutput: camera.PhotoOutput): void { photoOutput.on('captureEnd', (err: BusinessError, captureEndInfo: camera.CaptureEndInfo) => { console.info(`photo capture end, captureId : ${captureEndInfo.captureId}`); console.info(`frameCount : ${captureEndInfo.frameCount}`); }); }
function onPhotoOutputError(photoOutput: camera.PhotoOutput): void { photoOutput.on('error', (error: BusinessError) => { console.info(`Photo output error code: ${error.code}`); }); }