
A budge reminds users that the application has a request to be processed.

How to Use

  • Use badges on components such as bottom tabs, list items, toolbar icons, category icons in the content area, and avatars.

  • Use badges to mark new events that require users' attention in the application.

  • Do not abuse badges. If a user touches a marked item and the content is not as user expected, the user will lose interest in badges, resulting in a drop in the click-through rate.


  • Dots

  • Numbers

badge_sub_1 badge_sub_2
Dots Numbers


  • Dots mark minor events in applications and are usually displayed on bottom tabs, list items, toolbar icons, category icons in the content area, and avatars. A dot disappears after being touched.

  • When an event expires, the dot disappears.

  • When there is only text, the red dot is placed on the right of the text.

  • When there are an icon and text, the red dot is placed in the upper right corner of the icon.

1_en-us_image_0000001517133786.png 2_en-us_image_0000001568412853.png 1_en-us_image_0000001517612916.png
Dot on an icon Dot in a list Dot on a subtab


  • Numbers mark only major events in the applications. For example, if there are multiple types of events such as application update (major event) and promotional events in the application market, a number indicates the application update is displayed on the application icon on the home screen.

  • The number for System update in Settings corresponds to the number displayed on the Settings icon on the home screen.

numbers-1 numbers-2
Number on an icon on the home screen Number in a list
  • The dot width is adaptive to the text width. The maximum number is 99+.



For details about the development guide related to the badge, see Badge.