@ohos.PiPWindow (PiP Window)

The PiPWindow module provides basic APIs for manipulating Picture in Picture (PiP). For example, you can use the APIs to check whether the PiP feature is enabled and create a PiP controller to start or stop a PiP window. PiP is mainly used in video playback, video call, or video meeting scenarios.


The initial APIs of this module are supported since API version 11. Newly added APIs will be marked with a superscript to indicate their earliest API version.

This module must be used on the device that supports the SystemCapability.Window.SessionManager capability. For details, see SystemCapability.

Modules to Import

import pipWindow from '@ohos.PiPWindow';


isPiPEnabled(): boolean

Checks whether the PiP feature is enabled.

System capability: SystemCapability.Window.SessionManager

Return value

Type Description
boolean Status of the PiP feature. The value true means that the PiP feature is enabled, and false means the opposite.


let enable: boolean = pipWindow.isPiPEnabled();
console.info('isPipEnabled:' + enable);


create(config: PiPConfiguration): Promise<PiPController>

Creates a PiP controller. This API uses a promise to return the result.

System capability: SystemCapability.Window.SessionManager


Name Type Mandatory Description
config PiPConfiguration Yes Parameters for creating the PiP controller.

Return value

Type Description
Promise<PiPController> Promise used to return the PiP controller.


import { BusinessError } from '@ohos.base';
let pipController: pipWindow.PiPController | undefined = undefined;
let mXComponentController: XComponentController = new XComponentController(); // Use the mXComponentController to initialize the XComponent: XComponent( {id: 'video', type: 'surface', controller: mXComponentController} ). This ensures that the XComponent content can be migrated to the PiP window.
let navId: string = "page_1"; // The navigation ID of the current page is page_1. For details, see the definition of PiPConfiguration. The navigation name is customized.
let contentWidth: number = 800; // The content width is 800 px.
let contentHeight: number = 600; // The content height is 600 px.
let config: pipWindow.PiPConfiguration = {
  context: getContext(this),
  componentController: mXComponentController,
  navigationId: navId,
  templateType: pipWindow.PiPTemplateType.VIDEO_PLAY,
  contentWidth: contentWidth,
  contentHeight: contentHeight,

let promise : Promise<pipWindow.PiPController> = pipWindow.create(config);
promise.then((data : pipWindow.PiPController) => {
  pipController = data;
  console.info(`Succeeded in creating pip controller. Data:${data}`);
}).catch((err: BusinessError) => {
  console.error(`Failed to create pip controller. Cause:${err.code}, message:${err.message}`);


Defines the parameters for creating a PiP controller.

System capability: SystemCapability.Window.SessionManager

Name Type Mandatory Description
context BaseContext Yes Context environment.
componentController XComponentController Yes Original XComponent controller.
navigationId string No Navigation ID of the current page.
1. When the UIAbility uses Navigation to manage pages, set the ID of the <\Navigation> component for the PiP controller. This ensures that the original page can be restored from the PiP window.
2. When the UIAbility uses Router to manage pages, you do not need to set the navigation ID. (This navigation mode is not recommended in PiP scenarios.) After a PiP window is started in this scenario, do not switch between pages. Otherwise, exceptions may occur during restoration.
3. If the UIAbility has only one page, you do not need to set the navigation ID. The original page can be restored from the PiP window.
templateType PiPTemplateType No Template type, which is used to distinguish video playback, video call, and video meeting scenarios.
contentWidth number No Width of the original content, in px. It is used to determine the aspect ratio of the PiP window.
contentHeight number No Height of the original content, in px. It is used to determine the aspect ratio of the PiP window.


Enumerates the PIP template types.

System capability: SystemCapability.Window.SessionManager

Name Value Description
VIDEO_PLAY 0 Video playback template. A PiP window will be started during video playback, and the video playback template is loaded.
VIDEO_CALL 1 Video call template. A PiP window will be started during a video call, and the video call template will be loaded.
VIDEO_MEETING 2 Video meeting template. A PiP window will be started during a video meeting, and the video meeting template will be loaded.
VIDEO_LIVE 3 Live template. A PiP window will be started during a live, and the live template is loaded.


Enumerates the PiP states.

System capability: SystemCapability.Window.SessionManager

Name Value Description
ABOUT_TO_START 1 PiP is about to start.
STARTED 2 PiP is started.
ABOUT_TO_STOP 3 PiP is about to stop.
STOPPED 4 PiP is stopped.
ABOUT_TO_RESTORE 5 The original page is about to restore.
ERROR 6 An error occurs during the execution of the PiP lifecycle.


Enumerates the PiP action event types.

System capability: SystemCapability.Window.SessionManager

Type Description
PiPVideoActionEvent PiP action event during video playback.
PiPCallActionEvent PiP action event in a video call.
PiPMeetingActionEvent PiP action event in a video meeting.
PiPLiveActionEvent PiP action event in a live.


Defines the PiP action event during video playback.

System capability: SystemCapability.Window.SessionManager

Name Type Description
PiPVideoActionEvent string The options are as follows:
- 'playbackStateChanged': The playback status changes.
- 'nextVideo': Play the next video.
- 'previousVideo': Play the previous video.


Defines the PiP action event in a video call.

System capability: SystemCapability.Window.SessionManager

Name Type Description
PiPCallActionEvent string The options are as follows:
- 'hangUp': The video call is hung up.
- 'micStateChanged': The microphone is muted or unmuted.
- 'videoStateChanged': The camera is turned on or off.


Defines the PiP action event in a video meeting.

System capability: SystemCapability.Window.SessionManager

Name Type Description
PiPMeetingActionEvent string The options are as follows:
- 'hangUp': The video meeting is hung up.
- 'voiceStateChanged': The speaker is muted or unmuted.
- 'videoStateChanged': The camera is turned on or off.


Defines the PiP action event in a live.

System capability: SystemCapability.Window.SessionManager

Name Type Description
PiPLiveActionEvent string 'playbackStateChanged': The live is played or paused.


Implements a PiP controller that starts, stops, or updates a PiP window and registers callbacks.

Before calling any of the following APIs, you must use pipWindow.create() to create a PiPController instance.

System capability: SystemCapability.Window.SessionManager


startPiP(): Promise<void>

Starts a PiP window. This API uses a promise to return the result.

System capability: SystemCapability.Window.SessionManager

Return value

Type Description
Promise<void> Promise that returns no value.

Error codes

For details about the error codes, see Window Error Codes.

ID Error Message
1300012 If PiP window state is abnormal.
1300013 Create pip window failed.
1300014 Error when load PiP window content or show PiP window.
1300015 If window has created.


let promise : Promise<void> = pipController.startPiP();
promise.then(() => {
  console.info(`Succeeded in starting pip.`);
}).catch((err: BusinessError) => {
  console.error(`Failed to start pip. Cause:${err.code}, message:${err.message}`);


stopPiP(): Promise<void>

Stops a PiP window. This API uses a promise to return the result.

System capability: SystemCapability.Window.SessionManager

Return value

Type Description
Promise<void> Promise that returns no value.

Error codes

For details about the error codes, see Window Error Codes.

ID Error Message
1300011 Stop PiP window failed.
1300012 If PiP window state is abnormal.
1300015 If window is stopping.


let promise : Promise<void> = pipController.stopPiP();
promise.then(() => {
  console.info(`Succeeded in stopping pip.`);
}).catch((err: BusinessError) => {
  console.error(`Failed to stop pip. Cause:${err.code}, message:${err.message}`);


setAutoStartEnabled(enable: boolean): void

Sets whether to automatically start a PiP window when the user returns to the home screen.

System capability: SystemCapability.Window.SessionManager


Name Type Mandatory Description
enable boolean Yes The value true means to automatically start a PiP window in such a case, and false means the opposite.
let enable: boolean = true;


updateContentSize(width: number, height: number): void

Updates the media content size when the media content is switched.

System capability: SystemCapability.Window.SessionManager


Name Type Mandatory Description
width number Yes Width of the media content, in px. It is used to update the aspect ratio of the PiP window.
height number Yes Width of the media content, in px. It is used to update the aspect ratio of the PiP window.
let width: number = 540; // The content width changes to 540 px.
let height: number = 960; // The content height changes to 960 px.
pipController.updateContentSize(width, height);


on(type: 'stateChange', callback: (state: PiPState, reason: string) => void): void

Subscribes to PiP state events.

System capability: SystemCapability.Window.SessionManager


Name Type Mandatory Description
type string Yes Event type. The event 'stateChange' is triggered when the PiP state changes.
callback function Yes Callback used to return the result, which includes the following information:
- state: PiPState, indicating the new PiP state.
- reason: a string indicating the reason for the state change.
pipController.on('stateChange', (state: pipWindow.PiPState, reason: string) => {
  let curState: string = '';
  switch (state) {
    case pipWindow.PiPState.ABOUT_TO_START:
      curState = 'ABOUT_TO_START';
    case pipWindow.PiPState.STARTED:
      curState = 'STARTED';
    case pipWindow.PiPState.ABOUT_TO_STOP:
      curState = 'ABOUT_TO_STOP';
    case pipWindow.PiPState.STOPPED:
      curState = 'STOPPED';
    case pipWindow.PiPState.ABOUT_TO_RESTORE:
      curState = 'ABOUT_TO_RESTORE';
    case pipWindow.PiPState.ERROR:
      curState = 'ERROR';
  console.info('stateChange:' + curState + ' reason:' + reason);


off(type: 'stateChange'): void

Unsubscribes from PiP state events.

System capability: SystemCapability.Window.SessionManager


Name Type Mandatory Description
type string Yes Event type. The event 'stateChange' is triggered when the PiP state changes.




on(type: 'controlPanelActionEvent', callback: (event: PiPActionEventType) => void): void

Subscribes to PiP action events.

System capability: SystemCapability.Window.SessionManager


Name Type Mandatory Description
type string Yes Event type. The value 'controlPanelActionEvent' indicates the PiP action event.
callback function Yes Callback used to return the result, which includes the following information:
event: PiPActionEventType, indicating the type of the PiP action event. The application performs processing based on the event. For example, if the 'playbackStateChanged' event is triggered, the application starts or stops the video.
pipController.on('controlPanelActionEvent', (event: pipWindow.PiPActionEventType) => {
  switch (event) {
    case 'playbackStateChanged':
      // Start or stop the video.
    case 'nextVideo':
      // Switch to the next video.
    case 'previousVideo':
      // Switch to the previous video.
  console.info('registerActionEventCallback, event:' + event);


off(type: 'controlPanelActionEvent'): void

Unsubscribes from PiP action events.

System capability: SystemCapability.Window.SessionManager


Name Type Mandatory Description
type string Yes Event type. The value 'controlPanelActionEvent' indicates the PiP action event.

