OpenHarmony Node-API FAQs

What should I do when "undefined/not callable" is reported for an API of a module imported from a .so file?

  1. Check whether the module name in the .cpp file used in module registration is the same as that in the .so file name.
    For example, if the module name is entry, the .so file name must be, and the nm_modname field in napi_module must be entry. The module names must be of the same case.

  2. Check whether the .so file is successfully loaded.
    Check the logs of the module loading during application startup. Search for the keyword "dlopen" and check for related error information. Common causes of a loading failure include permission denied, failure to load dependent .so files, and an incorrect loading path.

  3. Check whether the dependent .so files are successfully loaded.
    Check that all the dependent .so files are packaged into the application and the application has the permission to open them.

  4. Check whether the module import mode matches the .so file path.
    If the module is imported by using import xxx from '@ohos.yyy.zzz', you may find or in /system/lib/module/yyy (for a 32-bit system) or /system/lib64/module/yyy (for a 64-bit system). If the .so file does not exist or the file names do not match, an error containing the keyword "dlopen" will be reported.

What should I do when an unexpected value is returned by an API and "occur exception need return" is reported?

Before the call is complete, some Node-API interfaces are checked for JS exceptions in the VM. If an exception is detected, "occur exception need return" will be reported, with the line number of the code and the Node-API interface name.

You can solve this problem as follows:

  • If the exception does not matter, clear the exception.
    Call napi_get_and_clear_last_exception before "occur exception need return" is printed to clear the exception.

  • Throw the exception to the ArkTS layer for capture.
    Throw the exception directly to the ArkTS layer without going through the native logic.

What are the differences between the lifecycle of napi_value and napi_ref?

  • native_value is managed by HandleScope. Generally, you do not need to add HandleScope for native_value (except for complete callback of uv_queue_work).

  • napi_ref must be deleted manually.

How do I locate the fault if the return value of a Node-API interface is not "napi_ok"?

When a Node-API interface is successfully executed, napi_ok is returned. If the return value is not napi_ok, locate the fault as follows:

  • Check the result of the input parameter null check, which is performed first before a Node-API interface is executed. The code is as follows:

    CHECK_ENV: null check for env.
    CHECK_ARG: null check for other input parameters.
  • Check the result of the input parameter type check, which is performed for certain Node-API interfaces. For example, napi_get_value_double is used to obtain a C double value from a JS number, and the type of the JS value passed in must be number. The parameter type check is as follows:

    RETURN_STATUS_IF_FALSE(env, nativeValue->TypeOf() == NATIVE_NUMBER, napi_number_expected);
  • Check the return value, which contains the verification result of certain interfaces. For example, napi_call_function is used to execute a JS function. If an exception occurs in the JS function, Node-API returns napi_pending_exception.

    auto resultValue = engine->CallFunction(nativeRecv, nativeFunc, nativeArgv, argc); 
    RETURN_STATUS_IF_FALSE(env, resultValue != nullptr, napi_pending_exception)
  • Determine the status value returned, and analyze the situation in which the status value is returned.