Requesting Frame Rates for Animations

During application development, you can use the optional parameter ExpectedFrameRateRange to set an expected frame rate range for a property animation or an explicit animation.

Requesting a Frame Rate for a Property Animation

The code snippet below defines a property animation for the <Text> component and sets the frame rate to 60.

   duration: 1200,
   iterations: 10,
   expectedFrameRateRange: { // Set the frame rate range of the property animation.expected: 60, // Set the expected frame rate of the animation to 60 Hz.min: 0, // Set the frame rate range.max: 120 // Set the frame rate range.

Requesting a Frame Rate for an Explicit Animation

The code snippet below defines an explicit animation for the <Button> component and sets the frame rate to 30.

 .onClick(() => {
     duration: 1200,
     iterations: 10,
     expectedFrameRateRange: { // Set the frame rate range of the explicit animation.
       expected: 30, // Set the expected frame rate of the animation to 30 Hz.
       min: 0, // Set the frame rate range.
       max: 120, // Set the frame rate range.
   }, () => {

Sample Code

struct AnimationToAnimationDemo {
  @State isAnimation: boolean = false;
  @State translateX1: number = -100;
  @State translateX2: number = -100;
  @State translateX3: number = -100;

  build() {
    Column() {
      Row() {
          .translate({ x: this.translateX1 })

      Row() {
          .translate({ x: this.translateX2 })

      Row() {
          .translate({ x: this.translateX3 })
            duration: 1200,
            iterations: 10,
            playMode: PlayMode.AlternateReverse,
            expectedFrameRateRange: { // Set the frame rate range of the property animation.
              expected: 60, // Set the expected frame rate of the animation to 60 Hz.
              min: 0, // Set the frame rate range.
              max: 120, // Set the frame rate range.

      Row() {
          .margin({ bottom: 10, left: 5 })
          .onClick(() => {
            this.isAnimation = !this.isAnimation;
            this.translateX3 = this.isAnimation ? 100 : -100;

              duration: 1200,
              iterations: 10,
              playMode: PlayMode.AlternateReverse,
              expectedFrameRateRange: { // Set the frame rate range of the explicit animation.
                expected: 30, // Set the expected frame rate of the animation to 30 Hz.
                min: 0, // Set the frame rate range.
                max: 120, // Set the frame rate range.
            }, () => {
              this.translateX1 = this.isAnimation ? 100 : -100;

              duration: 1200,
              iterations: 10,
              playMode: PlayMode.AlternateReverse,
              expectedFrameRateRange: { // Set the frame rate range of the explicit animation.
                expected: 40, // Set the expected frame rate of the animation to 40 Hz.
                min: 0, // Set the frame rate range.
                max: 120, // Set the frame rate range.
            }, () => {
              this.translateX2 = this.isAnimation ? 100 : -100;