Ability Framework Changelog

Added the saveAppState API to cl.ability.appRecovery

The API saveAppState (context?: UIAbilityContext): boolean; is added.

Change Impact

When developing an application based on OpenHarmony or a later SDK version, you can use saveAppState with the ability context specified to save the state of the specified ability.

Key API/Component Changes

The saveAppState API is added to the @ohos.app.ability.appRecovery.d.ts file.

Module Class Method/Attribute/Enum/Constant Change Type
@ohos.app.ability.appRecovery.d.ts appRecovery saveAppState(context?: UIAbilityContext): boolean; Added

Adaptation Guide

Call saveAppState with the UIAbility context specified to save the ability state.

import appRecovery from '@ohos.app.ability.appRecovery';
onBackground() {
    hilog.info(0x0000, '[demo]', '%{public}s', 'EntryAbility onBackground');

Added the setRestartWant API to cl.ability.appRecovery.

The API setRestartWant (want: Want): void; is added.

Change Impact

To develop an application based on OpenHarmony or a later SDK version, you can use setRestartWant to set the ability to recover.

Key API/Component Changes

The setRestartWant API is added to the @ohos.app.ability.appRecovery.d.ts file.

Module Class Method/Attribute/Enum/Constant Change Type
@ohos.app.ability.appRecovery.d.ts appRecovery setRestartWant(want: Want): void; Added

Adaptation Guide

Call setRestartWant to set the ability to recover.

import appRecovery from '@ohos.app.ability.appRecovery';
Button ("Start to Recover Ability")
    .onClick(()=> {
        // set restart want
        let want = {
            bundleName: "ohos.samples.recovery",
            abilityName: "RecoveryAbility"
