Theme Framework Subsystem – Screenlock Management Service Changelog

cl.screenlock.1 API Error Change

Since API version 11, error code 13200002 is added to the unlock() API. This change is a compatible change and does not require adaptation.

Access Level

System API

Reason for Change

When an application not in focus calls the unlock() API, the previous error code returned – 201 "Permission denied" – does not signify the actual error. To rectify this issue, error code 13200002 is added.

Change Impact

This change is a compatible change and does not require adaptation.

Change Since

OpenHarmony SDK

Key API/Component Changes

The error code returned when an application not in focus calls unlock() is changed.

  • Involved API:
  function unlock(callback: AsyncCallback<boolean>): void;
  function unlock():Promise<boolean>;
  • Before change:

When an application not in focus calls unlock(), error code 201 is returned.

   * Unlock the screen.
   * @param { AsyncCallback<boolean> } callback - the callback of unlock.
   * @throws { BusinessError } 401 - parameter error.
   * @throws { BusinessError } 202 - permission verification failed, application which is not a system application uses system API.
   * @throws { BusinessError } 13200002 - the screenlock management service is abnormal.
   * @syscap SystemCapability.MiscServices.ScreenLock
   * @systemapi Hide this for inner system use.
   * @since 9
  function unlock(callback: AsyncCallback<boolean>): void;

   * Unlock the screen.
   * @returns Returns {@code true} if the screen is unlocked successfully; returns {@code false} otherwise.
   * @throws {BusinessError} 401 - parameter error.
   * @throws {BusinessError} 202 - permission verification failed, application which is not a system application uses system API.
   * @throws {BusinessError} 13200002 - the screenlock management service is abnormal.
   * @syscap SystemCapability.MiscServices.ScreenLock
   * @systemapi Hide this for inner system use.
   * @since 9
  function unlock():Promise<boolean>;
  • After change:

When an application not in focus calls unlock(), error code 13200003 is returned.

   * Unlock the screen.
   * @param { AsyncCallback<boolean> } callback - the callback of unlock.
   * @throws { BusinessError } 401 - parameter error.
   * @throws { BusinessError } 202 - permission verification failed, application which is not a system application uses system API.
   * @throws { BusinessError } 13200002 - the screenlock management service is abnormal.
   * @syscap SystemCapability.MiscServices.ScreenLock
   * @systemapi Hide this for inner system use.
   * @since 9
   * Unlock the screen.
   * @param { AsyncCallback<boolean> } callback - the callback of unlock.
   * @throws { BusinessError } 401 - parameter error.
   * @throws { BusinessError } 202 - permission verification failed, application which is not a system application uses system API.
   * @throws { BusinessError } 13200002 - the screenlock management service is abnormal.
   * @throws { BusinessError } 13200003 - illegal use.
   * @syscap SystemCapability.MiscServices.ScreenLock
   * @systemapi Hide this for inner system use.
   * @since 11
  function unlock(callback: AsyncCallback<boolean>): void;

   * Unlock the screen.
   * @returns Returns {@code true} if the screen is unlocked successfully; returns {@code false} otherwise.
   * @throws {BusinessError} 401 - parameter error.
   * @throws {BusinessError} 202 - permission verification failed, application which is not a system application uses system API.
   * @throws {BusinessError} 13200002 - the screenlock management service is abnormal.
   * @syscap SystemCapability.MiscServices.ScreenLock
   * @systemapi Hide this for inner system use.
   * @since 9
   * Unlock the screen.
   * @returns { Promise<boolean> } the promise returned by the function.
   * @throws { BusinessError } 202 - permission verification failed, application which is not a system application uses system API.
   * @throws { BusinessError } 13200002 - the screenlock management service is abnormal.
   * @throws { BusinessError } 13200003 - illegal use.
   * @syscap SystemCapability.MiscServices.ScreenLock
   * @systemapi Hide this for inner system use.
   * @since 11
  function unlock():Promise<boolean>;

Adaptation Guide

This change only involves error codes, and no adaptation is required.