Account Subsystem Changelog

cl.account_os_account.1 Deletion of App Account Authorization Interfaces

Change Impact

Apps developed based on earlier versions cannot use the account authorization capability.

Key API/Component Changes

Involved interfaces:


    enum AccountCapabilityType
    class AccountCapabilityProvider
    class AuthorizationProvider extends AccountCapabilityProvider
    interface AuthorizationProviderInfo
    class AccountCapabilityRequest
    class AccountCapabilityResponse
    class AccountCapabilityScheduler


    export default class AuthorizationExtensionAbility extends ExtensionAbility
    declare interface AuthorizationRequest
    declare interface AuthorizationCallback

After change:

All the involved interfaces are deleted.

Adaptation Guide

The deleted interfaces cannot be used any longer.

cl.account_os_account.2 Change of the Error Codes in addCredential()

Change Impact

For the applications developed based on earlier versions, you need to change the error code processing logic.

Key API/Component Changes

Involved API:

  class UserIdentityManager {
    addCredential(credentialInfo: CredentialInfo, callback: IIdmCallback): void;

Error code list:

ID Error Message
12300001 System service exception.
12300002 Invalid credentialInfo, i.e. authType or authSubType.
12300101 Token is invalid.
12300106 Unsupported authType.
12300109 Operation is canceled.
12300111 Operation timeout.
12300115 The number of credentials reaches the upper limit.

Before change: The error code 12300002 is returned when a session times out.

After change: The error code 12300001 is returned when a session times out.

Adaptation Guide

Modify the error code processing logic based on the new error codes.