OpenHarmony SELinux FAQs

Error "neverallow check failed"


"neverallow check failed" is reported during the SELinux compilation process.

neverallow check failed at obj/base/security/selinux_adapter/updater/system.cil:3887 from ../../base/security/selinux_adapter/sepolicy/base/public/domain.te:96
  (neverallow domain dev_parameters_file (file (write)))
    allow at obj/base/security/selinux_adapter/updater/system.cil:14124
      (allow init dev_parameters_file (file (write create relabelfrom relabelto)))

Possible Causes

The rule configured violates the existing neverallow rules.


Check and modify the rule to avoid neverallow violation. If the rule must be configured based on service requirements, exempt the SELinux type of the rule in the neverallow rule.


Rule violating neverallow:

allow init dev_parameters_file:file { write };


neverallow domain dev_parameters_file:file


neverallow { domain -init } dev_parameters_file:file write;

Error "unrecognized character"


"unrecognized character" is reported during the SELinux compilation process.

' on line 3350:rity/selinux_adapter/sepolicy/base/public/domain.te:16:ERROR 'unrecognized character' at token '
allow domain init:process sigchld;

Possible Causes

The policy file is in DOS format.


Run the dos2unix command to convert the file into the correct format.

dos2unix ./sepolicy/base/public/domain.te

Error "unknown type"


"unknown type" is reported during the SELinux compilation process.

../../base/security/selinux_adapter/sepolicy/ohos_policy/security/access_token/vendor/access_token.te:2:ERROR 'unknown type accesstoken_data_file' at token ';' on line 10334:
allow accesstoken_service accesstoken_data_file:dir { search add_name open read write remove_name };
#line 1 "../../base/security/selinux_adapter/sepolicy/ohos_policy/security/access_token/vendor/access_token.te"
checkpolicy:  error(s) encountered while parsing configuration

Possible Causes

  1. The SELinux type is not defined.
  2. The SELinux type is invisible when the current rule is complied. For example, an SELinux type defined for a directory in /system is used by a directory in /vendor. When the chipset-related rules (in /vendor) are complied, only the rules in the /vendor and /public directories are traversed. Because the SELinux type is defined for a directory in the /system directory, "unknown type" is reported.


  1. Check whether the SELinux type is defined. If not, define type in the following format:
type init, xxx
  1. Check whether the SELinux type is invisible to the rule compiled. If yes, move the SELinux type to a directory visible to the rule. You are advised to define the SELinux types in a file named type.te in the /public directory.