

The drawing_brush.h file declares the functions related to the brush in the drawing module.

File to include: <native_drawing/drawing_brush.h>

Library: libnative_drawing.so

Since: 8

Related module: Drawing



Name Description
OH_Drawing_Brush * OH_Drawing_BrushCreate (void) Creates an OH_Drawing_Brush object.
void OH_Drawing_BrushDestroy (OH_Drawing_Brush *) Destroys an OH_Drawing_Brush object and reclaims the memory occupied by the object.
bool OH_Drawing_BrushIsAntiAlias (const OH_Drawing_Brush *) Checks whether anti-aliasing is enabled for a brush. Anti-aliasing makes the pixels around the shape edges semi-transparent.
void OH_Drawing_BrushSetAntiAlias (OH_Drawing_Brush *, bool) Enables or disables anti-aliasing for a brush. Anti-aliasing makes the pixels around the shape edges semi-transparent.
uint32_t OH_Drawing_BrushGetColor (const OH_Drawing_Brush *) Obtains the color of a brush. The color is used by the brush to fill in a shape.
void OH_Drawing_BrushSetColor (OH_Drawing_Brush *, uint32_t color) Sets the color for a brush. The color is used by the brush to fill in a shape.
uint8_t OH_Drawing_BrushGetAlpha (const OH_Drawing_Brush *) Obtains the alpha value of a brush. This value is used by the alpha channel when the brush fills in a shape.
void OH_Drawing_BrushSetAlpha (OH_Drawing_Brush *, uint8_t alpha) Sets the alpha value for a brush. This value is used by the alpha channel when the brush fills in a shape.
void OH_Drawing_BrushSetShaderEffect (OH_Drawing_Brush *, OH_Drawing_ShaderEffect *) Sets the shader effect for a brush.
void OH_Drawing_BrushSetFilter (OH_Drawing_Brush *, OH_Drawing_Filter *) Sets a filter for a brush. The filter is a container that holds a mask filter and color filter.