Globalization Subsystem Changelog

cl.resourceManager.1 Addition of getStringSync and getStringByNameSync APIs

Added the getStringSync and getStringByNameSync APIs and error codes to obtain and format strings.

Bundle Name API
ohos.resourceManager.d.ts getStringSync(resId: number, ...args: Array<string | number>): string;
ohos.resourceManager.d.ts getStringSync(resource: Resource, ...args: Array<string | number>): string;
ohos.resourceManager.d.ts getStringByNameSync(resName: string, ...args: Array<string | number>): string;

Change Impact

In versions earlier than, only the values of string resources can be directly obtained. In or later, the values of string resources can be formatted based on the input arguments for enhanced query.

The following error codes are added:

9001007 If the resource obtained by resId formatting error.

9001008 If the resource obtained by resName formatting error.

Sample Code

The following uses getStringSync as an example. Before the change, only example 1 is supported. After the change, both example 1 and example 2 are supported.

Example 1:
try {
} catch (error) {
  console.error(`getStringSync failed, error code: ${error.code}, message: ${error.message}.`)
Example 2:
try {
  this.context.resourceManager.getStringSync($r('app.string.test').id, "format string", 787, 98.78);
} catch (error) {
  console.error(`getStringSync failed, error code: ${error.code}, message: ${error.message}.`)

Adaptation Guide For details, see the API reference.

API Reference

Error Codes