OpenHarmony SELinux APIs


This topic describes the APIs provided to update the SELinux labels of files or directories, and how to use the APIs.

Available APIs

All the SELinux APIs are native C APIs that provide underlying capabilities only. These APIs are not available to applications.

API Description Parameter Description
int Restorecon(const char *path); Updates the label of a single file or directory without recursively traversing subdirectories.
If 0 is returned, the operation is successful. Otherwise, the operation fails.
path indicates the pointer to the absolute path of the target file or directory.
int RestoreconRecurse(const char *path); Updates the file or directory label for a single thread, and recursively traverses and updates the labels of subdirectories and their files.
If 0 is returned, the operation is successful. Otherwise, the operation fails.
path indicates the pointer to the absolute path of the target file or directory.
int RestoreconRecurseParallel(const char *path, unsigned int nthreads); Updates the file or directory labels for multiple threads, and recursively traverses and updates the labels of subdirectories and their files.
If 0 is returned, the operation is successful. Otherwise, the operation fails.
path indicates the pointer to the absolute path of the target file or directory.
nthreads indicates the number of threads.
int RestoreconRecurseForce(const char *path); Forcibly updates the file or directory label for a single thread, and recursively traverses and updates the labels of subdirectories and their files.
If 0 is returned, the operation is successful. Otherwise, the operation fails.
path indicates the pointer to the absolute path of the target file or directory.
int RestoreconFromParentDir(const char *path); Updates the label of the directory based on its parent directory for a single thread, and recursively traverses and updates the entire directory.
If 0 is returned, the operation is successful. Otherwise, the operation fails.
path indicates the pointer to the absolute path of the parent directory.

How to Develop

  1. Add the dependency for compilation.

    external_deps += [ "selinux_adapter:librestorecon" ]
  2. Include the header file.

    #include "policycoreutils.h"
  3. Call the APIs.

    For example, call Restorecon to update the labe of /data.

    // Update the label of /data.
    int ret = Restorecon("/data");