Interactive Tool User Guide


You can use Bindgen and CXX to implement the interaction between Rust and C/C++. Bindgen enables Rust to call C by converting C interfaces into Rust interfaces. CXX implement interaction between C++ and Rust by generating bindings between C interfaces and Rust interfaces.


Using Bindgen


The following example shows how to use Bindgen to implement invocation of C by Rust.

  1. In the header file lib.h, define two interfaces FuncAAddB and SayHello in C. The FuncAAddB interface calculates the sum of two numbers, and the SayHello interface prints strings.

    #include <stdint.h>
    #include "build/rust/tests/test_bindgen_test/test_for_hello_world/lib2.h"
    uint32_t FuncAAddB(uint32_t a, uint32_t b);
    void SayHello(const char *message);
  2. Add the implementation of the two interfaces to lib.c.

    #include "build/rust/tests/test_bindgen_test/test_for_hello_world/lib.h"
    #include <stdint.h>
    #include <stdio.h>
    void SayHello(const char *message)
        printf("This is a test for bindgen hello world:\n");
        printf("%s\n", message);
    uint32_t FuncAAddB(uint32_t a, uint32_t b)
        printf("This is a test for bindgen of a + b:\n");
        return a + b;
  3. Create the file to call C interfaces through c_ffi using Rust. Note that insecure interfaces called by Rust must be encapsulated by using unsafe.

    //!  bindgen test for hello world
    mod c_ffi {
    /// pub fn add_two_numbers_in_c
    pub fn add_two_numbers_in_c(a: u32, b: u32) -> u32 {
        unsafe { c_ffi::FuncAAddB(a, b) }
    use std::ffi::c_char;
    use std::ffi::CString;
    /// fn main()
    fn main() {
        println!("{} + {} = {}", 3, 7, add_two_numbers_in_c(3, 7));
        let c_str = CString::new("This is a message from C").unwrap();
        let c_world: *const c_char = c_str.as_ptr() as *const c_char;
        unsafe {
  4. Create the file to define the dependency of the Rust module on the C module.

    ohos_shared_library("c_lib") {
      sources = [ "lib.c" ]
      defines = [ "COMPONENT_IMPLEMENTATION" ]
    rust_bindgen("c_lib_bindgen") {
      header = "lib.h"
    ohos_rust_executable("bindgen_test") {
      deps = [ ":c_lib" ]
      deps += [ ":c_lib_bindgen" ]
      sources = [ "" ]
      bindgen_output = get_target_outputs(":c_lib_bindgen")
      inputs = bindgen_output
      rustenv = [ "BINDGEN_RS_FILE=" + rebase_path(bindgen_output[0]) ]
      crate_root = ""



Using CXX

Calling Rust Interfaces by C++

  1. In the Rust file, add the C++ interfaces to be called in mod ffi, and add the interfaces in extern "Rust" to expose them to C++.

    //! #[cxx::bridge]
    mod ffi{
        #[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord)]
        struct Shared {
            z: usize,
        extern "Rust"{
            fn print_message_in_rust();
            fn r_return_primitive() -> usize;
            fn r_return_shared() -> Shared;
            fn r_return_rust_string() -> String;
            fn r_return_sum(_: usize, _: usize) -> usize;
    fn print_message_in_rust(){
        println!("Here is a test for cpp call Rust.");
    fn r_return_shared() -> ffi::Shared {
        println!("Here is a message from Rust,test for ffi::Shared:");
        ffi::Shared { z: 1996 }
    fn r_return_primitive() -> usize {
        println!("Here is a message from Rust,test for usize:");
    fn r_return_rust_string() -> String {
        println!("Here is a message from Rust,test for String");
        "Hello World!".to_owned()
    fn r_return_sum(n1: usize, n2: usize) -> usize {
        println!("Here is a message from Rust,test for {} + {} is:",n1 ,n2);
        n1 + n2
  2. Include (converted from by the CXX tool) in C++ code.

    #include <iostream>
    #include "build/rust/tests/test_cxx/src/"
    int main(int argc, const char* argv[])
        int a = 2021;
        int b = 4;
        std::cout << r_return_primitive() << std::endl;
        std::cout << r_return_shared().z << std::endl;
        std::cout << std::string(r_return_rust_string()) << std::endl;
        std::cout << r_return_sum(a, b) << std::endl;
        return 0;
  3. Create the file. The underlying rust_cxx calls the CXX tool to convert the file into and ohos_rust_static_ffi implements compilation of the Rust source code, and ohos_executable implements compilation of the C++ code.

    rust_cxx("test_cxx_exe_gen") {
        sources = [ "src/" ]
    ohos_rust_static_ffi("test_cxx_examp_rust") {
        sources = [ "src/" ]
        deps = [ "//build/rust:cxx_rustdeps" ]
    ohos_executable("test_cxx_exe") {
        sources = [ "main.cpp" ]
        sources += get_target_outputs(":test_cxx_exe_gen")
        include_dirs = [ "${target_gen_dir}" ]
        deps = [

Verification cpp_call_rust

Calling C++ by Rust

  1. Create the header file client_blobstore.h.

    #include <memory>
    #include "third_party/rust/cxx/include/cxx.h"
    namespace nsp_org {
    namespace nsp_blobstore {
    struct MultiBufs;
    struct Metadata_Blob;
    class client_blobstore {
        uint64_t put_buf(MultiBufs &buf) const;
        void add_tag(uint64_t blobid, rust::Str add_tag) const;
        Metadata_Blob get_metadata(uint64_t blobid) const;
        class impl;
        std::shared_ptr<impl> impl;
    std::unique_ptr<client_blobstore> blobstore_client_new();
    } // namespace nsp_blobstore
    } // namespace nsp_org
  2. Create the client_blobstore.cpp file.

    #include <algorithm>
    #include <functional>
    #include <set>
    #include <string>
    #include <unordered_map>
    #include "src/"
    #include "build/rust/tests/test_cxx_rust/include/client_blobstore.h"
    namespace nsp_org {
    namespace nsp_blobstore {
    // Toy implementation of an in-memory nsp_blobstore.
    // The real implementation of client_blobstore could be a large complex C++
    // library.
    class client_blobstore::impl {
        friend client_blobstore;
        using Blob = struct {
            std::string data;
            std::set<std::string> tags;
        std::unordered_map<uint64_t, Blob> blobs;
    client_blobstore::client_blobstore() : impl(new class client_blobstore::impl) {}
    // Upload a new blob and return a blobid that serves as a handle to the blob.
    uint64_t client_blobstore::put_buf(MultiBufs &buf) const
        std::string contents;
        // Traverse the caller's res_chunk iterator.
        // In reality there might be sophisticated batching of chunks and/or parallel
        // upload implemented by the nsp_blobstore's C++ client.
        while (true) {
            auto res_chunk = next_chunk(buf);
            if (res_chunk.size() == 0) {
            contents.append(reinterpret_cast<const char *>(, res_chunk.size());
        // Insert into map and provide caller the handle.
        auto res = std::hash<std::string> {} (contents);
        impl->blobs[res] = {std::move(contents), {}};
        return res;
    // Add add_tag to an existing blob.
    void client_blobstore::add_tag(uint64_t blobid, rust::Str add_tag) const
    // Retrieve get_metadata about a blob.
    Metadata_Blob client_blobstore::get_metadata(uint64_t blobid) const
        Metadata_Blob get_metadata {};
        auto blob = impl->blobs.find(blobid);
        if (blob != impl->blobs.end()) {
            get_metadata.size = blob->;
            std::for_each(blob->second.tags.cbegin(), blob->second.tags.cend(),
                [&](auto &t) { get_metadata.tags.emplace_back(t); });
        return get_metadata;
    std::unique_ptr<client_blobstore> blobstore_client_new()
        return std::make_unique<client_blobstore>();
    } // namespace nsp_blobstore
    } // namespace nsp_org
  3. In ffi of the file, use the macro includes! to import the header file client_blobstore.h. Then, the main() function of Rust can call the C++ interfaces in ffi mode.

    //! test_cxx_rust
    #[cxx::bridge(namespace = "nsp_org::nsp_blobstore")]
    mod ffi {
        // Shared structs with fields visible to both languages.
        struct Metadata_Blob {
            size: usize,
            tags: Vec<String>,
        // Rust types and signatures exposed to C++.
        extern "Rust" {
            type MultiBufs;
            fn next_chunk(buf: &mut MultiBufs) -> &[u8];
        // C++ types and signatures exposed to Rust.
        unsafe extern "C++" {
            type client_blobstore;
            fn blobstore_client_new() -> UniquePtr<client_blobstore>;
            fn put_buf(&self, parts: &mut MultiBufs) -> u64;
            fn add_tag(&self, blobid: u64, add_tag: &str);
            fn get_metadata(&self, blobid: u64) -> Metadata_Blob;
    // An iterator over contiguous chunks of a discontiguous file object.
    // Toy implementation uses a Vec<Vec<u8>> but in reality this might be iterating
    // over some more complex Rust data structure like a rope, or maybe loading
    // chunks lazily from somewhere.
    /// pub struct MultiBufs
    pub struct MultiBufs {
        chunks: Vec<Vec<u8>>,
        pos: usize,
    /// pub fn next_chunk
    pub fn next_chunk(buf: &mut MultiBufs) -> &[u8] {
        let next = buf.chunks.get(buf.pos);
        buf.pos += 1;
        next.map_or(&[], Vec::as_slice)
    /// fn main()
    fn main() {
        let client = ffi::blobstore_client_new();
        // Upload a blob.
        let chunks = vec![b"fearless".to_vec(), b"concurrency".to_vec()];
        let mut buf = MultiBufs { chunks, pos: 0 };
        let blobid = client.put_buf(&mut buf);
        println!("This is a test for Rust call cpp:");
        println!("blobid = {}", blobid);
        // Add a add_tag.
        client.add_tag(blobid, "rust");
        // Read back the tags.
        let get_metadata = client.get_metadata(blobid);
        println!("tags = {:?}", get_metadata.tags);
  4. Create the file. Use CXX to convert into and, which are used as the source code of test_cxx_rust_staticlib. Compile Rust, and add the dependency test_cxx_rust_staticlib.

    rust_cxx("test_cxx_rust_gen") {
      sources = [ "src/" ]
    ohos_static_library("test_cxx_rust_staticlib") {
      sources = [ "src/client_blobstore.cpp" ]
      sources += get_target_outputs(":test_cxx_rust_gen")
      include_dirs = [
      deps = [
    ohos_rust_executable("test_cxx_rust") {
      sources = [ "src/" ]
      deps = [

Verification rust_call_cpp