Context (FA Model)

There is only one context in the FA model. All capabilities in the context are provided through methods. The context uses these methods to extend the capabilities of the featureAbility class.

Available APIs

To use the context in the FA model, first import the featureAbility module.

import featureAbility from "@ohos.ability.featureAbility";

Then, call getContext() to obtain the Context object:

import featureAbility from "@ohos.ability.featureAbility";

let context = featureAbility.getContext()

For details about the APIs, see API Reference.

How to Develop

  1. Query bundle information.

    import featureAbility from '@ohos.ability.featureAbility';
    import Logger from '../utils/Logger';
    const TAG: string = 'MainAbility';
    class MainAbility {
      onCreate() {
        // Obtain the context and call related APIs.
        let context = featureAbility.getContext();
        context.getBundleName((data, bundleName) => {
, 'ability bundleName:' + bundleName);
        });, 'Application onCreate');
    export default new MainAbility();
  2. Set the display orientation of the featureAbility.

    import featureAbility from '@ohos.ability.featureAbility';
    import bundle from '@ohos.bundle';
    import Logger from '../utils/Logger';
    const TAG: string = 'PageAbilitySingleton';
    class PageAbilitySingleton {
      onCreate() {
        // Obtain the context and call related APIs.
        let context = featureAbility.getContext();
        context.setDisplayOrientation(bundle.DisplayOrientation.PORTRAIT).then(() => {
, 'Set display orientation.')
        }), 'Application onCreate');
      onDestroy() {, 'Application onDestroy');
    export default new PageAbilitySingleton();