Sample Server Development

When to Use

The sample server provides a package search server for checking update packages and obtaining the update package download URLs, which was previously unavailable in the real-world update service. The sample server supports update service testing and secondary development function verification, building an end-to-end environment to cater for diverse update service use cases.

How to Develop

  1. Generate an SSL certificate.

    Generate the serverKey.pem and serverCert.cer files for SSL communication of the sample server.

    openssl req -newkey rsa:2048 -nodes -keyout serverKey.pem -x509 -days 365 -out serverCert.cer -subj "/C=CN/ST=GD/L=GZ/O=abc/OU=defg/CN=hijk/"
  2. Modify the bundle.json file.

    Add sub_component to the build field.

    "sub_component": [
  3. Create a code directory.

    Go to the update_updateservice directory and run the following commands to create a code directory:

    mkdir server_sample                            // Create the server_sample folder.
    touch server_sample/                   // Create the file.
    mkdir server_sample/include                    // Create the include folder to store the header file of the sample server.
    touch server_process.h                         // Create the server_process.h header file.
    mkdir server_sample/src                        // Create the src folder to store the C/C++ files of the sample server.
    touch server_sample/src/server_process.c       // Create the server_process.c file.
    touch server_sample/src/main.cpp               // Create the main.cpp file.
  4. Write the file.

    The file contains two ohos components: ohos_shared_library file named and ohos_executable file named testserver.

    ohos_shared_library("server_process") {
    	sources = [
    	include_dirs = [
    	deps = [
    	part_name = "update_service"
    ohos_executable("testserver") {
    	sources = [
    	include_dirs = [
    	deps = [
    	part_name = "update_service"
  5. Write the server_process.h file.

    Declare the sample server APIs in the server_process.h file.

    #ifndef __SERVER_PROCESS_H__
    #define __SERVER_PROCESS_H__
    Init: creates a socket environment and presets certain attributes.
    int Init();
    SetParam: sets all plug-in parameters.
    int SetParam(const char *key, const char *value);
    GetParam: obtains all plug-in parameters.
    int GetParam(const char *key, char *value);
    ReverseSetParamCallback: callback.
    int ReverseSetParamCallback(int(*setParam)(const char *key, const char *value));
    Open: starts the service.
    int Open();
    MainLoop: invoked every 100 ms.
    int MainLoop();
    Close: stops the service and releases related resources.
    int Close();
    #endif //__SERVER_PROCESS_H__
  6. Write the server_process.c and main.cpp files.

    In the server_process.c file, mainly declare respondContent, the format of the response message returned by the server. Write the main.cpp file based on instructions for the common SSL protocol server. Be sure to include related header files and load the serverKey.pem and serverCert.cer files.

    #include "server_process.h"
    #include <netinet/in.h>
    #include <sys/types.h>
    #include <sys/socket.h>
    #include <arpa/inet.h>
    #include <unistd.h>
    #include <stdlib.h>
    #include <string.h>
    #include <stdio.h>
    #include "openssl/err.h"
    #include "openssl/ssl.h"
    #define SERVER_PEM "/data/sdcard/serverKey.pem"  // Use an absolute path.
    #define SERVER_CER "/data/sdcard/serverCert.cer" // Use an absolute path.
    #define LOG_PRINT(fmt, ...) printf("[ServerProcess][%s:%d] " fmt "\n", __func__, __LINE__, ##__VA_ARGS__)
    #define DO_CHECK(cond, log, ...) \
    	if (!(cond)) {\
    		return -1;\
    // Implement the function by referring to the APIs in the server_process.h file. Pay attention to the format of the response message from the server.
    respondContent = "{"
    	"\"searchStatus\": 0,"
    	"\"errMsg\": \"success\","
    	"\"checkResults\": [{"
    		"\"versionName\": \"sampleVersionName\","
    		"\"versionCode\": \"sampleVersionCode\","
    		"\"verifyInfo\": \"sampleVerifyInfoSha256Value\","
    		"\"size\": 1234567,"
    		"\"packageType\": 1,"
    		"\"descriptPackageId\": \"abcdefg1234567ABCDEFG\","
    	"\"descriptInfo\": [{"
    		"\"descriptionType\": 0,"
    		"\"content\": \"This package message is used for sampleContent\""
  7. Start building.

    The testserver and files are added to the build output directory.

  8. Develop an update package.

    For details, see the update_packaging_tools repository.

  9. Start the package search server.

    Create a directory that contains only English characters on the development board. Place the testserver,, serverCert.cer, and serverKey.pem files in the directory, go to the directory, and run the following command to start the package search server:

    ./testserver ./ &