
The Context module, inherited frome BaseContext, provides context for abilities or applications, including access to application-specific resources.


  • The initial APIs of this module are supported since API version 9. Newly added APIs will be marked with a superscript to indicate their earliest API version.
  • The APIs of this module can be used only in the stage model.

Modules to Import

import common from '';


Atomic service API: This API can be used in atomic services since API version 11.

System capability: SystemCapability.Ability.AbilityRuntime.Core

Name Type Read-only Mandatory Description
resourceManager resmgr.ResourceManager No Yes Object for resource management.
applicationInfo ApplicationInfo No Yes Application information.
cacheDir string No Yes Cache directory.
tempDir string No Yes Temporary directory.
resourceDir11+ string No Yes Resource directory.
filesDir string No Yes File directory.
databaseDir string No Yes Database directory.
preferencesDir string No Yes Preferences directory.
bundleCodeDir string No Yes Bundle code directory. Do not access resource files using concatenated paths. Use @ohos.resourceManager instead.
distributedFilesDir string Yes Yes Distributed file directory.
eventHub EventHub No Yes Event hub that implements event subscription, unsubscription, and triggering.
area contextConstant.AreaMode No Yes Encryption level of the directory.


createModuleContext(moduleName: string): Context

Creates the context based on the module name.

Atomic service API: This API can be used in atomic services since API version 11.

System capability: SystemCapability.Ability.AbilityRuntime.Core


Name Type Mandatory Description
moduleName string Yes Module name.

Return value

Type Description
Context Context created.


import UIAbility from '';
import common from '';

export default class EntryAbility extends UIAbility {
  onCreate() {
    console.log('MyAbility onCreate');
    let moduleContext: common.Context;
    try {
      moduleContext = this.context.createModuleContext('entry');
    } catch (error) {
      console.error(`createModuleContext failed, error.code: ${error.code}, error.message: ${error.message}`);


Only the context of other modules in the current application and the context of the intra-application HSP can be obtained. The context of other applications cannot be obtained.


getApplicationContext(): ApplicationContext

Obtains the context of this application.

Atomic service API: This API can be used in atomic services since API version 11.

System capability: SystemCapability.Ability.AbilityRuntime.Core

Return value

Type Description
ApplicationContext Application context obtained.


import UIAbility from '';
import common from '';

export default class EntryAbility extends UIAbility {
  onCreate() {
    console.log('MyAbility onCreate');
    let applicationContext: common.Context;
    try {
      applicationContext = this.context.getApplicationContext();
    } catch (error) {
      console.error(`getApplicationContext failed, error.code: ${error.code}, error.message: ${error.message}`);


getGroupDir(dataGroupID: string): Promise<string>

Obtains the shared directory based on a group ID. This API uses a promise to return the result.

Atomic service API: This API can be used in atomic services since API version 11.

System capability: SystemCapability.Ability.AbilityRuntime.Core


Name Type Mandatory Description
dataGroupID string Yes Group ID, which is assigned by the system when an atomic service application project is created.

Return value

Type Description
Promise<string> Promise used to return the result. If no shared directory exists, null is returned. Only the encryption level EL2 is supported.

Error codes

ID Error Message
16000011 The context does not exist.

For details about the error codes, see Ability Error Codes.


import UIAbility from '';
import common from '';

export default class EntryAbility extends UIAbility {
  onCreate() {
    console.log('MyAbility onCreate');
    let groupId = "1";
    let getGroupDirContext: common.Context = this.context;
    try {
      getGroupDirContext.getGroupDir(groupId).then(data => {
        console.log("getGroupDir result:" + data);
    } catch (error) {
      console.error(`getGroupDirContext failed, error.code: ${error.code}, error.message: ${error.message}`);


getGroupDir(dataGroupID: string, callback: AsyncCallback<string>): void

Obtains the shared directory based on a group ID. This API uses an asynchronous callback to return the result.

Atomic service API: This API can be used in atomic services since API version 11.

System capability: SystemCapability.Ability.AbilityRuntime.Core


Name Type Mandatory Description
dataGroupID string Yes Group ID, which is assigned by the system when an atomic service application project is created.
callback AsyncCallback<string> Yes Callback used to return the result. If no shared directory exists, null is returned. Only the encryption level EL2 is supported.

Error codes

ID Error Message
16000011 The context does not exist.

For details about the error codes, see Ability Error Codes.


import UIAbility from '';
import common from '';

export default class EntryAbility extends UIAbility {
  onCreate() {
    console.log('MyAbility onCreate');
    let getGroupDirContext: common.Context = this.context;

    getGroupDirContext.getGroupDir("1", (err, data) => {
      if (err) {
        console.error(`getGroupDir faile, err: ${JSON.stringify(err)}`);
      } else {
        console.log(`getGroupDir result is: ${JSON.stringify(data)}`);