Freezing a Custom Component

When a custom component is inactive, it can be frozen so that its state variable does not respond to updates. That is, the @Watch decorated method is not called, and the node associated with the state variable is not re-rendered. You can use the freezeWhenInactive attribute to specify whether to freeze a custom component. If no parameter is passed in, the feature is disabled. This feature works in following scenarios: page routing, <TabContent>, and LazyforEach.


Custom component freezing is supported since API version 11.

Use Scenarios

Page Routing

  • When page A calls the router.pushUrl API to jump to page B, page A is hidden and invisible. In this case, if the state variable on page A is updated, page A is not re-rendered.

  • The freezing feature does not work when the application is running in the background.

Page A:

import router from '@ohos.router';

@Component({ freezeWhenInactive: true })
struct FirstTest {
  @StorageLink('PropA') @Watch("first") storageLink: number = 47;

  first() {"first page " + `${this.storageLink}`)

  build() {
    Column() {
      Text(`From fist Page ${this.storageLink}`).fontSize(50)
      Button('first page storageLink + 1').fontSize(30)
        .onClick(() => {
          this.storageLink += 1
      Button('go to next page').fontSize(30)
        .onClick(() => {
          router.pushUrl({ url: 'pages/second' })

Page B:

import router from '@ohos.router';

@Component({ freezeWhenInactive: true })
struct SecondTest {
  @StorageLink('PropA') @Watch("second") storageLink2: number = 1;

  second() {"second page: " + `${this.storageLink2}`)

  build() {
    Column() {

      Text(`second Page ${this.storageLink2}`).fontSize(50)
      Button('Change Divider.strokeWidth')
        .onClick(() => {

      Button('second page storageLink2 + 2').fontSize(30)
        .onClick(() => {
          this.storageLink2 += 2


In the preceding example:

  1. When the button first page storLink + 1 on page A is clicked, the storLink state variable is updated, and the @Watch decorated first method is called.

  2. Through router.pushUrl({url:'pages/second'}), page B is displayed, and page A is hidden with its state changing from active to inactive.

  3. When the button this.storLink2 += 2 on page B is clicked, only the @Watch decorated second method of page B is called, because page A has been frozen when inactive.

  4. When the back button is clicked, page B is destroyed, and page A changes from inactive to active. At this time, if the state variable of page A is updated, the @Watch decorated first method of page A is called again.


  • You can freeze invisible <TabContent> components in the <Tabs> container so that they do not trigger UI re-rendering.

  • During initial rendering, only the <TabContent> component that is being displayed is created. All <TabContent> components are created only after all of them have been switched to.

struct TabContentTest {
  @State @Watch("onMessageUpdated") message: number = 0;

  onMessageUpdated() {`TabContent message callback func ${this.message}`)

  build() {
    Row() {
      Column() {
        Button('change message').onClick(() => {

        Tabs() {
          TabContent() {
            FreezeChild({ message: this.message })

          TabContent() {
            FreezeChild({ message: this.message })

@Component({ freezeWhenInactive: true })
struct FreezeChild {
  @Link @Watch("onMessageUpdated") message: number
  private index: number = 0

  onMessageUpdated() {`FreezeChild message callback func ${this.message}, index: ${this.index}`)

  build() {
    Text("message" + `${this.message}, index: ${this.index}`)

In the preceding example:

  1. When change message is clicked, the value of message changes, and the @Watch decorated onMessageUpdated method of the <TabContent> component being displayed is called.

  2. When you switch to another <TabContent> component, it switches from inactive to active, and the corresponding @Watch decorated onMessageUpdated method is called.

  3. When change message is clicked again, the value of message changes, and only the @Watch decorated onMessageUpdated method of the <TabContent> component being displayed is called.



  • You can freeze custom components cached in LazyforEach so that they do not trigger UI re-rendering.
// Basic implementation of IDataSource to handle data listener
class BasicDataSource implements IDataSource {
  private listeners: DataChangeListener[] = [];
  private originDataArray: string[] = [];

  public totalCount(): number {
    return 0;

  public getData(index: number): string {
    return this.originDataArray[index];

  // This method is called by the framework to add a listener to the LazyForEach data source.
  registerDataChangeListener(listener: DataChangeListener): void {
    if (this.listeners.indexOf(listener) < 0) {'add listener');

  // This method is called by the framework to remove the listener from the LazyForEach data source.
  unregisterDataChangeListener(listener: DataChangeListener): void {
    const pos = this.listeners.indexOf(listener);
    if (pos >= 0) {'remove listener');
      this.listeners.splice(pos, 1);

  // Notify LazyForEach that all child components need to be reloaded.
  notifyDataReload(): void {
    this.listeners.forEach(listener => {

  // Notify LazyForEach that a child component needs to be added for the data item with the specified index.
  notifyDataAdd(index: number): void {
    this.listeners.forEach(listener => {

  // Notify LazyForEach that the data item with the specified index has changed and the child component needs to be rebuilt.
  notifyDataChange(index: number): void {
    this.listeners.forEach(listener => {

  // Notify LazyForEach that the child component that matches the specified index needs to be deleted.
  notifyDataDelete(index: number): void {
    this.listeners.forEach(listener => {

class MyDataSource extends BasicDataSource {
  private dataArray: string[] = [];

  public totalCount(): number {
    return this.dataArray.length;

  public getData(index: number): string {
    return this.dataArray[index];

  public addData(index: number, data: string): void {
    this.dataArray.splice(index, 0, data);

  public pushData(data: string): void {
    this.notifyDataAdd(this.dataArray.length - 1);

struct LforEachTest {
  private data: MyDataSource = new MyDataSource();
  @State @Watch("onMessageUpdated") message: number = 0;

  onMessageUpdated() {`LazyforEach message callback func ${this.message}`)

  aboutToAppear() {
    for (let i = 0; i <= 20; i++) {`Hello ${i}`)

  build() {
    Column() {
      Button('change message').onClick(() => {
      List({ space: 3 }) {
        LazyForEach(, (item: string) => {
          ListItem() {
            FreezeChild({ message: this.message,
              index: item })
        }, (item: string) => item)


@Component({ freezeWhenInactive: true })
struct FreezeChild {
  @Link @Watch("onMessageUpdated") message: number;
  private index: string = "";

  aboutToAppear() {`FreezeChild aboutToAppear index: ${this.index}`)

  onMessageUpdated() {`FreezeChild message callback func ${this.message}, index: ${this.index}`)

  build() {
    Text("message" + `${this.message}, index: ${this.index}`)

In the preceding example:

  1. When change message is clicked, the value of message changes, the @Watch decorated onMessageUpdated method of the list items being displayed is called, and that of the cached list items is not called. (If the component is not frozen, the @Watch decorated onMessageUpdated method of both list items that are being displayed and cached list items is called.)

  2. When a list item moves from outside the list content area into the list content area, it switches from inactive to active, and the corresponding @Watch decorated onMessageUpdated method is called.

  3. When change message is clicked again, the value of message changes, and only the @Watch decorated onMessageUpdated method of the list items being displayed is called.
