Telephony Subsystem Changelog

cl.telephony.1 SMS Module API Change

Deprecated sendMessage and replaced it with sendShortMessage.

Change Impact

sendMessage is deprecated since API version 10. sendShortMessage should be used to replace sendMessage in application development. The API function remains unchanged.

Key API/Component Changes

API before change:

function sendMessage(options: SendMessageOptions): void;

API after change:

function sendShortMessage(options: SendMessageOptions, callback: AsyncCallback<void>): void;
function sendShortMessage(options: SendMessageOptions): Promise<void>;

Adaptation Guide

Use the new API. The sample code is as follows:

import sms from '@ohos.telephony.sms';

let sendCallback = function (err, data) {
    console.log(`sendCallback: err->${JSON.stringify(err)}, data->${JSON.stringify(data)}`);
let deliveryCallback = function (err, data) {
    console.log(`deliveryCallback: err->${JSON.stringify(err)}, data->${JSON.stringify(data)}`);
let slotId = 0;
let content ='SMS message content';
let destinationHost = '+861xxxxxxxxxx';
let serviceCenter = '+861xxxxxxxxxx';
let destinationPort = 1000;
let options = {slotId, content, destinationHost, serviceCenter, destinationPort, sendCallback, deliveryCallback};
sms.sendShortMessage(options, (err) => {
    console.log(`callback: err->${JSON.stringify(err)}`);
import sms from '@ohos.telephony.sms';

let sendCallback = function (err, data) {
    console.log(`sendCallback: err->${JSON.stringify(err)}, data->${JSON.stringify(data)}`);
let deliveryCallback = function (err, data) {
    console.log(`deliveryCallback: err->${JSON.stringify(err)}, data->${JSON.stringify(data)}`);
let slotId = 0;
let content ='SMS message content';
let destinationHost = '+861xxxxxxxxxx';
let serviceCenter = '+861xxxxxxxxxx';
let destinationPort = 1000;
let options = {slotId, content, destinationHost, serviceCenter, destinationPort, sendCallback, deliveryCallback};
let promise = sms.sendShortMessage(options);
promise.then(() => {
    console.log(`sendShortMessage success`);
}).catch(err => {
    console.error(`sendShortMessage failed, promise: err->${JSON.stringify(err)}`);

cl.telephony.2 SIM Module API Change

Changed the required permission of getSimTelephoneNumber from ohos.permission.GET_TELEPHONY_STATE to ohos.permission.GET_PHONE_NUMBERS.

Change Impact

The required permission of getSimTelephoneNumber is from ohos.permission.GET_TELEPHONY_STATE to ohos.permission.GET_PHONE_NUMBERS since API version 10.

An application needs to be apply for the ohos.permission.GET_PHONE_NUMBERS permission. The API function remains unchanged.

Key API/Component Changes

API before change:

  @permission ohos.permission.GET_TELEPHONY_STATE
  function getSimTelephoneNumber(slotId: number, callback: AsyncCallback<string>): void;

  @permission ohos.permission.GET_TELEPHONY_STATE
  function getSimTelephoneNumber(slotId: number): Promise<string>;

API after change:

  @permission ohos.permission.GET_PHONE_NUMBERS
  function getSimTelephoneNumber(slotId: number, callback: AsyncCallback<string>): void;
  @permission ohos.permission.GET_PHONE_NUMBERS
  function getSimTelephoneNumber(slotId: number): Promise<string>;

Adaptation Guide

Use the new API.

In the module.json file, add the ohos.permission.GET_PHONE_NUMBERS permission or replace the existing permission with it. The sample code is as follows:

"requestPermissions" : [
        "name": "ohos.permission.GET_PHONE_NUMBERS",
        "reason": "$string:GET_PHONE_NUMBERS"