Keyframe Animation (keyframeAnimateTo)

The UIContext provides the keyframeAnimateTo API to specify several keyframes to implement segment-based animation. In an animation that involves width and height changes, as in a property animation, a component's content (such as text, canvas content, and linear gradient) is changed straight to the final state. To enable the content to change with the width and height during the animation process, you can use the renderFit attribute.


This feature is supported since API version 11. Updates will be marked with a superscript to indicate their earliest API version.

This API is a member function of the UIContext class and needs to be called through a UIContext instance.

keyframeAnimateTo(param: KeyframeAnimateParam, keyframes: Array<KeyframeState>): void


Name Type Mandatory Description
param KeyframeAnimateParam Yes Global parameters of the keyframe animation.
keyframes Array<KeyframeState> Yes Array of keyframes.


Name Type Mandatory Description
delay number No Delay of animation playback, in ms.
Default value: 0, indicating that the playback is not delayed.
Value range: (-∞, +∞)
A value greater than 0 means to begin the animation after the specified amount of time has elapsed.
A value less than 0 means to begin the animation in advance. If the absolute value of delay is less than the actual animation duration, the animation starts its first frame from the state at the absolute value. If the absolute value of delay is greater than or equal to the actual animation duration, the animation starts its first frame from the end state. The actual animation duration is equal to the duration of a single animation multiplied by the number of animation playback times.
iterations number No Number of times that the animation is played. By default, the animation is played once. The value -1 indicates that the animation is played for an unlimited number of times. The value 0 indicates that there is no animation.
Default value: 1
Value range: [-1, +∞)
onFinish () => void No Callback invoked when the animation playback is complete. This API is called after the keyframe animation has played for the specified number of times.


Name Type Mandatory Description
duration number Yes Duration of the keyframe animation, in ms.
Value range: [0, +∞)
- If this parameter is set to a value less than 0, the value 0 is used.
- Floating-point values will be rounded down to integers. For example, if the value set is 1.2, 1 will be used.
curve Curve| string | ICurve No Animation curve used by the keyframe.
Default value: Curve.EaseInOut
Because the springMotion, responsiveSpringMotion and interpolatingSpring curves do not have effective duration settings, they are not supported.
event () => void Yes Closure function of the state at the time of the keyframe, that is, the state to be reached at the time of the keyframe.


// xxx.ets
import { UIContext } from '@ohos.arkui.UIContext';
struct KeyframeDemo {
  @State myScale: number = 1.0;
  uiContext: UIContext | undefined = undefined;

  aboutToAppear() {
    this.uiContext = this.getUIContext?.();

  build() {
    Column() {
        .scale({ x: this.myScale, y: this.myScale })
        .onClick(() => {
          if (!this.uiContext) {
  "no uiContext, keyframe failed");
          this.myScale = 1;
          // Set the keyframe animation to play three times.
          this.uiContext.keyframeAnimateTo({ iterations: 3 }, [
              // The first keyframe animation lasts for 800 ms, during which the scale attribute changes from 1 to 1.5.
              duration: 800,
              event: () => {
                this.myScale = 1.5;
              // The second keyframe animation lasts for 500 ms, during which the scale attribute changes from 1.5 to 1.
              duration: 500,
              event: () => {
                this.myScale = 1;
    }.width('100%').margin({ top: 5 })
