Window Title Bar Customization Development (C++)



OpenHarmony has a default UX style for window titles. It also allows you to customize the window titles in your own style to accommodate diverse needs.


A folder for storing the custom title bar code must be placed in foundation/arkui/ace_engine/frameworks/core/components_ng/pattern/container_modal. The build configuration must be specified in foundation/arkui/ace_engine/frameworks/core/components_ng/pattern/

How to Develop


To customize the title bar:

  1. In the frameworks/core/components/common/layout/constants.h file, define the values for MaximizeMode – a parameter that specifies the mode for maximizing or minimizing the window. In the following example, MODE_AVOID_SYSTEM_BAR and MODE_FULL_FILL are the values defined by vendor enhance.
    enum class MaximizeMode : uint32_t {
  2. In the foundation/arkui/ace_engine/frameworks/core/components_ng/pattern/container_modal/container_modal_view_factory.h file, add code to ContainerModalViewFactory::GetView for creating a custom window title bar based on the MaximizeMode settings.


ContainerModalViewFactory::GetView is a factory method that creates a window title bar based on the MaximizeMode settings. It is expanded as follows:

    class ACE_EXPORT ContainerModalViewFactory {
        static RefPtr<FrameNode> GetView(RefPtr<FrameNode>& content, MaximizeMode mode) {
            if (mode == MaximizeMode::MODE_AVOID_SYSTEM_BAR ||
                mode == MaximizeMode::MODE_FULL_FILL) {
                return ContainerModalViewEnhance::Create(content);
            } else {
                return ContainerModalView::Create(content);

In the preceding example from vendor enhance, a custom window title bar is created depending on the value of MaximizeMode (MaximizeMode::MODE_AVOID_SYSTEM_BAR or MaximizeMode::MODE_FULL_FILL).

  1. Create a folder in the foundation/arkui/ace_engine/frameworks/core/components_ng/pattern/container_modal directory to store the custom title bar code.


The entry to a custom title bar has been completed in steps 1 and 2. This step is to write the specific implementation code.

The structure of the container_modal folder is as follows: ```shell ├── container_modal_accessibility_property.cpp ├── container_modal_accessibility_property.h ├── container_modal_pattern.cpp ├── container_modal_pattern.h ├── container_modal_view.cpp ├── container_modal_view_factory.h ├── container_modal_view.h └── enhance ├── container_modal_pattern_enhance.cpp ├── container_modal_pattern_enhance.h ├── container_modal_view_enhance.cpp └── container_modal_view_enhance.h

    The **container_modal_*** file under **container_modal** contains the code related to the default title bar view. You can add your code file in the created folder for the custom title bar. In the preceding example, the **container_modal_*** file under **enhance** is the code file by vendor enhance.
4. Complete the build configuration for .cpp files in **foundation/arkui/ace_engine/frameworks/core/components_ng/pattern/**.

When the development is complete, you can debug and verify the custom title bar.
### Debugging and Verification
Before getting started, prepare the following files in the same directory:
- **open_maximize.bat**, the content of which is as follows:
    hdc shell mount -o rw,remount /sys_prod
    hdc file send window_manager_config_open.xml sys_prod/etc/window/resources/window_manager_config.xml
    hdc shell reboot
- **window_manager_config_open.xml**, the content of which is as follows:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
          <decor enable="true"/>
          <modeChangeHotZones>50 50 50</modeChangeHotZones>
          <defaultFloatingWindow>82 121 1068 706</defaultFloatingWindow>
          <splitRatios>0.5 0.33 0.67</splitRatios>
              <curve name="cubic">0.2 0.0 0.2 1.0</curve>
              <curve name="cubic">0.0 0.0 0.2 1.0</curve>
            <scale>0.9 0.9</scale>
            <rotation>0 0 1 0</rotation>
            <translate>0 0</translate>
    > **NOTE**
    > **window_manager_config_open.xml** contains configuration items. Among them, change the value of **defaultMaximizeMode** to one of the values you define for **MaximizeMode**. The value is the one obtained by **MaximizeMode maximizeMode = GetWindowManager()->GetWindowMaximizeMode()**. The system loads the title bar according to this value.

Now with the prepared files, debug and verify your title bar as follows:
1. Burn the image that contains the title bar code to the target device.
2. Run the **open_maximize.bat** script.
3. Run the demo to examine the effect.