
The ApplicationInfo module defines the application information. A third-party application can obtain its own application information through bundleManager.getBundleInfoForSelf, with GET_BUNDLE_INFO_WITH_APPLICATION passed in to for bundleFlags.


The initial APIs of this module are supported since API version 9. Newly added APIs will be marked with a superscript to indicate their earliest API version.


System capability: SystemCapability.BundleManager.BundleFramework.Core

Name Type Readable Writable Description
name string Yes No Application name.
description string Yes No Description of the application, for example, "description": $string: mainability_description". For details, see the description of the descriptionResource field below.
descriptionId number Yes No ID of the application description.
enabled boolean Yes No Whether the application is enabled. The default value is true.
label string Yes No Application name, for example, "label": "$string: mainability_description". For details, see the description of the labelResource field below.
labelId number Yes No ID of the application label.
icon string Yes No Application icon, for example, "icon": "$media:icon". For details, see the description of the iconResource field below.
iconId number Yes No ID of the application icon.
process string Yes No Process in which the application runs. If this parameter is not set, the bundle name is used.
permissions Array<string> Yes No Permissions required for accessing the application. The permissions can be obtained by passing in GET_BUNDLE_INFO_WITH_APPLICATION and GET_BUNDLE_INFO_WITH_REQUESTED_PERMISSION to the bundleFlags parameter of getBundleInfoForSelf.
codePath string Yes No Installation directory of the application.
metadata(deprecated) Map<string, Array<Metadata>> Yes No Metadata of the application. The information can be obtained by passing in GET_BUNDLE_INFO_WITH_APPLICATION and GET_BUNDLE_INFO_WITH_METADATA to the bundleFlags parameter of getBundleInfoForSelf. NOTE
This field is deprecated since API version 10. You are advised to use metadataArray instead.
metadataArray10+ Array<ModuleMetadata> Yes No Metadata of the application. The information can be obtained by passing in GET_BUNDLE_INFO_WITH_APPLICATION and GET_BUNDLE_INFO_WITH_METADATA to the bundleFlags parameter of getBundleInfoForSelf.
removable boolean Yes No Whether the application is removable.
accessTokenId number Yes No Access token ID of the application.
uid number Yes No UID of the application.
iconResource Resource Yes No Resource information of the application icon. The resource information obtained contains the bundle name, module name, and ID of the resource. You can call getMediaContent to obtain the resource details.
labelResource Resource Yes No Resource information of the application label. The resource information obtained contains the bundle name, module name, and ID of the resource. You can call getMediaContent to obtain the resource details.
descriptionResource Resource Yes No Resource information of the application description. The resource information obtained contains the bundle name, module name, and ID of the resource. You can call getMediaContent to obtain the resource details.
appDistributionType string Yes No Distribution type of the application signing certificate. The options are app_gallery, enterprise, os_integration, and crowdtesting.
appProvisionType string Yes No Type of the application signing certificate file. The options are debug and release.
systemApp boolean Yes No Whether the application is a system application.
bundleType BundleType Yes No Bundle type, which can be APP (application) or ATOMIC_SERVICE (atomic service).
debug10+ boolean Yes No Whether the application is in debugging mode. The default value is false.
dataUnclearable11+ boolean Yes No Whether the application data is unclearable. The value true means that the application data is unclearable, and false means the opposite. The default value is false.


Describes the metadata of a module.

System capability: SystemCapability.BundleManager.BundleFramework.Core

Name Type Readable Writable Description
moduleName10+ string Yes No Module name.
metadata10+ Array<Metadata> Yes No Metadata list of the module.