Combination Key Development

When to Use

The inputConsumer module provides capabilities such as subscribing to combination key events and setting the key shielding status. For example, if an application needs to implement a shortcut function using combination keys, you can listen for combination key events to serve that purpose.

Modules to Import

import inputConsumer from '@ohos.multimodalInput.inputConsumer';

Available APIs

The following table lists the common APIs provided by the inputConsumer module. For details, see ohos.multimodalInput.inputConsumer.

API Description
on(type: 'key', keyOptions: KeyOptions, callback: Callback): void Listens for combination key events.
off(type: 'key', keyOptions: KeyOptions, callback?: Callback): void Cancels listening for combination key events.
setShieldStatus(shieldMode: ShieldMode, isShield: boolean): void Sets the key shielding status.
getShieldStatus(shieldMode: ShieldMode): boolean Checks whether key shielding is enabled.

How to Develop

When an application that uses specific combination keys is started, on is called to subscribe to combination key events. When the application is stopped, off is called to unsubscribe from combination key events.

let leftAltKey = 2045;
let tabKey = 2049;
let callback = (keyOptions: inputConsumer.KeyOptions) => {
  console.log(`keyOptions: ${JSON.stringify(keyOptions)}`);
// Start the application.
let keyOption: inputConsumer.KeyOptions = {preKeys: [leftAltKey], finalKey: tabKey, isFinalKeyDown: true, finalKeyDownDuration: 0};
try {
  inputConsumer.on("key", keyOption, callback);// Listen for combination key events.
} catch (error) {
  console.log(`Execute failed, error: ${JSON.stringify(error, [`code`, `message`])}`);
// Stop the application.
try {"key", keyOption, callback);// Cancel listening for combination key events.
  console.log(`Unsubscribe success`);
} catch (error) {
  console.log(`Execute failed, error: ${JSON.stringify(error, [`code`, `message`])}`);