Application Privilege Configuration

Application privileges are high-level capabilities of an application, for example, restricting an application from being uninstalled or restricting application data from being deleted.

OpenHarmony provides both general and device-specific application privileges. The latter can be configured by device vendors for applications on different devices. The privileges configured in the install_list_capability.json file take precedence over the privileges configured in the signing certificate.


  • To avoid user dissatisfaction or even infringement, do not abuse application privileges.
  • Modifying the application privileges in its profile applies only to the applications or services in debug mode. For a commercial application, apply for a release certificate and profile in the corresponding application market.

General Application Privileges


General application privileges are privileges available to applications on all types of devices. The following table lists the general application privileges.

Privilege Description
AllowAppDataNotCleared Prevents deletion of application data.
AllowAppDesktopIconHide Allows the application icon to be hidden from the home screen.
AllowAbilityPriorityQueried Allows the ability priority to be queried.
AllowAbilityExcludeFromMissions Allows an ability to be hidden in the mission stack.
AllowAppShareLibrary Allows an ability to provide the HSP capability for other applications.
AllowMissionNotCleared Prevents the mission from being cleared.

How to Configure

  1. In the HarmonyAppProvision file, set the general application privileges in the app-privilege-capabilities field.
  2. Use the hapsigner tool to sign the HarmonyAppProvision file to generate a .p7b file.
  3. Use the .p7b file to sign the HAP.

Reference: hapsigner


    "version-name": "1.0.0",
    "bundle-info": {
        "developer-id": "OpenHarmony",
    "issuer": "pki_internal",
    "app-privilege-capabilities": ["AllowAppDataNotCleared", "AllowAppDesktopIconHide"] // The application data cannot be deleted, and the application icon can be hidden on the home screen.

Device-specific Application Privileges


In addition to general application privileges, device vendors can define device-specific privileges for an application, as described in the table below.

Privilege Type Default Value Description
removable bool true Allows an application to be uninstalled. This privilege takes effect only for preset applications.
keepAlive bool false Allows an application to keep running in the background.
singleton bool false Allows an application to be installed for a single user (user 0).
allowCommonEvent string[] - Allows an application to be started by a static broadcast.
associatedWakeUp bool false Allows an application in the FA model to be woken up by an associated application.
runningResourcesApply bool false Allows an application to request running resources, such as the CPU, event notifications, and Bluetooth.
allowAppDataNotCleared bool false Prevents deletion of application data.
allowAppMultiProcess bool false Allows multiple instances for an application.
allowAppDesktopIconHide bool false Allows the application icon to be hidden from the home screen.
allowAbilityPriorityQueried bool false Allows the ability priority to be queried.
allowAbilityExcludeFromMissions bool false Allows an ability to be hidden in the mission stack.
allowAppUsePrivilegeExtension bool false Allows an application to use ServiceExtension and DataExtension abilities.
allowFormVisibleNotify bool false Allows a widget to be visible on the home screen.
allowAppShareLibrary bool false Allows an ability to provide the HSP capability for other applications.
allowMissionNotCleared bool false Prevents the mission from being cleared.

How to Configure

Configure the required privileges in the configuration file.


Configuration in install_list_capability.json

    "install_list": [
            "bundleName": "com.example.kikakeyboard",
            "singleton": true,                      // The application is installed for a single user.
            "keepAlive": true,                      // The application can keep running in the background.
            "runningResourcesApply": true,          // The application can apply for running resources such as the CPU, event notifications, and Bluetooth.
            "associatedWakeUp": true,               // The application in the FA model can be woken up by an associated application.
            "app_signature": ["****"],              // The setting takes effect only when the configured certificate fingerprint is the same as the HAP certificate fingerprint.
            "allowCommonEvent": ["usual.event.SCREEN_ON", "usual.event.THERMAL_LEVEL_CHANGED"]
            "allowAppDataNotCleared": true,         // The application data cannot be deleted.
            "allowAppMultiProcess": true,           // Allow multiple instances for the application.
            "allowAppDesktopIconHide": true,        // The application icon can be hidden from the home screen.
            "allowAbilityPriorityQueried": true,    // The ability priority can be queried.
            "allowAbilityExcludeFromMissions": true,// Allow the ability to be excluded from the mission stack.
            "allowAppUsePrivilegeExtension": true,  // The application can use ServiceExtension and DataExtension abilities.
            "allowFormVisibleNotify": true          // The widget is visible on the home screen.
            "allowAppShareLibrary": true            // Allow the application to provide the inter-application HSP capability.
            "allowMissionNotCleared": true          // The mission cannot be cleared.

Obtaining the Certificate Fingerprint

  1. Create the profile.cer file, and copy the certificate content under the distribution-certificate field of the HarmonyAppProvision file to the profile.cer file.

        "bundle-info": {
            "distribution-certificate": "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----\nMIICMzCCAbegAwIBAgIEaOC/zDAMBggqhkjOPQQDAwUAMk..." / Certificate content.
  2. Apply line breaks in the profile.cer content and remove the newline characters.

    -----END CERTIFICATE-----
  3. Use keytool to run the following command to obtain the certificate fingerprint.

    You can obtain the keytool from the \tools\openjdk\bin directory after DevEco Studio is installed.

    keytool -printcert -file profile.cer
    # Example
    # result:
    # Issued To: CN=OpenHarmony Application Release, OU=OpenHarmony Team, O=OpenHarmony, C=CN
    # Issued By: CN=OpenHarmony Application CA, OU=OpenHarmony Team, O=OpenHarmony, C=CN
    # SN: 68e0bfcc
    # Valid From: Tue Feb 02 20:19:31 CST 2021, Valid To: Fri Dec 31 20:19:31 CST 2049
    # Fingerprints:
    #          SHA1 fingerprint: E3:E8:7C:65:B8:1D:02:52:24:6A:06:A4:3C:4A:02:39:19:92:D1:F5
    #          SHA256: 8E:93:86:3F:C3:2E:E2:38:06:0B:F6:9A:9B:37:E2:60:8F:FF:B2:1F:93:C8:62:DD:51:1C:BA:C9:F3:00:24:B5
    # // The certificate fingerprint with the colons (:) removed is  8E93863FC32EE238060BF69A9B37E2608FFFB21F93C862DD511CBAC9F30024B5.
    # ...
  4. Remove the colons (:) from the SHA256 certificate fingerprint and fill the fingerprint in the app_signature field in the install_list_capability.json file.

       "install_list": [
                "app_signature": ["8E93863FC32EE238060BF69A9B37E2608FFFB21F93C862DD511CBAC9F30024B5"],

Configuration in install_list.json

     "install_list" : [
            "app_dir" : "/system/app/com.ohos.launcher",
            "removable": true // The application can be uninstalled.