OpenHarmony SELinux Policy Checklist


Not all the SELinux policies converted from AVC logs are appropriate for use. You need to review and modify them. This topic provides the SELinux policy checklist for your reference.

SELinux Policies for Applications

The attributes corresponding to the SELinux types of application processes and application data are classified based on the Ability Privilege Levels (APLs) of applications. The following table lists the mappings between them.

APL Application Process Attribute Application Directory Attribute
normal normal_hap_attr normal_hap_data_file_attr
system_basic system_basic_hap_attr system_basic_hap_data_file_attr
system_core system_core_hap_attr system_core_hap_data_file_attr

For details about the APLs, see Application APL.

In addition, the hap_domain attribute indicates all application processes.

You need to modify the application SELinux type based on the application APL. For example, the policy configured based on the AVC log is as follows:

allow normal_hap huks_service:binder { call };

This policy allows binder communication between the application process labeled normal_hap and huks_service. Considering huks_service provides the HUKS capability for all applications, you need to change normal_hap to hap_domain.

allow hap_domain huks_service:binder { call };

The following table lists the attributes for applications of different APIs and their directories.

Application Attribute
normal applications normal_hap_attr
system_basic applications system_basic_hap_attr
system_core applications system_core_hap_attr
All applications hap_domain
Application Directory Attribute
-------- --------
Directories of normal applications normal_hap_data_file_attr
Directories of system_basic applications system_basic_hap_data_file_attr
Directories of system_core applications system_core_hap_data_file_attr
All application directories normal_hap_data_file_attr & system_basic_hap_data_file_attr & system_core_hap_data_file_attr

New SELinux Policies for ioctl

For ioctl, you need to restrict ioctlcmd based on AVC logs in addition to configuring allow rules. Otherwise, all ioctlcmd permissions are granted, which violates the least privilege principle. For example, the AVC log is as follows:

#avc:  denied  { ioctl } for  pid=1 comm="init" path="/data/app/el1/bundle/public" dev="mmcblk0p11" ino=652804 ioctlcmd=0x6613 scontext=u:r:init:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:data_app_el1_file:s0 tclass=dir permissive=0

The SELinux policy that allows ioctl is configured based on the AVC log as follows:

allow init data_app_el1_file:dir { ioctl };

You need to further restrict ioctlcmd based on "ioctlcmd=0x6613" in the AVC log.

allowxperm init data_app_el1_file:dir ioctl { 0x6613 };

Using neverallow to Protect Services

You can use neverallow rules to prevent improper policy configuration and protect services.

For example, the SELinux type of the database file of the subject process accesstoken_service is accesstoken_data_file. For security purposes, the database file can be read and written only by the accesstoken_service process only. In this case, you can configure a neverallow rule to achieve this purpose.

neverallow { domain -accesstoken_service } accesstoken_data_file:file *;

This rule prevents all the other processes except accesstoken_service from accessing accesstoken_data_file.