@ohos.arkui.advanced.SubHeader (Subheader)

A subheader signifies the top of a list or the beginning a subdivision of content and tells the user what the list or subdivision is about.


This component is supported since API version 10. Updates will be marked with a superscript to indicate their earliest API version.

Modules to Import

import { SubHeader } from '@ohos.arkui.advanced.SubHeader'

Child Components

Not supported


The universal attributes are supported.


SubHeader({primaryTitle?: ResourceStr, secondaryTitle?: ResourceStr, icon?: ResourceStr, select?: SelectOptions, operationType?: OperationType, operationItem?: Array<OperationOption>})

Decorator: @Component

System capability: SystemCapability.ArkUI.ArkUI.Full


Name Type Mandatory Decorator Description
primaryTitle ResourceStr No @Prop Title.
secondaryTitle ResourceStr No @Prop Secondary text.
icon ResourceStr No @Prop Icon.
select SelectOptions No - Content and events for selection.
operationType OperationType No @Prop Type of operation in the operation area (right).
Default value: OperationType.BUTTON
operationItem Array<OperationOption> No - Settings of the operation in the operation area (right).


Name Value Description
TEXT_ARROW 0 Text button with a right arrow.
BUTTON 1 Text button without a right arrow.
ICON_GROUP 2 Icon-attached button (A maximum of three icons can be configured.)
LOADING 3 Loading animation.


Name Type Mandatory Description
options Array<SelectOption> Yes Value of an option in the drop-down list box.
selected number No Index of the initial selected option in the drop-down list.
The index of the first option is 0.
If this attribute is not set,
the default value -1 is used, indicating that the option is not selected.
value string No Text content of the drop-down list button itself.
onSelect (index: number, value?: string) => void No Invoked when an option in the drop-down list box is selected.
- index: index of the selected option.
- value: value of the selected option.


Name Type Mandatory Description
value ResourceStr Yes Text content.
action ()=>void No Event.


The universal events are supported.


Example 1

import promptAction from '@ohos.promptAction'
import { OperationType, SubHeader } from '@ohos.arkui.advanced.SubHeader'

struct SubHeaderExample {
  build() {
    Column() {
        icon: $r('app.media.ic_public_community_messages'),
        secondaryTitle: 'Subheader',
        primaryTitle: 'Subheader',
        operationType: OperationType.BUTTON,
        operationItem: [{ value: 'Operation',
          action: () => {
            promptAction.showToast({ message: 'demo' })

Subheader 3

Example 2

import promptAction from '@ohos.promptAction'
import { OperationType, SubHeader } from '@ohos.arkui.advanced.SubHeader'

struct SubHeaderExample {
  build() {
    Column() {
        primaryTitle: 'Title',
        secondaryTitle:'Secondary text',
        operationType: OperationType.TEXT_ARROW,
        operationItem: [{value:'More',
          action: () => {
            promptAction.showToast({ message: 'demo' })


Example 3

import promptAction from '@ohos.promptAction'
import { OperationType, SubHeader } from '@ohos.arkui.advanced.SubHeader'

struct SubHeaderExample {
  build() {
    Column() {
        select: {
          options: [{ value: 'aaa' }, { value: 'bbb' }, { value: 'ccc' }],
          value: 'selectdemo',
          selected: 2,
          onSelect: (index: number, value?: string) => {
            promptAction.showToast({ message: 'demo' })
        operationType: OperationType.ICON_GROUP,
        operationItem: [{
          value: $r('app.media.ic_public_community_messages'),
          action: () => {
            promptAction.showToast({ message: 'demo' })
        }, {
          value: $r('app.media.ic_public_community_messages'),
          action: () => {
            promptAction.showToast({ message: 'demo' })
        }, {
          value: $r('app.media.ic_public_community_messages'),
          action: () => {
            promptAction.showToast({ message: 'demo' })

Subheader 5