LocalStorage: UI State Storage

LocalStorage provides storage for the page-level UI state. The parameters of the LocalStorage type accepted through the @Entry decorator share the same LocalStorage instance on the page. LocalStorage also allows for state sharing between pages with UIAbility instances.

This topic describes only the LocalStorage application scenarios and related decorators: @LocalStorageProp and @LocalStorageLink.


LocalStorage is supported since API version 9.


LocalStorage is an in-memory "database" that ArkTS provides for storing state variables required to build pages of the application UI.

  • An application can create multiple LocalStorage instances. These instances can be shared on a page or, by using the GetShared API, across pages in a UIAbility instance.

  • The root node of a component tree, that is, the @Component decorated by @Entry, can be assigned to a LocalStorage instance. All child instances of this custom component automatically gain access to the same LocalStorage instance.

  • An @Component decorated component has access to at most one LocalStorage instance and to AppStorage. A component not decorated with @Entry cannot be assigned a LocalStorage instance. It can only accept a LocalStorage instance passed from its parent component through @Entry. A LocalStorage instance can be assigned to multiple components in the component tree.

  • All attributes in LocalStorage are mutable.

The application determines the lifecycle of a LocalStorage object. The JS Engine will garbage collect a LocalStorage object when the application releases the last reference to it, which includes deleting the last custom component.

LocalStorage provides two decorators based on the synchronization type of the component decorated with @Component:

  • @LocalStorageProp: @LocalStorageProp creates a one-way data synchronization from the named attribute in LocalStorage to the @LocalStorageProp decorated variable.

  • @LocalStorageLink: @LocalStorageLink creates a two-way data synchronization with the named attribute in the @Component's LocalStorage.



As mentioned above, if you want to establish a binding between LocalStorage and a custom component, you need to use the @LocalStorageProp and @LocalStorageLink decorators. Use @LocalStorageProp(key) or @LocalStorageLink(key) to decorate variables in the component. key identifies the attribute in LocalStorage.

When a custom component is initialized, the @LocalStorageProp(key)/@LocalStorageLink(key) decorated variable is initialized with the value of the attribute with the given key in LocalStorage. Local initialization is mandatory. If an attribute with the given key is missing from LocalStorage, it will be added with the stated initializing value. (Whether the attribute with the given key exists in LocalStorage depends on the application logic.)


Since API version 9, this decorator is supported in ArkTS widgets.

By decorating a variable with @LocalStorageProp(key), a one-way data synchronization is established from the attribute with the given key in LocalStorage to the variable. This means that, local changes (if any) will not be synchronized to LocalStorage, and an update to the attribute with the given key in LocalStorage – for example, a change made with the **set ** API – will overwrite local changes.

Rules of Use

@LocalStorageProp Decorator Description
Decorator parameters key: constant string, mandatory (the string must be quoted)
Allowed variable types Object, class, string, number, Boolean, enum, and array of these types. For details about the scenarios of nested objects, see Observed Changes and Behavior.
The type must be specified. Whenever possible, use the same type as that of the corresponding attribute in LocalStorage. Otherwise, implicit type conversion occurs, causing application behavior exceptions. any is not supported. The undefined and null values are not allowed.
Synchronization type One-way: from the attribute in LocalStorage to the component variable. The component variable can be changed locally, but an update from LocalStorage will overwrite local changes.
Initial value for the decorated variable Mandatory. It is used as the default value for initialization if the attribute does not exist in LocalStorage.

Variable Transfer/Access Rules

Transfer/Access Description
Initialization and update from the parent component Forbidden.
Child component initialization Supported. The @LocalStorageProp decorated variable can be used to initialize an @State, @Link, @Prop, or @Provide decorated variable in the child component.
Access from outside the component Not supported.

Figure 1 @LocalStorageProp initialization rule


Observed Changes and Behavior

Observed Changes

  • When the decorated variable is of the Boolean, string, or number type, its value change can be observed.

  • When the decorated variable is of the class or object type, its value change as well as value changes of all its attributes (the attributes that Object.keys(observedObject) returns) can be observed.

  • When the decorated variable is of the array type, the addition, deletion, and updates of array items can be observed.

Framework Behavior

  • When the value change of the @LocalStorageProp(key) decorated variable is observed, the change is not synchronized to the attribute with the give key value in LocalStorage.

  • The value change of the @LocalStorageProp(key) decorated variable only applies to the private member variables of the current component, but not other variables bound to the key.

  • When the data decorated by @LocalStorageProp(key) is a state variable, the change of the data is not synchronized to LocalStorage, but the owning custom component is re-rendered.

  • When the attribute with the given key in LocalStorage is updated, the change is synchronized to all the @LocalStorageProp(key) decorated data, and the local changes of the data are overwritten.

@LocalStorageLink is required if you need to synchronize the changes of the state variables in a custom component back to LocalStorage.

@LocalStorageLink(key) creates a two-way data synchronization with the attribute with the given key in LocalStorage.

  1. If a local change occurs, it is synchronized to LocalStorage.

  2. Changes in LocalStorage are synchronized to all attributes with the given key, including one-way bound variables (@LocalStorageProp decorated variables and one-way bound variables created through @Prop) and two-way bound variables (@LocalStorageLink decorated variables and two-way bound variables created through @Link).

Rules of Use

@LocalStorageLink Decorator Description
Decorator parameters key: constant string, mandatory (the string must be quoted)
Allowed variable types Object, class, string, number, Boolean, enum, and array of these types. For details about the scenarios of nested objects, see Observed Changes and Behavior.
The type must be specified. Whenever possible, use the same type as that of the corresponding attribute in LocalStorage. Otherwise, implicit type conversion occurs, causing application behavior exceptions. any is not supported. The undefined and null values are not allowed.
Synchronization type Two-way: from the attribute in LocalStorage to the custom component variable and back
Initial value for the decorated variable Mandatory. It is used as the default value for initialization if the attribute does not exist in LocalStorage.

Variable Transfer/Access Rules

Transfer/Access Description
Initialization and update from the parent component Forbidden.
Child component initialization Supported. The @LocalStorageLink decorated variable can be used to initialize an @State, @Link, @Prop, or @Provide decorated variable in the child component.
Access from outside the component Not supported.

Figure 2 @LocalStorageLink initialization rule


Observed Changes and Behavior

Observed Changes

  • When the decorated variable is of the Boolean, string, or number type, its value change can be observed.

  • When the decorated variable is of the class or object type, its value change as well as value changes of all its attributes (the attributes that Object.keys(observedObject) returns) can be observed.

  • When the decorated variable is of the array type, the addition, deletion, and updates of array items can be observed.

Framework Behavior

  1. When the value change of the @LocalStorageLink(key) decorated variable is observed, the change is synchronized to the attribute with the give key value in LocalStorage.

  2. Once the attribute with the given key in LocalStorage is updated, all the data (including @LocalStorageLink and @LocalStorageProp decorated variables) bound to the attribute key is changed synchronously.

  3. When the data decorated by @LocalStorageLink(key) is a state variable, the change of the data is synchronized to LocalStorage, and the owning custom component is re-rendered.

Use Scenarios

Example of Using LocalStorage in Application Logic

let para: Record<string,number> = { 'PropA': 47 };
let storage: LocalStorage = new LocalStorage(para); // Create an instance and initialize it with the given object.
let propA: number | undefined = storage.get('PropA') // propA == 47
let link1: SubscribedAbstractProperty<number> = storage.link('PropA'); // link1.get() == 47
let link2: SubscribedAbstractProperty<number> = storage.link('PropA'); // link2.get() == 47
let prop: SubscribedAbstractProperty<number> = storage.prop('PropA'); // prop.get() == 47
link1.set(48); // two-way sync: link1.get() == link2.get() == prop.get() == 48
prop.set(1); // one-way sync: prop.get() == 1; but link1.get() == link2.get() == 48
link1.set(49); // two-way sync: link1.get() == link2.get() == prop.get() == 49

Example for Using LocalStorage from Inside the UI

The two decorators @LocalStorageProp and @LocalStorageLink can work together to obtain the state variable stored in a LocalStorage instance in the UI component.

This example uses @LocalStorageLink to show how to:

  • Use the build function to create a LocalStorage instance named storage.

  • Use the @Entry decorator to add storage to the top-level component CompA.

  • Use @LocalStorageLink to create a two-way data synchronization with the given attribute in LocalStorage.

// Create a new instance and initialize it with the given object.
let para: Record<string, number> = { 'PropA': 47 };
let storage: LocalStorage = new LocalStorage(para);

struct Child {
 // @LocalStorageLink creates a two-way data synchronization with the PropA attribute in LocalStorage.
 @LocalStorageLink('PropA') storageLink2: number = 1;

 build() {
   Button(`Child from LocalStorage ${this.storageLink2}`)
     // The changes will be synchronized to PropA in LocalStorage and with Parent.storageLink1.
     .onClick(() => {
       this.storageLink2 += 1
// Make LocalStorage accessible from the @Component decorated component.
struct CompA {
 // @LocalStorageLink creates a two-way data synchronization with the PropA attribute in LocalStorage.
 @LocalStorageLink('PropA') storageLink1: number = 1;

 build() {
   Column({ space: 15 }) {
     Button(`Parent from LocalStorage ${this.storageLink1}`) // initial value from LocalStorage will be 47, because 'PropA' initialized already
       .onClick(() => {
         this.storageLink1 += 1
     // The @Component decorated child component automatically obtains access to the CompA LocalStorage instance.

Simple Example of Using @LocalStorageProp with LocalStorage

In this example, the CompA and Child components create local data that is one-way synchronized with the PropA attribute in the LocalStorage instance storage.

  • The change of this.storProp1 in CompA takes effect only in CompA and is not synchronized to storage.

  • In the Child component, the value of storProp2 bound to Text is still 47.

// Create a new instance and initialize it with the given object.
let para: Record<string, number> = { 'PropA': 47 };
let storage: LocalStorage = new LocalStorage(para);
// Make LocalStorage accessible from the @Component decorated component.
struct CompA {
  // @LocalStorageProp creates a one-way data synchronization with the PropA attribute in LocalStorage.
  @LocalStorageProp('PropA') storageProp1: number = 1;

  build() {
    Column({ space: 15 }) {
      // The initial value is 47. After the button is clicked, the value is incremented by 1. The change takes effect only in storageProp1 in the current component and is not synchronized to LocalStorage.
      Button(`Parent from LocalStorage ${this.storageProp1}`)
        .onClick(() => {
          this.storageProp1 += 1

struct Child {
  // @LocalStorageProp creates a one-way data synchronization with the PropA attribute in LocalStorage.
  @LocalStorageProp('PropA') storageProp2: number = 2;

  build() {
    Column({ space: 15 }) {
      // When CompA changes, the current storageProp2 does not change, and 47 is displayed.
      Text(`Parent from LocalStorage ${this.storageProp2}`)

This example shows how to create a two-way data synchronization between an @LocalStorageLink decorated variable and LocalStorage.

// Create a LocalStorage instance.
let para: Record<string, number> = { 'PropA': 47 };
let storage: LocalStorage = new LocalStorage(para);
// Invoke the link API (available in API version 9 or later) to create a two-way data synchronization with PropA. linkToPropA is a global variable.
let linkToPropA: SubscribedAbstractProperty<object> = storage.link('PropA');

struct CompA {

  // @LocalStorageLink('PropA') creates a two-way synchronization with PropA in the CompA custom component. The initial value is 47, because PropA has been set to 47 during LocalStorage construction.
  @LocalStorageLink('PropA') storageLink: number = 1;

  build() {
    Column() {
      Text(`incr @LocalStorageLink variable`)
        // Clicking incr @LocalStorageLink variable increases the value of this.storageLink by 1. The change is synchronized back to the storage. The global variable linkToPropA also changes.

        .onClick(() => {
          this.storageLink += 1

      // Avoid using the global variable linkToPropA.get() in the component. Doing so may cause errors due to different lifecycles.
      Text(`@LocalStorageLink: ${this.storageLink} - linkToPropA: ${linkToPropA.get()}`)

Example of Syncing State Variables Between Sibling Components

This example shows how to use @LocalStorageLink to create a two-way synchronization for the state between sibling components.

Check the changes in the Parent custom component.

  1. Clicking playCount ${this.playCount} dec by 1 decreases the value of this.playCount by 1. This change is synchronized to LocalStorage and to the components bound to playCountLink in the Child component.

  2. Click countStorage ${this.playCount} incr by 1 to call the set API in LocalStorage to update the attributes corresponding to countStorage in LocalStorage. The components bound to** playCountLink** in the Child component are updated synchronously.

  3. The playCount in LocalStorage for debug ${storage.get<number>('countStorage')} <Text> component is not updated synchronously, because storage.get('countStorage') returns a regular variable. The update of a regular variable does not cause the <Text> component to be re-rendered.

Changes in the Child custom component:

  1. The update of playCountLink is synchronized to LocalStorage, and the parent and sibling child custom components are re-rendered accordingly.
let ls: Record<string, number> = { 'countStorage': 1 }
let storage: LocalStorage = new LocalStorage(ls);

struct Child {
  // Name the child component instance.
  label: string = 'no name';
  // Two-way synchronization with countStorage in LocalStorage.
  @LocalStorageLink('countStorage') playCountLink: number = 0;

  build() {
    Row() {
      Text(`playCountLink ${this.playCountLink}: inc by 1`)
        .onClick(() => {
          this.playCountLink += 1;

struct Parent {
  @LocalStorageLink('countStorage') playCount: number = 0;

  build() {
    Column() {
      Row() {
        Text(`playCount ${this.playCount} dec by 1`)
          .onClick(() => {
            this.playCount -= 1;

      Row() {
        Text(`countStorage ${this.playCount} incr by 1`)
          .onClick(() => {
            storage.set<number | undefined>('countStorage', Number(storage.get<number>('countStorage')) + 1);

      Child({ label: 'ChildA' })
      Child({ label: 'ChildB' })

      Text(`playCount in LocalStorage for debug ${storage.get<number>('countStorage')}`)

Example of Sharing a LocalStorage Instance from UIAbility to One or More Pages

In the preceding examples, the LocalStorage instance is shared only in an @Entry decorated component and its child component (a page). To enable a LocalStorage instance to be shared across pages, you can create a LocalStorage instance in its owning UIAbility and call windowStage.loadContent.

// EntryAbility.ets
import UIAbility from '@ohos.app.ability.UIAbility';
import window from '@ohos.window';

export default class EntryAbility extends UIAbility {
para:Record<string, number> = { 'PropA': 47 };
storage: LocalStorage = new LocalStorage(this.para);

onWindowStageCreate(windowStage: window.WindowStage) {
windowStage.loadContent('pages/Index', this.storage);


On the page, call the getShared API to obtain the LocalStorage instance shared through loadContent.

LocalStorage.getShared() works only on emulators and real devices, not in DevEco Studio Previewer.

In the following example, propA on the Index page uses the getShared() API to obtain the shared LocalStorage instance. Click the button to go to the Page page. Click Change propA and then return to the Index page. It can be observed that the value of propA on the page is changed.

// index.ets
import router from '@ohos.router';

// Use the getShared API to obtain the LocalStorage instance shared by stage.
let storage = LocalStorage.getShared()

struct Index {
  // The LocalStorage instance can be accessed using 
  // @LocalStorageLink/Prop decorated variables.
  @LocalStorageLink('PropA') propA: number = 1;

  build() {
    Row() {
      Column() {
        Button("To Page")
          .onClick(() => {
              url: 'pages/Page'
// Page.ets
import router from '@ohos.router';

let storage = LocalStorage.getShared()

struct Page {
  @LocalStorageLink('PropA') propA: number = 2;

  build() {
    Row() {
      Column() {

        Button("Change propA")
          .onClick(() => {
            this.propA = 100;

        Button("Back Index")
          .onClick(() => {


It is good practice to always create a LocalStorage instance with meaningful default values, which serve as a backup when execution exceptions occur and are also useful for unit testing of pages.