

The drawing_text_blob.h file declares the functions related to the text blob in the drawing module.

File to include: <native_drawing/drawing_text_blob.h>

Library: libnative_drawing.so

Since: 11

Related module: Drawing



Name Description
struct  OH_Drawing_RunBuffer Describes a run, which provides storage for glyphs and positions.


Name Description
OH_Drawing_TextBlobBuilder * OH_Drawing_TextBlobBuilderCreate (void) Creates an OH_Drawing_TextBlobBuilder object.
const OH_Drawing_RunBuffer * OH_Drawing_TextBlobBuilderAllocRunPos (OH_Drawing_TextBlobBuilder *, const OH_Drawing_Font *, int32_t count, const OH_Drawing_Rect *) Allocates a run to store glyphs and positions. The pointer returned does not need to be managed by the caller. It can no longer be used after OH_Drawing_TextBlobBuilderMake is called.
OH_Drawing_TextBlob * OH_Drawing_TextBlobBuilderMake (OH_Drawing_TextBlobBuilder *) Makes an OH_Drawing_TextBlob object from an OH_Drawing_TextBlobBuilder.
void OH_Drawing_TextBlobDestroy (OH_Drawing_TextBlob *) Destroys an OH_Drawing_TextBlob object and reclaims the memory occupied by the object.
void OH_Drawing_TextBlobBuilderDestroy (OH_Drawing_TextBlobBuilder *) Destroys an OH_Drawing_TextBlobBuilder object and reclaims the memory occupied by the object.