Generating an Asymmetric Key Pair Based on Key Parameters

This topic walks you through on how to generate an RSA, an ECC, and an SM2 asymmetric key pair (KeyPair) based on the specified key parameters and obtain the key parameter properties.

The KeyPair object created can be used for subsequent operations, such as encryption and decryption. The obtained key parameter properties can be used for key storage and transfer.

Generating an RSA Public Key Based on Key Parameters

For details about the algorithm specifications, see RSA.

  1. Create an RSACommonParamsSpec object to specify the common parameter (n) of both the public and private keys of the RSA algorithm.

    RSACommonParamsSpec is a child class of AsyKeySpec. Specify the RSA algorithm in the algName parameter, and set the key parameter type to AsyKeySpecType.COMMON_PARAMS_SPEC, which indicates the common parameter for both the public and private keys.

    When key parameters are specified for generating a key, the bigint value must be a positive number in big-endian format.

  2. Create an RSAPubKeySpec object to specify the parameters (n, pk) contained in the public key of the RSA algorithm.

    RSAPubKeySpec is a child class of AsyKeySpec. Specify the RSA algorithm in the algName parameter, and set the key parameter type to AsyKeySpecType.PUBLIC_KEY_SPEC, which indicates the parameters of the public key.

  3. Use cryptoFramework.createAsyKeyGeneratorBySpec with the RSAPubKeySpec object to create an asymmetric key generator (AsyKeyGeneratorBySpec) object.

  4. Use AsyKeyGeneratorBySpec.generatePubKey to generate the public key (PubKey).

  5. Use PubKey.getAsyKeySpec to obtain the modulus n and the public key exponent pk (expressed as e in the formula).

Example: Generate an RSA public key based on key parameters (using callback-based APIs).

import cryptoFramework from '';
// Generate an RSA public key parameter (RsaPubKeySpec).
function genRsaPubKeySpec(nIn: bigint, eIn: bigint): cryptoFramework.RSAPubKeySpec {
  let rsaCommSpec: cryptoFramework.RSACommonParamsSpec = {
    n: nIn,
    algName: 'RSA',
    specType: cryptoFramework.AsyKeySpecType.COMMON_PARAMS_SPEC
  let rsaPubKeySpec: cryptoFramework.RSAPubKeySpec = {
    params: rsaCommSpec,
    pk: eIn,
    algName: 'RSA',
    specType: cryptoFramework.AsyKeySpecType.PUBLIC_KEY_SPEC
  return rsaPubKeySpec;
// Construct an RSA public key specification object based on the key parameter.
function genRsa2048PubKeySpec() {
  let nIn = BigInt('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');
  let eIn = BigInt('0x010001');
  return genRsaPubKeySpec(nIn, eIn);
// Compare the RSA public key specifications with the expected value.
function compareRsaPubKeyBySpec(rsaKeySpec: cryptoFramework.RSAPubKeySpec, n: bigint | string | number, e: bigint | string | number) {
  if (typeof n === 'string' || typeof e === 'string') {
    console.error('type is string');
    return false;
  if (typeof n === 'number' || typeof e === 'number') {
    console.error('type is number');
    return false;
  if (rsaKeySpec.params.n != n) {
    return false;
  if ( != e) {
    return false;
  return true;
// Generate an RSA public key based on the RSA public key specifications, obtain the key specifications, and compare it with the expected value.
function rsaUsePubKeySpecGetCallback() {
  let rsaPubKeySpec = genRsa2048PubKeySpec();
  let rsaGeneratorSpec = cryptoFramework.createAsyKeyGeneratorBySpec(rsaPubKeySpec);
  rsaGeneratorSpec.generatePubKey((error, key) => {
    if (error) {
      console.error('generate pubKey error' + 'error code: ' + error.code + 'error message' + error.message);
    let pubKey = key;
    let nBN = pubKey.getAsyKeySpec(cryptoFramework.AsyKeySpecItem.RSA_N_BN);
    let eBN = pubKey.getAsyKeySpec(cryptoFramework.AsyKeySpecItem.RSA_PK_BN);
    if (compareRsaPubKeyBySpec(rsaPubKeySpec, nBN, eBN) != true) {
      console.error('error pub key big number.');
    } else {'n, e in the pubKey are same as the spec.');

Generating an ECC Key Pair Based on Key Parameters

For details about the algorithm specifications, see ECC.

  1. Create an ECCCommonParamsSpec object to specify the common parameters of both the public and private keys of the ECC algorithm. ECCCommonParamsSpec is a child class of AsyKeySpec. Specify the ECC algorithm in the algName parameter, and set the key parameter type to AsyKeySpecType.COMMON_PARAMS_SPEC, which indicates the common parameter for both the public and private keys.

    When key parameters are specified for generating a key, the bigint value must be a positive number in big-endian format.

  2. Use cryptoFramework.createAsyKeyGeneratorBySpec with the ECCCommonParamsSpec object to create an asymmetric key generator (AsyKeyGeneratorBySpec) object.

  3. Use AsyKeyGeneratorBySpec.generateKeyPair to generate a key pair (KeyPair).

  4. Use PriKey.getAsyKeySpec to obtain the private key specifications, and use PubKey.getAsyKeySpec to obtain the public key specifications of the ECC.

Example: Generate an ECC key pair based on key parameters (using promise-based APIs).

import cryptoFramework from '';
import { BusinessError } from '@ohos.base';

// Print bigint information.
function showBigIntInfo(bnName: string, bnValue: bigint | string | number) {
  if (typeof bnValue === 'string') {
    console.error('type is string');
  if (typeof bnValue === 'number') {
    console.error('type is number');
  } + ':');'. Decimal: ' + bnValue.toString());'. Hexadecimal: ' + bnValue.toString(16));'. Length (bits): ' + bnValue.toString(2).length);
// Construct the EccCommonSpec struct, which defines the common parameters of the ECC public and private keys.
function genEccCommonSpec(): cryptoFramework.ECCCommonParamsSpec {
  let fieldFp: cryptoFramework.ECFieldFp = {
    fieldType: 'Fp',
    p: BigInt('0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff000000000000000000000001')
  let G: cryptoFramework.Point = {
    x: BigInt('0xb70e0cbd6bb4bf7f321390b94a03c1d356c21122343280d6115c1d21'),
    y: BigInt('0xbd376388b5f723fb4c22dfe6cd4375a05a07476444d5819985007e34')
  let eccCommonSpec: cryptoFramework.ECCCommonParamsSpec = {
    algName: 'ECC',
    specType: cryptoFramework.AsyKeySpecType.COMMON_PARAMS_SPEC,
    field: fieldFp,
    a: BigInt('0xfffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffefffffffffffffffffffffffe'),
    b: BigInt('0xb4050a850c04b3abf54132565044b0b7d7bfd8ba270b39432355ffb4'),
    g: G,
    n: BigInt('0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffff16a2e0b8f03e13dd29455c5c2a3d'),
    h: 1
  return eccCommonSpec;
// Print the ECC key specifications.
function showEccSpecDetailInfo(key: cryptoFramework.PubKey | cryptoFramework.PriKey, keyType: string) {'show detail of ' + keyType + ':');
  try {
    let p = key.getAsyKeySpec(cryptoFramework.AsyKeySpecItem.ECC_FP_P_BN);
    showBigIntInfo('--- p', p); // length is 224, hex : ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff000000000000000000000001
    let a = key.getAsyKeySpec(cryptoFramework.AsyKeySpecItem.ECC_A_BN);
    showBigIntInfo('--- a', a); // length is 224, hex : fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffefffffffffffffffffffffffe
    let b = key.getAsyKeySpec(cryptoFramework.AsyKeySpecItem.ECC_B_BN);
    showBigIntInfo('--- b', b); // length is 224, hex : b4050a850c04b3abf54132565044b0b7d7bfd8ba270b39432355ffb4
    let gX = key.getAsyKeySpec(cryptoFramework.AsyKeySpecItem.ECC_G_X_BN);
    showBigIntInfo('--- gX', gX); // length is 224, hex : b70e0cbd6bb4bf7f321390b94a03c1d356c21122343280d6115c1d21
    let gY = key.getAsyKeySpec(cryptoFramework.AsyKeySpecItem.ECC_G_Y_BN);
    showBigIntInfo('--- gY', gY); // length is 224, hex : bd376388b5f723fb4c22dfe6cd4375a05a07476444d5819985007e34
    let n = key.getAsyKeySpec(cryptoFramework.AsyKeySpecItem.ECC_N_BN);
    showBigIntInfo('--- n', n); // length is 224, hex : ffffffffffffffffffffffffffff16a2e0b8f03e13dd29455c5c2a3d
    let h = key.getAsyKeySpec(cryptoFramework.AsyKeySpecItem.ECC_H_NUM);
    console.warn('--- h: ' + h); // key h: 1
    let fieldType = key.getAsyKeySpec(cryptoFramework.AsyKeySpecItem.ECC_FIELD_TYPE_STR);
    console.warn('--- field type: ' + fieldType); // key field type: Fp
    let fieldSize = key.getAsyKeySpec(cryptoFramework.AsyKeySpecItem.ECC_FIELD_SIZE_NUM);
    console.warn('--- field size: ' + fieldSize); // key field size: 224
    let curveName = key.getAsyKeySpec(cryptoFramework.AsyKeySpecItem.ECC_CURVE_NAME_STR);
    console.warn('--- curve name: ' + curveName); // key curve name: NID_secp224r1
    if (keyType == 'priKey') {
      let sk = key.getAsyKeySpec(cryptoFramework.AsyKeySpecItem.ECC_SK_BN);
      showBigIntInfo('--- sk', sk);
    } else if (keyType == 'pubKey') {
      let pkX = key.getAsyKeySpec(cryptoFramework.AsyKeySpecItem.ECC_PK_X_BN);
      showBigIntInfo('--- pkX', pkX);
      let pkY = key.getAsyKeySpec(cryptoFramework.AsyKeySpecItem.ECC_PK_Y_BN);
      showBigIntInfo('--- pkY', pkY);
  } catch (error) {
    console.error('getAsyKeySpec error');
    let e: BusinessError = error as BusinessError;
    console.error(`getAsyKeySpec failed, ${e.code}, ${e.message}`);
// Generate an ECC key pair based on the EccCommonSpec instance and obtain the key specifications.
function testEccUseCommKeySpecGet() {
  try {
    let commKeySpec = genEccCommonSpec(); // Construct the EccCommonSpec object.
    let generatorBySpec = cryptoFramework.createAsyKeyGeneratorBySpec(commKeySpec); // Create an AsyKeyGenerator instance based on the EccCommonSpec object.
    let keyPairPromise = generatorBySpec.generateKeyPair(); // Generate an ECC key pair.
    keyPairPromise.then(keyPair => {// Use AsyKeyGenerator to create an ECC key pair.
      showEccSpecDetailInfo(keyPair.priKey, "priKey"); // Obtain the ECC private key specifications.
      showEccSpecDetailInfo(keyPair.pubKey, "pubKey"); // Obtain the ECC public key specifications.
    }).catch((error: BusinessError) => {
      // Capture exceptions such as logic errors asynchronously.
      console.error('generateComm error');
      console.error('error code: ' + error.code + ', message is: ' + error.message);
  } catch (error) {
    // Capture parameter errors synchronously.
    console.error('testEccUseCommSpec error');
    let e: BusinessError = error as BusinessError;
    console.error(`ecc comm spec failed, ${e.code}, ${e.message}`);

Generating an SM2 Key Pair Based on the Elliptic Curve Name

For details about the algorithm specifications, see SM2.

  1. Create an ECCCommonParamsSpec object to specify common parameters of the private and public keys. Use genECCCommonParamsSpec with an NID string to generate the common parameters for the SM2 key pair.

    When key parameters are specified for generating a key, the bigint value must be a positive number in big-endian format.

  2. Create an ECCKeyPairSpec object with algName set to SM2 to specify the SM2 key pair parameters.

  3. Use cryptoFramework.createAsyKeyGeneratorBySpec with the ECCKeyPairSpec object to create an asymmetric key generator object.

  4. Use AsyKeyGeneratorBySpec.generateKeyPair to generate an SM2 key pair (KeyPair).

  5. Use PriKey.getAsyKeySpec to obtain elliptic curve parameters of SM2.

import cryptoFramework from '';

function genSM2KeyPairSpec() {
  let sm2CommonParamsSpec = cryptoFramework.ECCKeyUtil.genECCCommonParamsSpec('NID_sm2');
  let sm2KeyPairSpec: cryptoFramework.ECCKeyPairSpec = {
    algName: "SM2",
    specType: cryptoFramework.AsyKeySpecType.KEY_PAIR_SPEC,
    params: sm2CommonParamsSpec,
    sk: BigInt('0x6330B599ECD23ABDC74B9A5B7B5E00E553005F72743101C5FAB83AEB579B7074'),
    pk: {
      x: BigInt('0x67F3B850BDC0BA5D3A29D8A0883C4B17612AB84F87F18E28F77D824A115C02C4'),
      y: BigInt('0xD48966CE754BBBEDD6501A1385E1B205C186E926ADED44287145E8897D4B2071')
  return sm2KeyPairSpec;

async function sm2Test() {
  let sm2KeyPairSpec = genSM2KeyPairSpec();
  let generatorBySpec = cryptoFramework.createAsyKeyGeneratorBySpec(sm2KeyPairSpec);
  let keyPair = await generatorBySpec.generateKeyPair();
  let sm2CurveName = keyPair.priKey.getAsyKeySpec(cryptoFramework.AsyKeySpecItem.ECC_CURVE_NAME_STR);'ECC_CURVE_NAME_STR: ' + sm2CurveName); // NID_sm2