Popup Control

You can bind a popup to a component, specifying its content, interaction logic, and visibility.


  • This attribute is supported since API version 7. Updates will be marked with a superscript to indicate their earliest API version.

  • The visibility of the popup is returned through the onStateChange event callback. There is no strong mapping between the visibility and the creation or destruction of the component.


bindPopup(show: boolean, popup: PopupOptions | CustomPopupOptions)

Binds a popup to the component.

System capability: SystemCapability.ArkUI.ArkUI.Full


Name Type Mandatory Description
show boolean Yes Whether to show the popup. The default value is false, indicating that the popup is hidden. As the popup can be displayed only after building of all pages is completed, show cannot be set to true during page building. Otherwise, the display position and shape of the popup will be incorrect.
popup PopupOptions | CustomPopupOptions8+ Yes Parameters of the popup.


Name Type Mandatory Description
message string Yes Content of the popup message.
placementOnTop(deprecated) boolean No Whether to display the popup above the component.
Default value: false
This API is deprecated since API version 10. You are advised to use placement instead.
primaryButton {
value: string,
action: () => void
No Primary button.
value: text of the primary button in the popup.
action: callback for clicking the primary button.
secondaryButton {
value: string,
action: () => void
No Secondary button.
value: text of the secondary button in the popup.
action: callback for clicking the secondary button.
onStateChange (event: { isVisible: boolean }) => void No Callback for the popup status change event. The parameter isVisible indicates whether the popup is visible.
arrowOffset9+ Length No Offset of the popup arrow relative to the popup. When the arrow is at the top or bottom of the popup: The value 0 indicates that the arrow is located on the leftmost, and any other value indicates the distance from the arrow to the leftmost; the arrow is centered by default. When the arrow is on the left or right side of the popup: The value indicates the distance from the arrow to the top; the arrow is centered by default. When the popup is displayed on either edge of the screen, it will automatically deviate leftward or rightward to stay within the safe area. When the value is 0, the arrow always points to the bound component.
showInSubWindow9+ boolean No Whether to show the popup in the subwindow. The default value is false.
mask10+ boolean | { color : ResourceColor } No Whether to apply a mask to the popup. The value true means to apply a transparent mask to the popup, false means not to apply a mask to the popup, and a color value means to apply a mask in the corresponding color to the popup.
messageOptions10+ PopupMessageOptions No Parameters of the popup message.
targetSpace10+ Length No Space between the popup and the target.
placement10+ Placement No Position of the popup relative to the target. The default value is Placement.Bottom.
If both placementOnTop and placement are set, the latter prevails.
offset10+ Position No Offset of the popup relative to the display position specified by placement.
This parameter cannot be set in percentage.
enableArrow10+ boolean No Whether to display the arrow.
Default value: true
popupColor11+ Color | string | number | Resource No Color of the popup.
autoCancel11+ boolean No Whether to automatically close the popup when an operation is performed on the page.
Default value: true
width11+ Dimension No Width of the popup.
When showInSubWindow is set to true, the maximum height of the popup is the height of the device screen. When showInSubWindow is set to false, the maximum height is the height of the application window. Allowable height = Maximum height – Status bar height (0 if there is no status bar) – Dock height (0 if there is no dock) – 40 VP – 40 VP.
arrowPointPosition11+ ArrowPointPosition No Position of the popup arrow relative to its parent component. Available positions are Start, Center, and End, in both vertical and horizontal directions. All these positions are within the parent component area.
arrowWidth11+ Dimension No Arrow thickness. If the arrow thickness exceeds the length of the edge minus twice the size of the popup rounded corner, the arrow is not drawn.
Default value: 16.0_vp
This parameter cannot be set in percentage.
arrowHeight11+ Dimension No Arrow height.
Default value: 8.0_vp
This parameter cannot be set in percentage.
radius11+ Dimension No Rounded corner radius of the popup.
Default value: 20.0_vp
shadow11+ ShadowOptions | ShadowStyle No Popup shadow.
Default value: ShadowStyle.OUTER_DEFAULT_MD
backgroundBlurStyle11+ BlurStyle No Background blur style of the popup.
Default value: BlurStyle.COMPONENT_ULTRA_THICK


Name Type Mandatory Description
textColor ResourceColor No Text color of the popup message.
font Font No Font attributes of the popup message.


Name Type Mandatory Description
builder CustomBuilder Yes Popup builder.
The popup attribute is a universal attribute. A custom popup does not support display of another popup. The position attribute cannot be used for the first-layer container in the builder. If the position attribute is used, the popup will not be displayed. If a custom component is used in the builder, the aboutToAppear and aboutToDisappear lifecycle callbacks of the custom component are irrelevant to the visibility of the popup. As such, the lifecycle of the custom component cannot be used to determine whether the popup is displayed or not.
placement Placement No Preferred position of the popup. If the set position is insufficient for holding the popup, it will be automatically adjusted.
Default value: Placement.Bottom
popupColor number | Color | string | Resource No Color of the popup.
The default value varies by API version.
API version 10: '#4d4d4d'
API version 11 and later: TRANSPARENT plus [COMPONENT_ULTRA_THICK]. (ts-appendix-enums.md#blurstyle9)
enableArrow boolean No Whether to display an arrow.
Since API version 9, if the position set for the popup is not large enough, the arrow will not be displayed. For example, if placement is set to Left, but the popup height (80 vp) is less than the sum of the arrow width (32 vp) and diameter of popup rounded corner (48 vp), the arrow will not be displayed.
Default value: true
autoCancel boolean No Whether to automatically close the popup when an operation is performed on the page.
Default value: true
To enable the popup to disappear upon a click on it, place a layout component in the builder, place the <Popup> component in the layout component, and modify the value of the bindPopup variable (show: boolean) in the onClick event of the layout component.
onStateChange (event: { isVisible: boolean }) => void No Callback for the popup status change event. The parameter isVisible indicates whether the popup is visible.
arrowOffset9+ Length No Offset of the popup arrow relative to the popup. When the arrow is at the top or bottom of the popup: The value 0 indicates that the arrow is located on the leftmost, and any other value indicates the distance from the arrow to the leftmost; the arrow is centered by default. When the arrow is on the left or right side of the popup: The value indicates the distance from the arrow to the top; the arrow is centered by default. When the popup is displayed on either edge of the screen, it will automatically deviate leftward or rightward to stay within the safe area. When the value is 0, the arrow always points to the bound component.
showInSubWindow9+ boolean No Whether to show the popup in the subwindow. The default value is false.
maskColor(deprecated) Resource | string | number | Color No Color of the popup mask.
This parameter is deprecated since API version 10. You are advised to use mask instead.
mask10+ boolean | { color : ResourceColor } No Whether to apply a mask to the popup. The value true means to apply a transparent mask to the popup, false means not to apply a mask to the popup, and a color value means to apply a mask in the corresponding color to the popup.
targetSpace10+ Length No Space between the popup and the target.
offset10+ Position No Offset of the popup relative to the display position specified by placement.
This parameter cannot be set in percentage.
width11+ Dimension No Width of the popup.
When showInSubWindow is set to true, the maximum height of the popup is the height of the device screen. When showInSubWindow is set to false, the maximum height is the height of the application window. Allowable height = Maximum height – Status bar height (0 if there is no status bar) – Dock height (0 if there is no dock) – 40 VP – 40 VP.
arrowPointPosition11+ ArrowPointPosition No Position of the popup arrow relative to its parent component. Available positions are Start, Center, and End, in both vertical and horizontal directions. All these positions are within the parent component area.
arrowWidth11+ Dimension No Arrow thickness. If the arrow thickness exceeds the length of the edge minus twice the size of the popup rounded corner, the arrow is not drawn.
Default value: 16.0_vp
This parameter cannot be set in percentage.
arrowHeight11+ Dimension No Arrow height.
Default value: 8.0_vp
This parameter cannot be set in percentage.
radius11+ Dimension No Rounded corner radius of the popup.
Default value: 20.0_vp
shadow11+ ShadowOptions | ShadowStyle No Popup shadow.
Default value: ShadowStyle.OUTER_DEFAULT_MD
backgroundBlurStyle11+ BlurStyle No Background blur style of the popup.
Default value: BlurStyle.COMPONENT_ULTRA_THICK
focusable11+ boolean No Whether the popup obtains focus when displayed.
Default value: true


Example 1

// xxx.ets
struct PopupExample {
  @State handlePopup: boolean = false
  @State customPopup: boolean = false

  // Popup builder
  @Builder popupBuilder() {
    Row({ space: 2 }) {
      Image($r("app.media.icon")).width(24).height(24).margin({ left: -5 })
      Text('Custom Popup').fontSize(10)

  build() {
    Flex({ direction: FlexDirection.Column }) {
      // PopupOptions for setting the popup
        .onClick(() => {
          this.handlePopup = !this.handlePopup
        .bindPopup(this.handlePopup, {
          message: 'This is a popup with PopupOptions',
          placementOnTop: true,
          primaryButton: {
            value: 'confirm',
            action: () => {
              this.handlePopup = !this.handlePopup
              console.info('confirm Button click')
          // Secondary button
          secondaryButton: {
            value: 'cancel',
            action: () => {
              this.handlePopup = !this.handlePopup
              console.info('cancel Button click')
          onStateChange: (e) => {
            if (!e.isVisible) {
              this.handlePopup = false
        .position({ x: 100, y: 150 })

      // CustomPopupOptions for setting the popup
        .onClick(() => {
          this.customPopup = !this.customPopup
        .bindPopup(this.customPopup, {
          builder: this.popupBuilder,
          placement: Placement.Top,
          mask: {color:'#33000000'},
          popupColor: Color.Yellow,
          enableArrow: true,
          showInSubWindow: false,
          onStateChange: (e) => {
            if (!e.isVisible) {
              this.customPopup = false
        .position({ x: 80, y: 300 })
    }.width('100%').padding({ top: 5 })

Example 2

// xxx.ets
struct PopupExample {
  @State handlePopup: boolean = false

  build() {
    Column() {
        .onClick(() => {
          this.handlePopup = !this.handlePopup
        .bindPopup(this.handlePopup, {
          message: 'This is a popup with PopupOptions',
          messageOptions: {
            textColor: Color.Red,
            font: {
              size: '14vp',
              style: FontStyle.Italic,
              weight: FontWeight.Bolder
          placement: Placement.Bottom,
          enableArrow: false,
          targetSpace: '15vp',
          onStateChange: (e) => {
            if (!e.isVisible) {
              this.handlePopup = false

Example 3

// xxx.ets
struct PopupExample {
  @State customPopup: boolean = false

  // Popup builder
  @Builder popupBuilder() {
    Row() {
      Text('Custom Popup Message').fontSize(10)

  build() {
    Column() {
      // CustomPopupOptions for setting the popup
        .onClick(() => {
          this.customPopup = !this.customPopup
        .bindPopup(this.customPopup, {
          builder: this.popupBuilder,
          targetSpace: '15vp',
          enableArrow: false,
          onStateChange: (e) => {
            if (!e.isVisible) {
              this.customPopup = false

Example 4

// xxx.ets
struct PopupExample {
  @State handlePopup: boolean = false
  build() {
    Column() {
        .position({ x: 100, y: 50 })
        .onClick(() => {
          this.handlePopup = !this.handlePopup
        .bindPopup(this.handlePopup, {
          width: 300,
          message: 'This is a popup with PopupOptions',
          arrowPointPosition: ArrowPointPosition.START,
          popupColor: Color.Red,
          autoCancel: true,

Example 5

// xxx.ets
import { Popup , PopupOptions,PopupTextOptions, PopupButtonOptions, PopupIconOptions } from '@ohos.arkui.advanced.Popup';

struct PopupExample {
  @State customPopup: boolean = false

  popupBuilder() {
    // Define the custom advanced component through popup.
      // Set the icon through PopupIconOptions.
      icon: {
        image: $r('app.media.icon'),
        borderRadius: 16,
      } as PopupIconOptions,
      // Set the text through PopupTextOptions.
      title: {
        text: 'This is a popup with CustomPopupOptions',
        fontSize: 20,
        fontColor: Color.Black,
        fontWeight: FontWeight.Normal,

      } as PopupTextOptions,
      // Set the text through PopupTextOptions.
      message: {
        text: 'This is the message',
        fontSize: 15,
        fontColor: Color.Black,
      } as PopupTextOptions,
      showClose: false,
      onClose: () => {
        console.info('close Button click')
        this.customPopup = false
      // Set the button through PopupButtonOptions.
      buttons: [{
        text: 'confirm',
        action: () => {
          console.info('confirm button click')
          this.customPopup = false
        fontSize: 15,
        fontColor: Color.Black,

          text: 'cancel',
          action: () => {
            console.info('cancel button click')
            this.customPopup = false
          fontSize: 15,
          fontColor: Color.Black,
        },] as [PopupButtonOptions?, PopupButtonOptions?],

  build() {
    Column() {
        .onClick(() => {
          this.customPopup = !this.customPopup
        .position({ x: 80, y: 200 })
        .bindPopup(this.customPopup, {
          builder: this.popupBuilder,
          width: 300,
          arrowPointPosition: ArrowPointPosition.END,

Example 6

// xxx.ets

struct PopupExample {
  @State cursorPopup: boolean = false

  build() {
    Column() {
      TextInput({placeholder:'I am placeholder text',text:'I am current text input'})
        .position({ x: 0, y: 350 })
        .onFocus(() => {
          this.cursorPopup = !this.cursorPopup
        .bindPopup(this.cursorPopup, {
          width: 300,
          message: 'This is a pop-up window that appears with the cursor',
          arrowPointPosition: ArrowPointPosition.CENTER,
          popupColor: Color.Green,
          autoCancel: true,


Example 7

// xxx.ets

struct PopupExample {
  @State customPopup: boolean = false

  build() {
    Column() {
          this.customPopup = !this.customPopup
        .bindPopup(this.customPopup, {
          message: "this is a popup",
          popupColor: Color.Pink,
          arrowHeight: 20,
          arrowWidth: 20,
          radius: 20,
          shadow: ShadowStyle.OUTER_DEFAULT_XS