Sandbox Management


Function Introduction

OpenHarmony supports two types of sandbox, namely, system sandbox and chipset sandbox.

Basic Concepts

The system sandbox and chipset sandbox are created in the init module. Native services choose to enter the system sandbox or chipset sandbox based on their functions. Sandbox components can be isolated through the mount attribute if mount-bind-paths or mount-bind-files is set for them in configuration files such as system-sandbox.json and chipset-sandbox.json. In addition, a sandbox debugging tool is provided to facilitate sandbox debugging, verification, and optimization. For details about commands, see Description of begetctl Commands.


The sandbox management module is available only for the standard system.

How to Develop

Parameter Description

Table 1 Parameters in the sandbox configuration file

JSON Prefix Description
sandbox-root Root directory of the sandbox.
mount-bind-paths Directory to mount.
mount-bind-files File to mount.
src-path Source path of the directory or file to mount.
sandbox-path Target path in the sandbox.
sandbox-flags Mount flag. The default value is bind rec.
ignore Whether to ignore a mounting failure. If the value is set to 1, the system ignores the mounting failure and proceeds with the subsequent step.
target-name Directory to link.
link-name Target link in the sandbox.

Table 2 Description of sandbox configuration files

Sandbox Configuration File Description
chipset-sandbox64.json Chipset sandbox configuration file for the 64-bit system
chipset-sandbox.json Chipset sandbox configuration file for the 32-bit system
system-sandbox64.json System sandbox configuration file for the 64-bit system
system-sandbox.json System sandbox configuration file for the 32-bit system

Available APIs

Logical storage structure of the sandbox:

// Main functions
// name is "system" or "chipset"
bool InitSandboxWithName(const char *name); // Parsing to the JSON structure

typedef struct {
    ListNode pathMountsHead;   // sandbox mount_path list head
    ListNode fileMountsHead;   // sandbox mount_file list head
    ListNode linksHead;        // sandbox symbolic link list head
    char *rootPath;            // /mnt/sandbox/system|vendor|xxx
    char name[MAX_BUFFER_LEN]; // name of sandbox. i.e system, chipset etc.
    bool isCreated;            // sandbox already created or not
    int ns;                    // namespace
} sandbox_t;


  1. Create a sandbox.

    • Create a system or chipset sandbox and configure the corresponding system-sandbox.json or chipset-sandbox.json file. For details about how to configure the JSON file, see Sandbox JSON File Configuration.
    • By default, the sandbox function of a service is enabled. If you do not want to move the service to the sandbox, set sandbox to 0 in the .cfg file. Otherwsie, set sandbox to 1.
      "sandbox" : 1
  2. Modify the JSON file configuration of the sandbox.

    • Go to the /system/etc/sandbox/ directory, and run cat system-sandbox.json and cat chipset-sandbox.json. If you are using a 64-bit system, run cat system-sandbox64.json and cat chipset-sandbox64.json instead.
    • Modify the sandbox configuration files in the base/startup/init/interfaces/innerkits/sandbox directory. After that, restart the system.

Development Example

JSON file configuration of the sandbox:

    "sandbox-root" : "/mnt/sandbox/system",
    "mount-bind-paths" : [{
        "src-path" : "/system/lib/ndk",
        "sandbox-path" : "/system/lib/ndk",
        "sandbox-flags" : [ "bind", "rec", "private" ]
    "mount-bind-files" : [{
        "src-path" : "/system/lib/",
        "sandbox-path" : "/system/lib/",
        "sandbox-flags" : [ "bind", "rec", "private" ]
    "symbol-links" : [{
        "target-name" : "/vendor/lib",
        "link-name" : "/lib"


  • Cause Analysis Related services cannot access required resource files such as .so file.

  • Solution Check the hilog information, analyze the failure cause, enter the path of the corresponding .so file on the device, and modify the file as appropriate. The operation procedure is as follows:

    • Search for keyword failed or .so in hilog.

      08-05 17:27:29.302   488   488 E C02500/driver_loader_full: get driver entry failed, /vendor/lib/ load fail, Error loading shared library No such file or directory (needed by /system/lib/chipset-pub-sdk/
      08-05 17:27:29.303   488   488 E C02500/devhost_service_full: DevHostServiceAddDevice failed and return -207
      08-05 17:27:29.305   488   488 E C02500/devhost_service_stub: Dis patch failed, add service failed and ret is -207
      08-05 17:27:29.307   488   488 I C02500/devhost_service_stub: add device 0x7000201
      08-05 17:27:29.308   488   488 E C02500/driver_loader_full: /vendor/lib/ no valid, errno:2
    • As shown in the preceding search result, the camera error is caused by the loading failure. To rectify the fault, you can mount the file in the sandbox for quick recovery, or modify the corresponding file.

      • Method 1: Mount the file in the sandbox for quick recovery. (Only local debugging is supported, and source code modification needs to be reviewed.)

        • System sandbox: Edit the /system/etc/sandbox/system-sandbox.json file on the device. By default, only some files in the /vendor directory are mounted. If an error is reported, mount the files separately.

        • Chipset sandbox: Edit the /system/etc/sandbox/chipset-sandbox.json file on the device. By default, only some files in the /system directory are mounted. If an error is reported, mount the files separately.

        • For the preceding case, add the following information to /system/etc/sandbox/chipset-sandbox.json:

        "mount-bind-files" : [
                "src-path" : "/system/lib/",
                "sandbox-path" : "/system/lib/",
                "sandbox-flags" : [ "bind", "rec", "private" ]
      • Method 2: Add innerapi_tags to the file.

        ohos_shared_library("xxx") {
        	innerapi_tags = [
      • Description of innerapi_tags:

        • Tags related to sandbox permissions include passthrough, chipsetsdk, passthrough_indirect, and chipsetsdk_indirect.

        • You can view the so information on the OpenHarmony website. For indirectly dependent modules, use chipsetsdk_indirect or passthrough_indirect. For other modules, use chipsetsdk or passthrough.

        • For the .so files installed in the system directory, use chipsetsdk and chipsetsdk_indirect for access by chip components.

        • For the .so files installed in the chip directory, use passthrough and passthrough_indirect for access by system components.

        • You can add innerapi_tags to specify the installation path of .so files. For example, if chipsetsdk is set, .so files are installed in the /lib/chipset-sdk/ directory. The source code is available at build/templates/cxx/cxx.gni.

        # auto set auto_relative_install_dir by innerapi_tags
        if (defined(invoker.innerapi_tags)) {
            is_chipsetsdk = false
            is_platformsdk = false
            is_passthrough = false
            foreach(tag, filter_include(invoker.innerapi_tags, [ "chipsetsdk*" ])) {
              is_chipsetsdk = true
            foreach(tag, filter_include(invoker.innerapi_tags, [ "platformsdk*" ])) {
              is_platformsdk = true
            foreach(tag, filter_include(invoker.innerapi_tags, [ "passthrough*" ])) {
              is_passthrough = true
            if (is_chipsetsdk && is_platformsdk) {
              auto_relative_install_dir = "chipset-pub-sdk"
            } else if (is_chipsetsdk) {
              auto_relative_install_dir = "chipset-sdk"
            } else if (is_platformsdk) {
              auto_relative_install_dir = "platformsdk"
            if (is_passthrough) {
              auto_relative_install_dir = chipset_passthrough_dir