


  1. 完成分布式组网。 首先将需要进行跨设备访问的设备连接到同一局域网中,同帐号认证完成组网。

  2. 拷贝跨设备文件。 同一应用不同设备之间实现跨设备文件拷贝,只需要将对应的文件放在应用沙箱的分布式文件路径即可。


    import fs from '@ohos.file.fs';
    import common from '@ohos.app.ability.common';
    import fileUri from '@ohos.file.fileuri';
    let context = getContext(this) as common.UIAbilityContext; // 获取设备A的UIAbilityContext信息
    let pathDir: string = context.filesDir;
    let distributedPathDir: string = context.distributedFilesDir;
    // 待拷贝文件沙箱路径
    let filePath: string = pathDir + '/src.txt';
    try {
     // 文件不存在时,需要创建文件并写入内容
     let file = fs.openSync(filePath, fs.OpenMode.CREATE | fs.OpenMode.READ_WRITE);
     fs.writeSync(file.fd, 'Create file success');
    } catch (error) {
     console.error(`Failed to createFile. Code: ${err.code}, message: ${err.message}`);
    // 获取待拷贝文件uri
    let srcUri = fileUri.getUriFromPath(filePath);
    // 将待拷贝的沙箱文件,拷贝到分布式目录下
    let destUri: string = fileUri.getUriFromPath(distributedPathDir + '/src.txt');
    try {
     // 将沙箱路径下的文件拷贝到分布式路径下
     fs.copy(srcUri, destUri).then(()=>{
       console.info("Succeeded in copying---. ");
       console.info("src: " + srcUri + "dest: " + destUri);
       console.info(`Failed to copy. Code: ${err.code}, message: ${err.message}`);
    } catch (error) {
     console.error(`Failed to getData. Code: ${err.code}, message: ${err.message}`);


    import fs from '@ohos.file.fs';
    import common from '@ohos.app.ability.common';
    import fileUri from '@ohos.file.fileuri';
    let context = getContext(this) as common.UIAbilityContext; // 获取设备B的UIAbilityContext信息
    let pathDir: string = context.filesDir;
    let distributedPathDir: string = context.distributedFilesDir;
    // 待拷贝文件的目标沙箱路径
    let filePath: string = pathDir + '/dest.txt';
    // 获取目标路径uri
    let destUri = fileUri.getUriFromPath(filePath);
    // 获取分布式路径下的源文件
    let srcUri: string = fileUri.getUriFromPath(distributedPathDir + '/src.txt');
    // 定义拷贝回调
    let progressListener: fs.ProgressListener = (progress: fs.Progress) => {
      console.info(`progressSize: ${progress.processedSize}, totalSize: ${progress.totalSize}`);
    let options: fs.CopyOptions = {
      "progressListener" : progressListener
    try {
     // 将分布式路径下的文件拷贝到其他沙箱路径下
     fs.copy(srcUri, destUri, options).then(()=>{
       console.info("Succeeded in copying of paste. ");
       console.info("src: " + srcUri + "dest: " + destUri); // file://com.example.myapplication/data/storage/el2/distributedfiles/src.txt
       console.info(`Failed to copy. Code: ${err.code}, message: ${err.message}`);
    } catch (error) {
     console.error(`Failed to copy. Code: ${err.code}, message: ${err.message}`);