

The native_mediakeysystem.h file declares the MediaKeySystem API. The APIs can be used to check whether a specific DRM is supported, create a media key session, obtain and set configurations, obtain statistics information, obtain the content protection level, generate media key system requests, process responses to media key system requests, listen for events, and manage offline media keys.


System capability: SystemCapability.Multimedia.Drm.Core

Since: 11

Related module: Drm



Name Description
typedef Drm_ErrCode(* MediaKeySystem_Callback) (DRM_EventType eventType, uint8_t *info, int32_t infoLen, char *extra) Defines the callback that is invoked when a DRM event is triggered.


Name Description
bool OH_MediaKeySystem_IsSupported (const char *name) Checks whether a media key system is supported.
bool OH_MediaKeySystem_IsSupported2 (const char *name, const char *mimeType) Checks whether a media key system is supported.
bool OH_MediaKeySystem_IsSupported3 (const char *name, const char *mimeType, DRM_ContentProtectionLevel contentProtectionLevel) Checks whether a media key system is supported.
Drm_ErrCode OH_MediaKeySystem_GetMediaKeySystems (DRM_MediaKeySystemDescription *infos, uint32_t *count) Obtains the names and UUIDs of the supported media key systems.
Drm_ErrCode OH_MediaKeySystem_Create (const char *name, MediaKeySystem **mediaKeySystem) Creates a MediaKeySystem instance by name.
Drm_ErrCode OH_MediaKeySystem_SetConfigurationString (MediaKeySystem *mediaKeySystem, const char *configName, const char *value) Sets a configuration item in the form of a string for a media key system.
Drm_ErrCode OH_MediaKeySystem_GetConfigurationString (MediaKeySystem *mediaKeySystem, const char *configName, char *value, int32_t valueLen) Obtains the value of a configuration item in the form of a string for a media key system.
Drm_ErrCode OH_MediaKeySystem_SetConfigurationByteArray (MediaKeySystem *mediaKeySystem, const char *configName, uint8_t *value, int32_t valueLen) Sets a configuration item in the form of a byte array for a media key system.
Drm_ErrCode OH_MediaKeySystem_GetConfigurationByteArray (MediaKeySystem *mediaKeySystem, const char *configName, uint8_t *value, int32_t *valueLen) Obtains the value of a configuration item in the form of a string for a media key system.
Drm_ErrCode OH_MediaKeySystem_GetStatistics (MediaKeySystem *mediaKeySystem, DRM_Statistics *statistics) Obtains the statistics information about a media key system.
Drm_ErrCode OH_MediaKeySystem_GetMaxContentProtectionLevel (MediaKeySystem *mediaKeySystem, DRM_ContentProtectionLevel *contentProtectionLevel) Obtains the media key system with the maximum content protection level supported by the device.
Drm_ErrCode OH_MediaKeySystem_SetMediaKeySystemCallback (MediaKeySystem *mediaKeySystem, MediaKeySystem_Callback callback) Sets a media key system event callback.
Drm_ErrCode OH_MediaKeySystem_CreateMediaKeySession (MediaKeySystem *mediaKeySystem, DRM_ContentProtectionLevel *level, MediaKeySession **mediaKeySession) Creates a MediaKeySession instance.
Drm_ErrCode OH_MediaKeySystem_GenerateKeySystemRequest (MediaKeySystem *mediaKeySystem, uint8_t *request, int32_t *requestLen, char *defaultUrl, int32_t defaultUrlLen) Generates a media key system request to obtain a provision request.
Drm_ErrCode OH_MediaKeySystem_ProcessKeySystemResponse (MediaKeySystem *mediaKeySystem, uint8_t *response, int32_t responseLen) Processes a response to the media key system request.
Drm_ErrCode OH_MediaKeySystem_GetOfflineMediaKeyIds (MediaKeySystem *mediaKeySystem, DRM_OfflineMediakeyIdArray *offlineMediaKeyIds) Obtains the IDs of offline media keys.
Drm_ErrCode OH_MediaKeySystem_GetOfflineMediaKeyStatus (MediaKeySystem *mediaKeySystem, uint8_t *offlineMediaKeyId, int32_t offlineMediaKeyIdLen, DRM_OfflineMediaKeyStatus *status) Obtains the status of offline media keys.
Drm_ErrCode OH_MediaKeySystem_ClearOfflineMediaKeys (MediaKeySystem *mediaKeySystem, uint8_t *offlineMediaKeyId, int32_t offlineMediaKeyIdLen) Clears offline media keys.
Drm_ErrCode OH_MediaKeySystem_GetCertificateStatus (MediaKeySystem *mediaKeySystem, DRM_CertificateStatus *certStatus) Obtains the certificate status of a media key system.
Drm_ErrCode OH_MediaKeySystem_Destroy (MediaKeySystem *mediaKeySystem) Destroys a MediaKeySystem instance.