ArkCompiler Subsystem Changelog

cl.arkcompiler.1 Removal of ark_asm from SDK

Access Level


Change Reason

The ark_asm tool was originally designed to compile and generate abc files with ts2abc. However, with the evolution of technology, on the one hand, this solution has been replaced by other solutions due to efficiency reasons; on the other hand, ts2abc has also been replaced and offline by es2abc, so the ark_asm tool has not been involved in the application compilation or development process. After the ark_asm tool is offline, developers can find the changes as shown in the figure below in the toolchains directory of the sdk.


Change Impact

This change is a compatibility change. Since ark_asm does not participate in the application compilation or development process, upgrading this version of the SDK will not have any impact on developers.

API Level


Change Version

Starting with Openharmony SDK

Change API/Component

The ark_asm tool in the arkcompiler front-end compiler is offline.

Adaptation Guide

It will not cause any impact and no adaptation is required.