Utils Development


Utils provides OpenHarmony basic components, which provide enhanced C, C++, and JS APIs for OpenHarmony service subsystems and upper-layer applications. Utils provides the following components in /commonlibrary:

    ├── c_utils                  # c and c++ utils.
    ├── ets_utils                # extended TypeScript (eTS) utils.
    └── utils_lite               # Utils in c and JS for LiteOS.

The following lists the functions provided by each utils.


  • Enhanced APIs for operations related to files, paths, and strings
  • APIs for read/write locks, semaphores, timers, threads, and thread pools
  • APIs for security data containers and data serialization
  • Error codes for each subsystem


  • JS APIs for URI, URL, and XML operations
  • JS APIs for string encoding and decoding
  • JS APIs for process-related operations
  • Multithreading capability in JS


  • Hardware Abstraction Layer (HAL) APIs for file operations
  • APIs for internal functions, such as the timer

Development Guide



c_utils FAQs

See c_utils.