Requesting Frame Rates for UI Components

If you want to draw and update a UI component at an independent frame rate, you can call the APIs provided by the DisplaySync module. For details, see (Variable Frame Rate).

How to Develop

This section describes how to use different frame rates to change the font size of the <Text> component. This operation simulates the effect of different frame rates on the UI components.

  1. Import the DisplaySync module.

    import displaySync from '';
  2. Define and create a DisplaySync instance.

    struct Index {
      // Define two DisplaySync variables, which are not initialized.
      private backDisplaySyncSlow: displaySync.DisplaySync | undefined = undefined;
      private backDisplaySyncFast: displaySync.DisplaySync | undefined = undefined;
  3. Define two <Text> components.

    @State drawFirstSize: number = 25;
    @State drawSecondSize: number = 25;
    @Builder doSomeRenderFirst() {
    @Builder doSomeRenderSecond() {
  4. Set the expected frame rate range and register a subscription function through the DisplaySync instance.


    The subscription function runs in the UI main thread. To avoid adverse impact on the performance, time-consuming operations related to the UI thread should not run in the subscription function.

    CreateDisplaySyncSlow() {
        let range:ExpectedFrameRateRange = { // Create and configure the frame rate parameter.
          expected: 30, // Set the expected frame rate to 30 Hz.
          min: 0, // Set the frame rate range.
          max: 120 // Set the frame rate range.
        let draw30 = (intervalInfo: displaySync.IntervalInfo) => { // Subscription function. The font size changes from 25 to 150.
          if (this.isBigger_30) {
            this.drawFirstSize += 1;
            if (this.drawFirstSize > 150) {
              this.isBigger_30 = false;
          } else {
            this.drawFirstSize -= 1;
            if (this.drawFirstSize < 25) {
              this.isBigger_30 = true;
        this.backDisplaySyncSlow = displaySync.create (); // Create a DisplaySync instance.
        this.backDisplaySyncSlow.setExpectedFrameRateRange(range); // Set the frame rate range.
        this.backDisplaySyncSlow.on("frame", draw30); // Subscribe to the frame event and register the subscription function.
  5. Start callback for each frame.

      .margin({ bottom: 10, left: 5 })
      .onClick((): void => {
          if (this.backDisplaySyncSlow == undefined) {
          if (this.backDisplaySyncFast == undefined) {
          if (this.backDisplaySyncSlow) {
          if (this.backDisplaySyncFast) {


    After start() is called, the stop() API must be performed and the DisplaySync instance must be set to null in the aboutToDisappear function to avoid memory leakage.

    aboutToDisappear() {
      if (this.backDisplaySyncSlow) {
        this.backDisplaySyncSlow = undefined;
      if (this.backDisplaySyncFast) {
        this.backDisplaySyncFast = undefined;
  6. Stop callback for each frame.

      .margin({ bottom: 10, left: 5 })
      .onClick((): void => {
        if (this.backDisplaySyncSlow) {
        if (this.backDisplaySyncFast) {

Sample Code

import displaySync from '';

struct Index {
  @State drawFirstSize: number = 25;
  @State drawSecondSize: number = 25;
  private backDisplaySyncSlow: displaySync.DisplaySync | undefined = undefined;
  private backDisplaySyncFast: displaySync.DisplaySync | undefined = undefined;
  private isBigger_30:boolean = true;
  private isBigger_60:boolean = true;

  @Builder doSomeRenderFirst() {

  @Builder doSomeRenderSecond() {

  CreateDisplaySyncSlow() {
    // Define the expected frame rate range.
    let range : ExpectedFrameRateRange = {
      expected: 30,
      min: 0,
      max: 120

    let draw30 = (intervalInfo: displaySync.IntervalInfo) => {
      if (this.isBigger_30) {
        this.drawFirstSize += 1;
        if (this.drawFirstSize > 150) {
          this.isBigger_30 = false;
      } else {
        this.drawFirstSize -= 1;
        if (this.drawFirstSize < 25) {
          this.isBigger_30 = true;

    this.backDisplaySyncSlow = displaySync.create (); // Create a DisplaySync instance.
    this.backDisplaySyncSlow.setExpectedFrameRateRange(range); // Set the frame rate range.
    this.backDisplaySyncSlow.on("frame", draw30); // Subscribe to the frame event and register the subscription function.

  CreateDisplaySyncFast() {
    // Define the expected frame rate range.
    let range : ExpectedFrameRateRange = {
      expected: 60,
      min: 0,
      max: 120

    let draw60 = (intervalInfo: displaySync.IntervalInfo) => {
      if (this.isBigger_60) {
        this.drawSecondSize += 1;
        if (this.drawSecondSize > 150) {
          this.isBigger_60 = false;
      } else {
        this.drawSecondSize -= 1;
        if (this.drawSecondSize < 25) {
          this.isBigger_60 = true;


    this.backDisplaySyncFast= displaySync.create(); // Create a DisplaySync instance.
    this.backDisplaySyncFast.setExpectedFrameRateRange(range); // Set the frame rate.
    this.backDisplaySyncFast.on("frame", draw60); // Subscribe to the frame event and register the subscription function.

  aboutToDisappear() {
    if (this.backDisplaySyncSlow) {
      this.backDisplaySyncSlow.stop (); // DisplaySync disabled.
      this.backDisplaySyncSlow = undefined; // Set the DisplaySync instance to null.
    if (this.backDisplaySyncFast) {
      this.backDisplaySyncFast.stop(); // DisplaySync disabled.
      this.backDisplaySyncFast = undefined; // Set the DisplaySync instance to null.

  build() {
    Column() {
      Row() {

      Row() {

      Row() {
          .margin({ bottom: 10, left: 5 })
          .onClick((): void => {
            if (this.backDisplaySyncSlow == undefined) {
            if (this.backDisplaySyncFast == undefined) {
            if (this.backDisplaySyncSlow) {
              this.backDisplaySyncSlow.start (); // DisplaySync enabled.
            if (this.backDisplaySyncFast) {
              this.backDisplaySyncFast.start(); // DisplaySync enabled.

          .margin({ bottom: 10, left: 5 })
          .onClick((): void => {
            if (this.backDisplaySyncSlow) {
              this.backDisplaySyncSlow.stop (); // DisplaySync disabled.
            if (this.backDisplaySyncFast) {
              this.backDisplaySyncFast.stop(); // DisplaySync disabled.