Importing a Key in Plaintext (C/C++)

This topic walks you through on how to import an ECC key. For details about the scenarios and supported algorithm specifications, see Supported Algorithms.

How to Develop

  1. Set the alias keyAlias of the key to import. The key alias cannot exceed 64 bytes.

  2. Encapsulate the key property set and key material. Construct the key property set paramSet using OH_Huks_InitParamSet, OH_Huks_AddParams, and OH_Huks_BuildParamSet.

  3. Use OH_Huks_ImportKeyItem to import the key.

/* Import an ECC key in plaintext. */
#include "huks/native_huks_api.h"
#include "huks/native_huks_param.h"
#include <string.h>
OH_Huks_Result InitParamSet(struct OH_Huks_ParamSet **paramSet, const struct OH_Huks_Param *params,
                            uint32_t paramCount) {
    OH_Huks_Result ret = OH_Huks_InitParamSet(paramSet);
    if (ret.errorCode != OH_HUKS_SUCCESS) {
        return ret;
    ret = OH_Huks_AddParams(*paramSet, params, paramCount);
    if (ret.errorCode != OH_HUKS_SUCCESS) {
        return ret;
    ret = OH_Huks_BuildParamSet(paramSet);
    if (ret.errorCode != OH_HUKS_SUCCESS) {
        return ret;
    return ret;
struct OH_Huks_Param g_testGenerateKeyParam[] = {{.tag = OH_HUKS_TAG_ALGORITHM, .uint32Param = OH_HUKS_ALG_ECC},
                                                 {.tag = OH_HUKS_TAG_PURPOSE, .uint32Param = OH_HUKS_KEY_PURPOSE_AGREE},
                                                 {.tag = OH_HUKS_TAG_KEY_SIZE, .uint32Param = OH_HUKS_ECC_KEY_SIZE_256},
                                                 {.tag = OH_HUKS_TAG_DIGEST, .uint32Param = OH_HUKS_DIGEST_NONE}};
static napi_value GenerateKey(napi_env env, napi_callback_info info) {
    const char *alias = "test_generate";
    struct OH_Huks_Blob aliasBlob = {.size = (uint32_t)strlen(alias), .data = (uint8_t *)alias};
    struct OH_Huks_ParamSet *testGenerateKeyParamSet = nullptr;
    struct OH_Huks_Result ohResult;
    do {
        ohResult = InitParamSet(&testGenerateKeyParamSet, g_testGenerateKeyParam,
                                sizeof(g_testGenerateKeyParam) / sizeof(OH_Huks_Param));
        if (ohResult.errorCode != OH_HUKS_SUCCESS) {
        ohResult = OH_Huks_GenerateKeyItem(&aliasBlob, testGenerateKeyParamSet, nullptr);
    } while (0);
    napi_value ret;
    napi_create_int32(env, ohResult.errorCode, &ret);
    return ret;
static napi_value ImportKey(napi_env env, napi_callback_info info) {
    (void)GenerateKey(env, info);
    const char *alias = "test_generate";
    struct OH_Huks_Blob aliasBlob = {.size = (uint32_t)strlen(alias), .data = (uint8_t *)alias};
    uint8_t pubKey[OH_HUKS_ECC_KEY_SIZE_256] = {0};
    struct OH_Huks_Blob publicKey = {OH_HUKS_ECC_KEY_SIZE_256, pubKey};
    struct OH_Huks_ParamSet *testImportKeyParamSet = nullptr;
    struct OH_Huks_Result ohResult;
    do {
        ohResult = InitParamSet(&testImportKeyParamSet, g_testGenerateKeyParam,
                                sizeof(g_testGenerateKeyParam) / sizeof(OH_Huks_Param));
        if (ohResult.errorCode != OH_HUKS_SUCCESS) {
        ohResult = OH_Huks_ExportPublicKeyItem(&aliasBlob, testImportKeyParamSet, &publicKey);
        if (ohResult.errorCode != OH_HUKS_SUCCESS) {
        /* 4. Import Key */
        char newKey[] = "test_import";
        struct OH_Huks_Blob newKeyAlias = {.size = (uint32_t)strlen(newKey), .data = (uint8_t *)newKey};
        ohResult = OH_Huks_ImportKeyItem(&newKeyAlias, testImportKeyParamSet, &publicKey);
    } while (0);
    napi_value ret;
    napi_create_int32(env, ohResult.errorCode, &ret);
    return ret;