

Defines the functions for accessing assets.


System capability: SystemCapability.Security.Asset

Since: 11

Related module: AssetApi



Name Description
int32_t OH_Asset_Add (const Asset_Attr *attributes, uint32_t attrCnt) Adds an asset.
int32_t OH_Asset_Remove (const Asset_Attr *query, uint32_t queryCnt) Removes one or more assets.
int32_t OH_Asset_Update (const Asset_Attr *query, uint32_t queryCnt, const Asset_Attr *attributesToUpdate, uint32_t updateCnt) Updates an asset.
int32_t OH_Asset_PreQuery (const Asset_Attr *query, uint32_t queryCnt, Asset_Blob *challenge) Performs preprocessing for the asset query. This function is used when user authentication is required for the access to the asset.
int32_t OH_Asset_Query (const Asset_Attr *query, uint32_t queryCnt, Asset_ResultSet *resultSet) Queries one or more assets.
int32_t OH_Asset_PostQuery (const Asset_Attr *handle, uint32_t handleCnt) Performs postprocessing for the asset query. This function is used when user authentication is required for the access to the asset.
Asset_Attr * OH_Asset_ParseAttr (const Asset_Result *result, Asset_Tag tag) Parses the query result and obtains the specified attribute.
void OH_Asset_FreeBlob (Asset_Blob *blob) Releases the memory occupied by the challenge value.
void OH_Asset_FreeResultSet (Asset_ResultSet *resultSet) Releases the memory occupied by the query result.