Ability Subsystem Changelog

cl.ability.1 Permission Changed for startAbilityByCall

Access Level

Public APIs

Reason for the Change

The startAbilityByCall API is a public API and does not match the ohos.permission.ABILITY_BACKGROUND_COMMUNICATION permission level. The permission level should be ohos.permission.DISTRIBUTED_DATASYNC.

Change Impact

The API calling permission is changed.

The APIs can be used only after the corresponding permission is configured. After the change, the API can be used only in migration scenarios. The corresponding system API will be provided to support more scenarios.

API Level


Change Since

Openharmony SDK OpenHarmony_4.1.6.1

Key API/Component Changes

API Before Change After Change
startAbilityByCall(want: Want): Promise<Caller> The ohos.permission.ABILITY_BACKGROUND_COMMUNICATION permission is required The ohos.permission.DISTRIBUTED_DATASYNC permission is required.

Adaptation Guide

Declare the ohos.permission.DISTRIBUTED_DATASYNC permission, and use the API only in migration scenarios.