
The <RichEditor> is a component that supports interactive text editing and mixture of text and imagery.


This component is supported since API version 10. Updates will be marked with a superscript to indicate their earliest API version.

Drag effects such as floating for the <RichEditor> component can only be implemented through the onDragStart event.

Child Components

Not supported


RichEditor(value: RichEditorOptions)


Name Type Mandatory Description
value RichEditorOptions Yes Options for initializing the component.


The universal attributes are supported.


The default value of the clip attribute is true. The align attribute supports only the start, center, and end options.

Name Type Description
customKeyboard CustomBuilder Custom keyboard.
When a custom keyboard is set, activating the text box opens the specified custom component, instead of the system input method.
The custom keyboard's height can be set through the height attribute of the custom component's root node, and its width is fixed at the default value.
The custom keyboard is displayed on top of the current page, without compressing or raising the page.
The custom keyboard cannot obtain focus, but it blocks gesture events.
By default, the custom keyboard is closed when the input component loses the focus.
When a custom keyboard is set, the text box does not support camera input, even when the device supports.
bindSelectionMenu {
spantype: RichEditorSpanType,
content: CustomBuilder,
responseType: ResponseType | RichEditorResponseType11+,
options?: SelectionMenuOptions
Custom context menu on text selection.
Default value: {
spanType: RichEditorSpanType.TEXT
responseType: ResponseType.LongPress
Other: null
copyOptions CopyOptions Whether copy and paste is allowed for text content.
Default value: CopyOptions.LocalDevice
If copyOptions is not set to CopyOptions.None, long-pressing the text content displays the context menu. If a custom context menu is defined through bindSelectionMenu or other approaches, it will be displayed.
If copyOptions is set to CopyOptions.None, copy and paste is not allowed.
enableDataDetector11+ boolean Whether to enable text recognition.
Default value: false
The recognized entity is in the following style settings:
fontColor: Color.Blue
decoration: {
type: TextDecorationType.Underline,
color: Color.Blue
For this API to work, the target device must provide the text recognition capability.
When enableDataDetector is set to true and dataDetectorConfig is not set, all types of entities are recognized by default.
When copyOptions is set to CopyOptions.None, this API does not take effect.
This API does not work for the node text of addBuilderSpan.
dataDetectorConfig11+ {
types: TextDataDetectorType,
onDetectResultUpdate: (callback:(result: string) => void)
Text recognition configuration.
Default value: {
types: [ ],
onDetectResultUpdate: null
This API must be used together with enableDataDetector. It takes effect only when enableDataDetector is set to true.
types: types of entities that can be recognized from text. Values null and [] indicate that all types of entities can be recognized.
onDetectResultUpdate: callback invoked when text recognition succeeds.
result: text recognition result, in JSON format.


In addition to the universal events, the following events are supported.

Name Description
onReady(callback: () => void) Triggered when initialization of the component is completed.
onSelect(callback: (value: RichEditorSelection) => void) Triggered when content is selected.
If a mouse device is used for selection, this event is triggered when the mouse button is released. If a finger is used for selection, this event is triggered when the finger is released.
- value: information about all selected spans.
aboutToIMEInput(callback: (value: RichEditorInsertValue) => boolean) Triggered when content is about to be entered in the input method.
- value: content to be entered in the input method.
onIMEInputComplete(callback: (value: RichEditorTextSpanResult) => void) Triggered when text input in the input method is complete.
- value: text span information after text input is completed.
aboutToDelete(callback: (value: RichEditorDeleteValue) => boolean) Triggered when content is about to be deleted in the input method.
- value: information about the text span where the content to be deleted is located.
onDeleteComplete(callback: () => void) Triggered when deletion in the input method is completed.
onPaste11+(callback: (event?: PasteEvent) => void) Triggered when the paste is about to be completed.
The default system paste and drag behaviors are available for text only.
You can use this API to overwrite the default system behaviors so that both images and text can be pasted.


Describes the text to be inserted.

Name Type Mandatory Description
insertOffset number Yes Offset of the text to be inserted.
insertValue string Yes Content of the text to be inserted.


Name Type Mandatory Description
offset number Yes Offset of the text to be deleted.
direction RichEditorDeleteDirection Yes Direction of the delete operation.
length number Yes Length of the content to be deleted.
richEditorDeleteSpans Array<RichEditorTextSpanResult | RichEditorImageSpanResult> Yes Information about the text or image spans to be deleted.


Enumerates the directions of the delete operation.

Name Description
BACKWARD Backward.
FORWARD Forward.


Provides the text span information.

Name Type Mandatory Description
spanPosition RichEditorSpanPosition Yes Span position.
value string Yes Text span content.
textStyle RichEditorTextStyleResult Yes Text span style.
offsetInSpan [number, number] Yes Start and end positions of the valid content in the text span.
valueResource11+ Resource No Content of the <SymbolSpan> component.
SymbolSpanStyle11+ RichEditorSymbolSpanStyle No Style of the <SymbolSpan> component.


Provides the span position information.

Name Type Mandatory Description
spanIndex number Yes Span index.
spanRange [number, number] Yes Start and end positions of the span content in the <RichEditor> component.


Provides the span type information.

Name Type Mandatory Description
TEXT number Yes Text span.
IMAGE number Yes Image span.
MIXED number Yes Mixed span, which contains both text and imagery.


Provides the text span style information returned by the backend.

Name Type Mandatory Description
fontColor ResourceColor Yes Font color.
fontSize number Yes Font size.
fontStyle FontStyle Yes Font style.
fontWeight number Yes Font weight.
fontFamily string Yes Font family.
decoration {
type: TextDecorationType,
color?: ResourceColor
Yes Style and color of the text decorative line.


Provides the image span style information returned by the backend.

Name Type Mandatory Description
size [number, number] Yes Width and height of the image.
verticalAlign ImageSpanAlignment Yes Vertical alignment mode of the image.
objectFit ImageFit Yes Scale mode of the image.


Defines the options for initializing the <RichEditor> component.

Name Type Mandatory Description
controller RichEditorController Yes Controller for the <RichEditor> component.


Implements the controller for the <RichEditor> component.

Objects to Import

controller: RichEditorController = new RichEditorController()


getCaretOffset(): number

Obtains the current cursor position.

Return value

Type Description
number Cursor position.


setCaretOffset(offset: number): boolean

Sets the cursor position.


Name Type Mandatory Description
offset number Yes Offset of the cursor. If the value is out of the text range, the setting fails.

Return value

Type Description
boolean Whether the cursor position is set successfully.


addTextSpan(value: string, options?: RichEditorTextSpanOptions): number

Adds a text span.


Name Type Mandatory Description
value string Yes Text content.
options RichEditorTextSpanOptions No Text options.

Return value

Type Description
number Position of the added text span.


addImageSpan(value: PixelMap | ResourceStr, options?: RichEditorImageSpanOptions): number

Adds an image span.


Name Type Mandatory Description
value PixelMap|ResourceStr Yes Image content.
options RichEditorImageSpanOptions No Image options.

Return value

Type Description
number Position of the added image span.


addBuilderSpan(value: CustomBuilder, options?: RichEditorBuilderSpanOptions): number


  • This API adds a builder span to take up space in the layout. It calls the system measure method to calculate the actual length, width, and position.
  • You can use RichEditorBuilderSpanOptions to set the index of the builder in the <RichEditor> component (with one character as the unit).
  • The builder span is not focusable or draggable. It supports some universal attributes and can take up space in the layout or be deleted as an image span. Its length equals a character.
  • The builder span does not allow for custom menus set through bindSelectionMenu.
  • The information about the builder span cannot be obtained through getSpans, getSelection, onSelect, or aboutToDelete.
  • The builder span cannot be updated using updateSpanStyle or updateParagraphStyle.
  • Copying or pasting the builder span does not take effect.
  • The layout constraints of the builder span are passed in from the <RichEditor> component. If the size of the outermost component in the builder span is not set, the size of the <RichEditor> is used as the value of maxSize.
  • The gesture event mechanism of the builder span is the same as the universal gesture event mechanism. If transparent transmission is not set in the builder, only the child components in the builder respond.

The following universal attributes are supported: size, padding, margin, aspectRatio, borderStyle, borderWidth, borderColor, borderRadius, backgroundColor, backgroundBlurStyle, opacity, blur, backdropBlur, shadow, grayscale, brightness, saturate, contrast, invert, sepia, hueRotate, colorBlend, sphericalEffect, lightUpEffect, pixelStretchEffect, linearGradientBlur, clip, mask, foregroundBlurStyle, accessibilityGroup, accessibilityText, accessibilityDescription, accessibilityLevel


Name Type Mandatory Description
value CustomBuilder Yes Custom component.
options RichEditorBuilderSpanOptions No Builder options.

Return value

Type Description
number Position of the added builder span.


addSymbolSpan(value: Resource, options?: RichEditorSymbolSpanOptions ): number

Adds a symbol span to the <Richeditor> component.


Name Type Mandatory Description
value Resource Yes Content of the symbol span.
options RichEditorSymbolSpanOptions No Options of the symbol span.

Return value

Type Description
number Position of the added symbol span.


getTypingStyle(): RichEditorTextStyle

Obtains the preset typing style.

Return value

Type Description
RichEditorTextStyle Preset typing style.


setTypingStyle(value: RichEditorTextStyle): void

Sets the typing style.


Name Type Mandatory Description
value RichEditorTextStyle Yes Typing style to set.


updateSpanStyle(value: RichEditorUpdateTextSpanStyleOptions | RichEditorUpdateImageSpanStyleOptions | RichEditorUpdateSymbolSpanStyleOptions): void

Updates the text or image span style.
If only part of a span is updated, the span is split into multiple spans based on the updated part and the non-updated part.

Calling this API will not close the custom context menu on selection by default.


Name Type Mandatory Description
value RichEditorUpdateTextSpanStyleOptions | RichEditorUpdateImageSpanStyleOptions | RichEditorUpdateSymbolSpanStyleOptions11+ Yes Text or image span style options.


updateParagraphStyle(value: RichEditorParagraphStyleOptions): void

Updates the paragraph style.


Name Type Mandatory Description
value RichEditorParagraphStyleOptions Yes Information about the paragraph style.


getSpans(value?: RichEditorRange): Array<RichEditorTextSpanResult| RichEditorImageSpanResult>

Obtains span information.


Name Type Mandatory Description
value RichEditorRange No Range of the target span.

Return value

Type Description
Array<RichEditorTextSpanResult | RichEditorImageSpanResult> Text and image span information.


deleteSpans(value?: RichEditorRange): void

Deletes the text and image spans in a specified range.


Name Type Mandatory Description
value RichEditorRange No Range of the target spans. If this parameter is left empty, all text and image spans will be deleted.


getParagraphs(value?: RichEditorRange): Array<RichEditorParagraphResult>

Obtains the specified paragraphs.


Name Type Mandatory Description
value RichEditorRange No Range of the paragraphs to obtain.

Return value

Type Description
Array<RichEditorParagraphResult> Information about the selected paragraphs.


closeSelectionMenu(): void

Closes the custom or default context menu on selection.


setSelection(selectionStart: number, selectionEnd: number)

Sets the range of the current text selection. The selected text is highlighted.

If both selectionStart and selectionEnd are set to -1, all text is selected.

If the context menu with a handle is displayed before this API is called, calling this API will change the menu position, without closing the menu.

If the context menu without a selection handle is displayed before this API is called, calling this API will not close the context menu, nor change the menu position.

If no context menu is displayed before the API is called, calling this API will not display the context menu.

If this API is called when the text box is not focused, the selected effect is not displayed.



Name Type Mandatory Description
selectionStart number Yes Start position of the text selection.
selectionEnd number Yes End position of the text selection.


getSelection(): RichEditorSelection

Obtains the current text selection.


Return value

Type Description
RichEditorSelection Provides information about the selected content.


Provides information about the selected content.

Name Type Mandatory Description
selection [number, number] Yes Range of the selected.
spans Array<RichEditorTextSpanResult| RichEditorImageSpanResult> Yes Span information.


Defines the text span style options.

Name Type Mandatory Description
start number No Start position of the span whose style needs to be updated. If this parameter is left empty or set to a negative value, the value 0 will be used.
end number No End position of the span whose style needs to be updated. If this parameter is left empty or set to a value beyond the range, the end of the span will be used as the end position.
textStyle RichEditorTextStyle Yes Text style.


If the value of start is greater than that of end, the value 0 will be used as start and the end of the span as end.


Defines the image span style options.

Name Type Mandatory Description
start number No Start position of the span whose style needs to be updated. If this parameter is left empty or set to a negative value, the value 0 will be used.
end number No End position of the span whose style needs to be updated. If this parameter is left empty or set to a value beyond the range, the end of the span will be used as the end position.
imageStyle RichEditorImageSpanStyle Yes Image style.


If the value of start is greater than that of end, the value 0 will be used as start and the end of the span as end.


Defines the symbol span style options.

Name Type Mandatory Description
start number No Start position of the span whose style needs to be updated. If this parameter is left empty or set to a negative value, the value 0 will be used.
end number No End position of the span whose style needs to be updated. If this parameter is left empty or set to a value beyond the range, the end of the span will be used as the end position.
symbolStyle RichEditorSymbolSpanStyle Yes Style of the symbol span.


If the value of start is greater than that of end, the value 0 will be used as start and the end of the span as end.


Describes the paragraph style options.

Name Type Mandatory Description
start number No Start position of the paragraph whose style needs to be updated. If this parameter is left empty or set to a negative value, the value 0 will be used.
end number No End position of the paragraph whose style needs to be updated. If this parameter is left empty or set to a negative value or any value beyond the range, the end of the paragraph will be used as the end position.
style RichEditorParagraphStyle Yes Paragraph style.


If the value of start is greater than that of end, the value 0 will be used as start and the end of the span as end.


Describes the paragraph style.

Name Type Mandatory Description
textAlign TextAlign No Horizontal alignment mode of the text.
leadingMargin Dimension | LeadingMarginPlaceholder No Indent of the paragraph. This parameter cannot be set in percentage.


Describes the leading margin placeholder.

Name Type Mandatory Description
pixelMap PixelMap Yes Image content.
size [Dimension, Dimension] Yes Image size. This parameter cannot be set in percentage.


Describes the returned paragraph information.

Name Type Mandatory Description
style RichEditorParagraphStyle Yes Paragraph style.
range [number, number] Yes Range of the paragraph.


Describes the options for adding a text span.

Name Type Mandatory Description
offset number No Position of the text span to be added. If this parameter is left empty, the span will be added to the end of all text strings.
If the value is less than 0, the span will be placed at the beginning of the text strings. If the value is greater than the text string length, the span is placed at the end of the text strings.
style RichEditorTextStyle No Style of the text span to be added. If this parameter is left empty, the default text style will be used.
paragraphStyle11+ RichEditorParagraphStyle No Paragraph style.
gesture11+ RichEditorGesture No Behavior-triggered callback. If this parameter is left empty, only the default system behavior is supported.


Provides the text style information.

Name Type Mandatory Description
fontColor ResourceColor No Font color.
Default value: Color.Black
fontSize Length No Font size. If Length is of the number type, the unit fp is used. The default value is 16. The value cannot be a percentage.
Since API version 9, this API is supported in ArkTS widgets.
fontStyle FontStyle No Font style.
Default value: FontStyle.Normal
fontWeight FontWeight | number | string No Font weight.
For the number type, the value ranges from 100 to 900, at an interval of 100. A larger value indicates a heavier font weight. The default value is 400.
For the string type, only strings of the number type are supported, for example, "400", "bold", "bolder", "lighter", "regular", and "medium", which correspond to the enumerated values in FontWeight.
Default value: FontWeight.Normal
fontFamily ResourceStr | number | string No Font family. The HarmonyOS Sans font and register custom fonts are supported.
Default font: 'HarmonyOS Sans'
decoration {
type: TextDecorationType,
color?: ResourceColor
No Style and color of the text decorative line.
Default value: {
type: TextDecorationType.None,
color: Color.Black
textShadow11+ ShadowOptions | Array<ShadowOptions> Yes Text shadow. It supports input parameters in an array to implement multiple text shadows.
This API does not work with the fill attribute or coloring strategy.


Defines the options for adding an image span.

Name Type Mandatory Description
offset number No Position of the image span to be added. If this parameter is left empty, the span will be added to the end of all text strings.
If the value is less than 0, the span will be placed at the beginning of the text strings. If the value is greater than the text string length, the span is placed at the end of the text strings.
imageStyle RichEditorImageSpanStyle No Image style. If this parameter is left empty, the default image style will be used.
gesture11+ RichEditorGesture No Behavior-triggered callback. If this parameter is left empty, only the default system behavior is supported.


Provides the image span style information.

Name Type Mandatory Description
size [Dimension, Dimension] No Width and height of the image.
verticalAlign ImageSpanAlignment No Vertical alignment mode of the image.
Default value: ImageSpanAlignment.BASELINE
objectFit ImageFit No Scale mode of the image.
Default value: ImageFit.Cover
layoutStyle11+ {
margin ?: Dimension | Margin,
borderRadius ?: Dimension | BorderRadiuses
No Image layout style.


Describes the options for adding a symbol span.

Name Type Mandatory Description
offset number No Position of the symbol span to be added. If this parameter is left empty, the span will be added to the end of all text strings.
If the value is less than 0, the span will be placed at the beginning of the text strings. If the value is greater than the text string length, the span is placed at the end of the text strings.
style RichEditorSymbolSpanStyle No Style of the symbol span to be added. If this parameter is left empty, the default text style will be used.


Provides the symbol span style information.

Name Type Mandatory Description
fontColor Array<ResourceColor> No Colors of the <SymbolGlyph> component.
Default value: depending on the rendering strategy.
fontSize number | string | Resource No Size of the <SymbolGlyph> component.
Default value: system default value
fontWeight FontWeight | number | string No Font weight of the <SymbolGlyph> component.
For the number type, the value ranges from 100 to 900, at an interval of 100. A larger value indicates a heavier font weight. The default value is 400.
For the string type, only strings of the number type are supported, for example, "400", "bold", "bolder", "lighter", "regular", and "medium", which correspond to the enumerated values in FontWeight.
Default value: FontWeight.Normal
renderingStrategy SymbolRenderingStrategy No Rendering strategy of the <SymbolGlyph> component.
Default value: SymbolRenderingStrategy.SINGLE
For the resources referenced in $r('sys.symbol.ohos_*'), only ohos_trash_circle, ohos_folder_badge_plus, and ohos_lungs support the MULTIPLE_COLOR modes.
effectStrategy SymbolEffectStrategy No Symbol effect of the <SymbolGlyph> component.
Default value: SymbolEffectStrategy.NONE
For the resources referenced in $r('sys.symbol.ohos_*'), only ohos_wifi supports the hierarchical effect.


Defines the options for adding an image span.

Name Type Mandatory Description
offset number No Position of the builder span to be added. If this parameter is left empty, the builder span will be added to the end of all text strings.rings.


Provides the span range information.

Name Type Mandatory Description
start number No Start position. If this parameter is left empty or set to a negative value, the value 0 will be used.
end number No End position. If this parameter is left empty or set to a value beyond the range, the very end will be used as the end position.


Provides the selection range information.

Name Type Mandatory Description
onAppear ?(() => void) No Callback invoked when the custom context menu on selection is displayed.
onDisappear ?(() => void) No Callback invoked when the custom context menu on selection is closed.


Defines the custom paste event.

Name Type Mandatory Description
preventDefault ?(() => void) No Custom paste event.
When set, it will overwrite the system paste event.


Defines the behavior-triggered callbacks.


onClick(callback: (event?: ClickEvent) => void)

Called when a click is complete.


Name Type Mandatory Description
event ClickEvent No Click event.


onLongPress(callback: (event?: GestureEvent) => void )

Called when a long press is complete.


Name Type Mandatory Description
event GestureEvent No Long press event.


Example 1

// xxx.ets
struct Index {
  controller: RichEditorController = new RichEditorController();
  options: RichEditorOptions = { controller: this.controller };
  private start: number = -1;
  private end: number = -1;
  @State message: string = "[-1, -1]"
  @State content: string = ""

  build() {
    Column() {
      Column() {
        Text("selection range:").width("100%")
        Text() {
        Text("selection content:").width("100%")
        Text() {

      Row() {
        Button ("Update Style: Bold").onClick(() => {
            start: this.start,
            end: this.end,
              fontWeight: FontWeight.Bolder
        Button("Obtain Selection").onClick(() => {
          this.content = "";
            start: this.start,
            end: this.end
          }).forEach(item => {
            if(typeof(item as RichEditorImageSpanResult)['imageStyle'] != 'undefined'){
              this.content += (item as RichEditorImageSpanResult).valueResourceStr;
              this.content += "\n"
            } else {
              if(typeof(item as RichEditorTextSpanResult)['symbolSpanStyle'] != 'undefined') {
                this.content += (item as RichEditorTextSpanResult).symbolSpanStyle?.fontSize;
                this.content += "\n"
              }else {
                this.content += (item as RichEditorTextSpanResult).value;
                this.content += "\n"
        Button("Delete Selection").onClick(() => {
            start: this.start,
            end: this.end
          this.start = -1;
          this.end = -1;
          this.message = "[" + this.start + ", " + this.end + "]"

      Column() {
          .onReady(() => {
                  fontColor: Color.Orange,
                  fontSize: 30
                  fontSize: 30
                  size: ["57px", "57px"]
                  fontColor: Color.Black,
                  fontSize: 30
          .onSelect((value: RichEditorSelection) => {
            this.start = value.selection[0];
            this.end = value.selection[1];
            this.message = "[" + this.start + ", " + this.end + "]"
          .aboutToIMEInput((value: RichEditorInsertValue) => {
            console.log("---------------------- aboutToIMEInput ----------------------")
            console.log("insertOffset:" + value.insertOffset)
            console.log("insertValue:" + value.insertValue)
            return true;
          .onIMEInputComplete((value: RichEditorTextSpanResult) => {
            console.log("---------------------- onIMEInputComplete ---------------------")
            console.log("spanIndex:" + value.spanPosition.spanIndex)
            console.log("spanRange:[" + value.spanPosition.spanRange[0] + "," + value.spanPosition.spanRange[1] + "]")
            console.log("offsetInSpan:[" + value.offsetInSpan[0] + "," + value.offsetInSpan[1] + "]")
            console.log("value:" + value.value)
          .aboutToDelete((value: RichEditorDeleteValue) => {
            console.log("---------------------- aboutToDelete --------------------------")
            console.log("offset:" + value.offset)
            console.log("direction:" + value.direction)
            console.log("length:" + value.length)
            value.richEditorDeleteSpans.forEach(item => {
              console.log("---------------------- item --------------------------")
              console.log("spanIndex:" + item.spanPosition.spanIndex)
              console.log("spanRange:[" + item.spanPosition.spanRange[0] + "," + item.spanPosition.spanRange[1] + "]")
              console.log("offsetInSpan:[" + item.offsetInSpan[0] + "," + item.offsetInSpan[1] + "]")
              if (typeof(item as RichEditorImageSpanResult)['imageStyle'] != 'undefined') {
                console.log("image:" + (item as RichEditorImageSpanResult).valueResourceStr)
              } else {
                console.log("text:" + (item as RichEditorTextSpanResult).value)
            return true;
          .onDeleteComplete(() => {
            console.log("---------------------- onDeleteComplete ------------------------")


Example 2

// xxx.ets
struct RichEditorExample {
  controller: RichEditorController = new RichEditorController()

  // Create a custom keyboard component.
  @Builder CustomKeyboardBuilder() {
    Column() {
      Grid() {
        ForEach([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, '*', 0, '#'], (item: number | string) => {
          GridItem() {
            Button(item + "")
              .width(110).onClick(() => {
              this.controller.addTextSpan(item + '', {
                offset: this.controller.getCaretOffset(),
                  fontColor: Color.Orange,
                  fontSize: 30
              this.controller.setCaretOffset(this.controller.getCaretOffset() + item.toString().length)

  build() {
    Column() {
      RichEditor({ controller: this.controller })
        // Bind the custom keyboard.
        .customKeyboard(this.CustomKeyboardBuilder()).margin(10).border({ width: 1 })


Example 3

// xxx.ets
import pasteboard from '@ohos.pasteboard'
import { BusinessError } from '@ohos.base';

export interface SelectionMenuTheme {
  imageSize: number;
  buttonSize: number;
  menuSpacing: number;
  editorOptionMargin: number;
  expandedOptionPadding: number;
  defaultMenuWidth: number;
  imageFillColor: Resource;
  backGroundColor: Resource;
  iconBorderRadius: Resource;
  containerBorderRadius: Resource;
  cutIcon: Resource;
  copyIcon: Resource;
  pasteIcon: Resource;
  selectAllIcon: Resource;
  shareIcon: Resource;
  translateIcon: Resource;
  searchIcon: Resource;
  arrowDownIcon: Resource;
  iconPanelShadowStyle: ShadowStyle;
  iconFocusBorderColor: Resource;

export const defaultTheme: SelectionMenuTheme = {
  imageSize: 24,
  buttonSize: 48,
  menuSpacing: 8,
  editorOptionMargin: 1,
  expandedOptionPadding: 3,
  defaultMenuWidth: 256,
  imageFillColor: $r('sys.color.ohos_id_color_primary'),
  backGroundColor: $r('sys.color.ohos_id_color_dialog_bg'),
  iconBorderRadius: $r('sys.float.ohos_id_corner_radius_default_m'),
  containerBorderRadius: $r('sys.float.ohos_id_corner_radius_card'),
  cutIcon: $r(""),
  copyIcon: $r(""),
  pasteIcon: $r(""),
  selectAllIcon: $r(""),
  shareIcon: $r(""),
  translateIcon: $r(""),
  searchIcon: $r(""),
  arrowDownIcon: $r(""),
  iconPanelShadowStyle: ShadowStyle.OUTER_DEFAULT_MD,
  iconFocusBorderColor: $r('sys.color.ohos_id_color_focused_outline'),

struct SelectionMenu {
  @State message: string = 'Hello World'
  @State textSize: number = 40
  @State sliderShow: boolean = false
  @State start: number = -1
  @State end: number = -1
  @State colorTransparent: Color = Color.Transparent
  controller: RichEditorController = new RichEditorController();
  options: RichEditorOptions = { controller: this.controller }
  private iconArr: Array<Resource> =
    [$r(''), $r(""), $r(''),
    $r(""), $r('')]
  @State iconBgColor: ResourceColor[] = new Array(this.iconArr.length).fill(this.colorTransparent)
  @State pasteEnable: boolean = false
  @State visibilityValue: Visibility = Visibility.Visible
  @State textStyle: RichEditorTextStyle = {}
  private fontWeightTable: string[] = ["100", "200", "300", "400", "500", "600", "700", "800", "900", "bold", "normal", "bolder", "lighter", "medium", "regular"]
  private theme: SelectionMenuTheme = defaultTheme;

  aboutToAppear() {
    if (this.controller) {
      let richEditorSelection = this.controller.getSelection()
      if (richEditorSelection) {
        let start = richEditorSelection.selection[0]
        let end = richEditorSelection.selection[1]
        if (start === 0 && this.controller.getSpans({ start: end + 1, end: end + 1 }).length === 0) {
          this.visibilityValue = Visibility.None
        } else {
          this.visibilityValue = Visibility.Visible
    let sysBoard = pasteboard.getSystemPasteboard()
    if (sysBoard && sysBoard.hasDataSync()) {
      this.pasteEnable = true
    } else {
      this.pasteEnable = false

  build() {
    Column() {
      Column() {
          .onReady(() => {
            this.controller.addTextSpan(this.message, { style: { fontColor: Color.Orange, fontSize: 30 } })
          .onSelect((value: RichEditorSelection) => {
            if (value.selection[0] == -1 && value.selection[1] == -1) {
            this.start = value.selection[0]
            this.end = value.selection[1]
          .bindSelectionMenu(RichEditorSpanType.TEXT, this.panel, ResponseType.LongPress, { onDisappear: () => {
            this.sliderShow = false
          .bindSelectionMenu(RichEditorSpanType.TEXT, this.panel, ResponseType.RightClick, { onDisappear: () => {
            this.sliderShow = false

  PushDataToPasteboard(richEditorSelection: RichEditorSelection) {
    let sysBoard = pasteboard.getSystemPasteboard()
    let pasteData = pasteboard.createData(pasteboard.MIMETYPE_TEXT_PLAIN, '')
    if (richEditorSelection.spans && richEditorSelection.spans.length > 0) {
      let count = richEditorSelection.spans.length
      for (let i = count - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
        let item = richEditorSelection.spans[i]
        if ((item as RichEditorTextSpanResult)?.textStyle) {
          let span = item as RichEditorTextSpanResult
          let style = span.textStyle
          let data = pasteboard.createRecord(pasteboard.MIMETYPE_TEXT_PLAIN, span.value.substring(span.offsetInSpan[0], span.offsetInSpan[1]))
          let prop = pasteData.getProperty()
          let temp: Record<string, Object> = {
            'color': style.fontColor,
            'size': style.fontSize,
            'style': style.fontStyle,
            'weight': this.fontWeightTable[style.fontWeight],
            'fontFamily': style.fontFamily,
            'decorationType': style.decoration.type,
            'decorationColor': style.decoration.color
          prop.additions[i] = temp;
    sysBoard.setData(pasteData).then(() => {'SelectionMenu copy option, Succeeded in setting PasteData.');
      this.pasteEnable = true;
    }).catch((err: BusinessError) => {
      console.error('SelectionMenu copy option, Failed to set PasteData. Cause:' + err.message);

  PopDataFromPasteboard(richEditorSelection: RichEditorSelection) {
    let start = richEditorSelection.selection[0]
    let end = richEditorSelection.selection[1]
    if (start == end && this.controller) {
      start = this.controller.getCaretOffset()
      end = this.controller.getCaretOffset()
    let moveOffset = 0
    let sysBoard = pasteboard.getSystemPasteboard()
    sysBoard.getData((err, data) => {
      if (err) {
      let count = data.getRecordCount()
      for (let i = 0; i < count; i++) {
        const element = data.getRecord(i);
        let tex: RichEditorTextStyle = {
          fontSize: 16,
          fontColor: Color.Black,
          fontWeight: FontWeight.Normal,
          fontFamily: "HarmonyOS Sans",
          fontStyle: FontStyle.Normal,
          decoration: { type: TextDecorationType.None, color: "#FF000000" }
        if (data.getProperty() && data.getProperty().additions[i]) {
          const tmp = data.getProperty().additions[i] as Record<string, Object | undefined>;
          if (tmp.color) {
            tex.fontColor = tmp.color as ResourceColor;
          if (tmp.size) {
            tex.fontSize = tmp.size as Length | number;
          if ( {
            tex.fontStyle = as FontStyle;
          if (tmp.weight) {
            tex.fontWeight = tmp.weight as number | FontWeight | string;
          if (tmp.fontFamily) {
            tex.fontFamily = tmp.fontFamily as ResourceStr;
          if (tmp.decorationType && tex.decoration) {
            tex.decoration.type = tmp.decorationType as TextDecorationType;
          if (tmp.decorationColor && tex.decoration) {
            tex.decoration.color = tmp.decorationColor as ResourceColor;
          if (tex.decoration) {
            tex.decoration = { type: tex.decoration.type, color: tex.decoration.color }
        if (element && element.plainText && element.mimeType === pasteboard.MIMETYPE_TEXT_PLAIN && this.controller) {
              style: tex,
              offset: start + moveOffset
          moveOffset += element.plainText.length
      if (this.controller) {
        this.controller.setCaretOffset(start + moveOffset)
      if (start != end && this.controller) {
        this.controller.deleteSpans({ start: start + moveOffset, end: end + moveOffset })

  panel() {
    Column() {
      if (!this.sliderShow) {
      } else {

  @Builder iconPanel() {
    Column() {
      Row({ space: 2 }) {
        ForEach(this.iconArr, (item:Resource, index ?: number) => {
          Flex({ justifyContent: FlexAlign.Center, alignItems: ItemAlign.Center }) {
          .onClick(() => {
            if (index as number == 0) {
              this.sliderShow = false
              if (this.controller) {
                let selection = this.controller.getSelection();
                let spans = selection.spans
                spans.forEach((item: RichEditorTextSpanResult | RichEditorImageSpanResult, index) => {
                  if (typeof (item as RichEditorTextSpanResult)['textStyle'] != 'undefined') {
                    let span = item as RichEditorTextSpanResult
                    this.textStyle = span.textStyle
                    let start = span.offsetInSpan[0]
                    let end = span.offsetInSpan[1]
                    let offset = span.spanPosition.spanRange[0]
                    if (this.textStyle.fontWeight != 11) {
                      this.textStyle.fontWeight = FontWeight.Bolder
                    } else {
                      this.textStyle.fontWeight = FontWeight.Normal
                      start: offset + start,
                      end: offset + end,
                      textStyle: this.textStyle
            } else if (index as number == 1) {
              this.sliderShow = false
              if (this.controller) {
                let selection = this.controller.getSelection();
                let spans = selection.spans
                spans.forEach((item: RichEditorTextSpanResult | RichEditorImageSpanResult, index) => {
                  if (typeof (item as RichEditorTextSpanResult)['textStyle'] != 'undefined') {
                    let span = item as RichEditorTextSpanResult
                    this.textStyle = span.textStyle
                    let start = span.offsetInSpan[0]
                    let end = span.offsetInSpan[1]
                    let offset = span.spanPosition.spanRange[0]
                    if (this.textStyle.fontStyle == FontStyle.Italic) {
                      this.textStyle.fontStyle = FontStyle.Normal
                    } else {
                      this.textStyle.fontStyle = FontStyle.Italic
                      start: offset + start,
                      end: offset + end,
                      textStyle: this.textStyle
            } else if (index as number == 2) {
              this.sliderShow = false
              if (this.controller) {
                let selection = this.controller.getSelection();
                let spans = selection.spans
                spans.forEach((item: RichEditorTextSpanResult | RichEditorImageSpanResult, index) => {
                  if (typeof (item as RichEditorTextSpanResult)['textStyle'] != 'undefined') {
                    let span = item as RichEditorTextSpanResult
                    this.textStyle = span.textStyle
                    let start = span.offsetInSpan[0]
                    let end = span.offsetInSpan[1]
                    let offset = span.spanPosition.spanRange[0]
                    if (this.textStyle.decoration) {
                      if (this.textStyle.decoration.type == TextDecorationType.Underline) {
                        this.textStyle.decoration.type = TextDecorationType.None
                      } else {
                        this.textStyle.decoration.type = TextDecorationType.Underline
                    } else {
                      this.textStyle.decoration = { type: TextDecorationType.Underline, color: Color.Black }
                      start: offset + start,
                      end: offset + end,
                      textStyle: this.textStyle
            } else if (index as number == 3) {
              this.sliderShow = !this.sliderShow
            } else if (index as number == 4) {
              this.sliderShow = false
              if (this.controller) {
                let selection = this.controller.getSelection();
                let spans = selection.spans
                spans.forEach((item: RichEditorTextSpanResult | RichEditorImageSpanResult, index) => {
                  if (typeof (item as RichEditorTextSpanResult)['textStyle'] != 'undefined') {
                    let span = item as RichEditorTextSpanResult
                    this.textStyle = span.textStyle
                    let start = span.offsetInSpan[0]
                    let end = span.offsetInSpan[1]
                    let offset = span.spanPosition.spanRange[0]
                    if (this.textStyle.fontColor == Color.Orange || this.textStyle.fontColor == '#FFFFA500') {
                      this.textStyle.fontColor = Color.Black
                    } else {
                      this.textStyle.fontColor = Color.Orange
                      start: offset + start,
                      end: offset + end,
                      textStyle: this.textStyle
          .onTouch((event?: TouchEvent | undefined) => {
            if(event != undefined){
              if (event.type === TouchType.Down) {
                this.iconBgColor[index as number] = $r('sys.color.ohos_id_color_click_effect')
              if (event.type === TouchType.Up) {
                this.iconBgColor[index as number] = this.colorTransparent
          .onHover((isHover?: boolean, event?: HoverEvent) => {
            this.iconBgColor.forEach((icon:ResourceColor, index1) => {
              this.iconBgColor[index1] = this.colorTransparent
            if(isHover != undefined) {
              this.iconBgColor[index as number] = $r('sys.color.ohos_id_color_hover')
          .backgroundColor(this.iconBgColor[index as number])
    .margin({ bottom: this.theme.menuSpacing })

  SystemMenu() {
    Column() {
      Menu() {
        if (this.controller) {
          MenuItemGroup() {
            MenuItem({ startIcon: this.theme.cutIcon, content: "Cut", labelInfo: "Ctrl+X" })
              .onClick(() => {
                if (!this.controller) {
                let richEditorSelection = this.controller.getSelection()
                  start: richEditorSelection.selection[0],
                  end: richEditorSelection.selection[1]
            MenuItem({ startIcon: this.theme.copyIcon, content: "Copy", labelInfo: "Ctrl+C" })
              .onClick(() => {
                if (!this.controller) {
                let richEditorSelection = this.controller.getSelection()
            MenuItem({ startIcon: this.theme.pasteIcon, content: "Paste", labelInfo: "Ctrl+V" })
              .onClick(() => {
                if (!this.controller) {
                let richEditorSelection = this.controller.getSelection()
            MenuItem({ startIcon: this.theme.selectAllIcon, content: "Select all", labelInfo: "Ctrl+A" })
              .onClick(() => {
                if (!this.controller) {
                this.controller.setSelection(-1, -1)
                this.visibilityValue = Visibility.None
            MenuItem({ startIcon: this.theme.shareIcon, content: "Share", labelInfo: "" })
            MenuItem({ startIcon: this.theme.translateIcon, content: "Translate", labelInfo: "" })
            MenuItem({ startIcon: this.theme.searchIcon, content: "Search", labelInfo: "" })
      .onVisibleAreaChange([0.0, 1.0], () => {
        if (!this.controller) {
        let richEditorSelection = this.controller.getSelection()
        let start = richEditorSelection.selection[0]
        let end = richEditorSelection.selection[1]
        if (start === 0 && this.controller.getSpans({ start: end + 1, end: end + 1 }).length === 0) {
          this.visibilityValue = Visibility.None
        } else {
          this.visibilityValue = Visibility.Visible

  @Builder sliderPanel() {
    Column() {
      Flex({ justifyContent: FlexAlign.SpaceBetween, alignItems: ItemAlign.Center }) {
        Slider({ value: this.textSize, step: 10, style: SliderStyle.InSet })
          .onChange((value: number, mode: SliderChangeMode) => {
            if (this.controller) {
              let selection = this.controller.getSelection();
              if (mode == SliderChangeMode.End) {
                if (this.textSize == undefined) {
                  this.textSize = 0
                let spans = selection.spans
                spans.forEach((item: RichEditorTextSpanResult | RichEditorImageSpanResult, index) => {
                  if (typeof (item as RichEditorTextSpanResult)['textStyle'] != 'undefined') {
                    this.textSize = Math.max(this.textSize, (item as RichEditorTextSpanResult).textStyle.fontSize)
              if (mode == SliderChangeMode.Moving || mode == SliderChangeMode.Click) {
                this.start = selection.selection[0]
                this.end = selection.selection[1]
                this.textSize = value
                  start: this.start,
                  end: this.end,
                  textStyle: { fontSize: this.textSize }


Icons in bold and italics are not preset in the system. The sample code uses the default icons. You need to replace the icons in iconArr with the desired icons.


Example 4

// xxx.ets
struct Index {
  controller: RichEditorController = new RichEditorController();
  options: RichEditorOptions = { controller: this.controller };
  private start: number = -1;
  private end: number = -1;
  @State message: string = "[-1, -1]"
  @State content: string = ""
  @State paddingVal: number = 5
  @State borderRad: number = 4

  build() {
    Column() {
      Column() {
        Text("selection range:").width("100%")
        Text() {
        Text("selection content:").width("100%")
        Text() {

      Row() {
          .onClick(() => {
              start: this.start,
                fontWeight: FontWeight.Bolder
              imageStyle: {
                size: ["80px", "80px"],
                layoutStyle: {
                  borderRadius: undefined,
                  margin: undefined

          .onClick(() => {
              start: this.start,
                fontWeight: FontWeight.Bolder
              imageStyle: {
                size: ["70px", "70px"],
                layoutStyle: {
                  borderRadius: { topLeft: '100px', topRight: '20px', bottomLeft: '100px', bottomRight: '20px' },
                  margin: { left: '30px', top: '20px', right: '20px', bottom: '20px' }

          .onClick(() => {
              start: this.start,
                fontWeight: FontWeight.Bolder
              imageStyle: {
                size: ["60px", "60px"],
                layoutStyle: {
                  borderRadius: '-10px',
                  margin: '-10px'

      Row() {
          .onClick(() => {
            this.controller.addImageSpan($r(''), {
              imageStyle: {
                size: ["80px", "80px"],
                layoutStyle: {
                  borderRadius: '50px',
                  margin: '40px'

          .onClick(() => {
            this.controller.addImageSpan($r(''), {
              imageStyle: {
                size: ["100px", "100px"],
                verticalAlign: ImageSpanAlignment.BOTTOM,
                layoutStyle: {
                  borderRadius: undefined,
                  margin: undefined

          .onClick(() => {
            this.controller.addImageSpan($r(''), {
              imageStyle: {
                size: ["60px", "60px"],
                verticalAlign: ImageSpanAlignment.BOTTOM,
                layoutStyle: {
                  borderRadius: { topLeft: '10px', topRight: '20px', bottomLeft: '30px', bottomRight: '40px' },
                  margin: { left: '10px', top: '20px', right: '30px', bottom: '40px' }

      Column() {
          .onReady(() => {
                  fontColor: Color.Orange,
                  fontSize: 30

                  size: ["60px", "60px"],
                  verticalAlign: ImageSpanAlignment.BOTTOM,
                  layoutStyle: {
                    borderRadius: { topLeft: '10px', topRight: '20px', bottomLeft: '30px', bottomRight: '40px' },
                    margin: { left: '10px', top: '20px', right: '30px', bottom: '40px' }

                  fontColor: Color.Black,
                  fontSize: 30
          .onSelect((value: RichEditorSelection) => {
            this.start = value.selection[0];
            this.end = value.selection[1];
            this.message = "[" + this.start + ", " + this.end + "]"
          .aboutToIMEInput((value: RichEditorInsertValue) => {
            console.log("---------------------- aboutToIMEInput ----------------------")
            console.log("insertOffset:" + value.insertOffset)
            console.log("insertValue:" + value.insertValue)
            return true;
          .onIMEInputComplete((value: RichEditorTextSpanResult) => {
            console.log("---------------------- onIMEInputComplete ---------------------")
            console.log("spanIndex:" + value.spanPosition.spanIndex)
            console.log("spanRange:[" + value.spanPosition.spanRange[0] + "," + value.spanPosition.spanRange[1] + "]")
            console.log("offsetInSpan:[" + value.offsetInSpan[0] + "," + value.offsetInSpan[1] + "]")
            console.log("value:" + value.value)
          .aboutToDelete((value: RichEditorDeleteValue) => {
            console.log("---------------------- aboutToDelete --------------------------")
            console.log("offset:" + value.offset)
            console.log("direction:" + value.direction)
            console.log("length:" + value.length)
            value.richEditorDeleteSpans.forEach(item => {
              console.log("---------------------- item --------------------------")
              console.log("spanIndex:" + item.spanPosition.spanIndex)
              console.log("spanRange:[" + item.spanPosition.spanRange[0] + "," + item.spanPosition.spanRange[1] + "]")
              console.log("offsetInSpan:[" + item.offsetInSpan[0] + "," + item.offsetInSpan[1] + "]")
              if (typeof (item as RichEditorImageSpanResult)['imageStyle'] != 'undefined') {
                console.log("image:" + (item as RichEditorImageSpanResult).valueResourceStr)
              } else {
                console.log("text:" + (item as RichEditorTextSpanResult).value)
            return true;
          .onDeleteComplete(() => {
            console.log("---------------------- onDeleteComplete ------------------------")


Example 5

// xxx.ets
struct Index {
  controller: RichEditorController = new RichEditorController()
  options: RichEditorOptions = { controller: this.controller };
  @State textFlag: string = "TextFlag";

  build() {
    Column() {
      Column() {
      Column() {
          .onReady(() => {
            this.controller.addTextSpan('Area1\n', {
                fontColor: Color.Orange,
                fontSize: 50
                onClick: () => {
                  this.textFlag = "Area1 is onClick."
                onLongPress: () => {
                  this.textFlag = "Area1 is onLongPress."

            this.controller.addTextSpan('Area2\n', {
                fontColor: Color.Blue,
                fontSize: 50
                onClick: () => {
                  this.textFlag = "Area2 is onClick."
                onLongPress: () => {
                  this.textFlag = "Area2 is onLongPress."

                  size: ["100px", "100px"],
                  layoutStyle: {
                    margin: 5,
                    borderRadius: 15
                  onClick: () => {
                    this.textFlag = "ImageSpan is onClick."
                  onLongPress: () => {
                    this.textFlag = "ImageSpan is onLongPress."


Example 6

// xxx.ets
struct Index {
  controller: RichEditorController = new RichEditorController();
  private spanParagraphs: RichEditorParagraphResult[] = [];

  build() {
    Column() {
      RichEditor({ controller: this.controller })
        .onReady(() => {
          this.controller.addTextSpan("0123456789\n", {
            style: {
              fontColor: Color.Pink,
              fontSize: "32",
            paragraphStyle: {
              textAlign: TextAlign.Start,
              leadingMargin: 16
        .border({ width: 1, radius: 5 })

      Column({ space: 5 }) {
        Button ("Align left").onClick () => {
          this.controller.updateParagraphStyle({ start: -1, end: -1,
            style: {
              textAlign: TextAlign.Start,

        Button ("Align right").onClick(() => {
          this.controller.updateParagraphStyle({ start: -1, end: -1,
            style: {
              textAlign: TextAlign.End,

        Button ("Center").onClick ((). => {
          this.controller.updateParagraphStyle({ start: -1, end: -1,
            style: {
              textAlign: TextAlign.Center,
        Button("getParagraphs").onClick(() => {
          this.spanParagraphs = this.controller.getParagraphs({ start: -1, end: -1 })
          console.log("RichEditor getParagraphs:" + JSON.stringify(this.spanParagraphs))

        Button("UpdateSpanStyle1").onClick(() => {
          this.controller.updateSpanStyle({ start: -1, end: -1,
            textStyle: {
              fontColor: Color.Brown,
              fontSize: 20

        Button("UpdateSpanStyle2").onClick(() => {
          this.controller.updateSpanStyle({ start: -1, end: -1,
            textStyle: {
              fontColor: Color.Green,
              fontSize: 30


Example 7

// xxx.ets
import font from '@ohos.font'
const canvasWidth = 1000
const canvasHeight = 100
const Indentation = 10
class LeadingMarginCreator {
  private settings: RenderingContextSettings = new RenderingContextSettings(true);
  private offscreenCanvas: OffscreenCanvas = new OffscreenCanvas(canvasWidth, canvasHeight);
  private offContext: OffscreenCanvasRenderingContext2D = this.offscreenCanvas.getContext("2d", this.settings);
  public static instance: LeadingMarginCreator = new LeadingMarginCreator();

  public genStrMark(fontSize: number, str: string): PixelMap {
    this.offContext = this.offscreenCanvas.getContext("2d", this.settings);
    this.offContext.font = fontSize + 'vp sans-serif';
    this.offContext.fillText(str + '.', 0, fontSize * 0.9);
    return this.offContext.getPixelMap(0, 0, fontSize * (str.length + 1) / 1.75, fontSize);

  public genSquareMark(fontSize: number): PixelMap {
    this.offContext = this.offscreenCanvas.getContext("2d", this.settings);
    const coordinate = fontSize * (1 - 1 / 1.5) / 2;
    const sideLength = fontSize / 1.5;
    this.offContext.fillRect(coordinate, coordinate, sideLength, sideLength);
    return this.offContext.getPixelMap(0, 0, fontSize, fontSize);

  public genCircleMark(fontSize: number): PixelMap {
    this.offContext = this.offscreenCanvas.getContext("2d", this.settings);
    const centerCoordinate = fontSize / 2;
    const radius = fontSize / 3;
    this.offContext.ellipse(centerCoordinate, centerCoordinate, radius, radius, 0, 0, 2 * Math.PI);
    this.offContext.fillStyle = Color.Black;
    return this.offContext.getPixelMap(0, 0, fontSize, fontSize);

  private clearCanvas() {
    this.offContext.clearRect(0, 0, canvasWidth, canvasHeight);

struct Index {
  controller: RichEditorController = new RichEditorController();
  options: RichEditorOptions = { controller: this.controller };
  private leadingMarkCreatorInstance = LeadingMarginCreator.instance;
  private fontNameRawFile: string = 'MiSans-Bold'
  @State fs: number = 30
  @State cl: number = Color.Black
  private leftMargin: Dimension = 0;
  private richEditorTextStyle: RichEditorTextStyle = {};

  aboutToAppear() {
      familyName: 'MiSans-Bold',
      familySrc: '/font/MiSans-Bold.ttf'

  build() {
    Scroll() {
      Column() {
          .onReady(() => {
                  fontWeight: 'medium',
                  fontFamily: this.fontNameRawFile,
                  fontColor: Color.Red,
                  fontSize: 50,
                  fontStyle: FontStyle.Italic,
                  decoration: { type: TextDecorationType.Underline, color: Color.Green }

                  fontWeight: FontWeight.Lighter,
                  fontFamily: 'HarmonyOS Sans',
                  fontColor: 'rgba(0,128,0,0.5)',
                  fontSize: 30,
                  fontStyle: FontStyle.Normal,
                  decoration: { type: TextDecorationType.Overline, color: 'rgba(169, 26, 246, 0.50)' }

        Row({ space: 5 }) {
            .onClick(() => {
                  fontWeight: 'medium',
                  fontFamily: this.fontNameRawFile,
                  fontColor: Color.Blue,
                  fontSize: 50,
                  fontStyle: FontStyle.Italic,
                  decoration: { type: TextDecorationType.Underline, color: Color.Green }

            .onClick(() => {
                  fontWeight: FontWeight.Lighter,
                  fontFamily: 'HarmonyOS Sans',
                  fontColor: Color.Green,
                  fontSize: '30',
                  fontStyle: FontStyle.Normal,
                  decoration: { type: TextDecorationType.Overline, color: 'rgba(169, 26, 246, 0.50)' }
        Button("getTypingStyle").onClick(() => {
          this.richEditorTextStyle = this.controller.getTypingStyle()
          console.log("RichEditor getTypingStyle:" + JSON.stringify(this.richEditorTextStyle))
        Row({ space: 5 }) {
          Button ("Increase Bullet Indent").onClick(() => {
            let margin = Number(this.leftMargin)
            if (margin < 200) {
              margin += Indentation;
              this.leftMargin = margin;
              start: -10,
              end: -10,
              style: {
                leadingMargin : {
                  pixelMap : this.leadingMarkCreatorInstance.genCircleMark(16), size: [margin, 30]

          Button("Decrease Bullet Indent").onClick(() => {
            let margin = Number(this.leftMargin)
            if (margin > 0) {
              margin -= Indentation;
              this.leftMargin = margin;
              start: -10,
              end: -10,
              style: {
                leadingMargin : {
                  pixelMap : this.leadingMarkCreatorInstance.genCircleMark(16), size: [margin, 30]
        Row({ space: 5 }) {
          Button ("Increase Indent").onClick(() => {
            let margin = Number(this.leftMargin)
            if (margin < 200) {
              margin += Indentation;
              this.leftMargin = margin;
              start: -10,
              end: -10,
              style: {
                leadingMargin: margin

          Button("Decrease Indent").onClick(() => {
            let margin = Number(this.leftMargin)
            if (margin > 0) {
              margin -= Indentation;
              this.leftMargin = margin;
              start: -10,
              end: -10,
              style: {
                leadingMargin: margin


Example 8

struct Index {
  controller: RichEditorController = new RichEditorController();
  options: RichEditorOptions = { controller: this.controller };
  private start: number = -1;
  private end: number = -1;
  @State message: string = "[-1, -1]"
  @State content: string = ""
  @State visable :number = 0;
  @State index:number = 0;
  @State offsetx: number = 0;
  @State textShadows : (ShadowOptions | Array<ShadowOptions> ) =
    [{ radius: 10, color: Color.Red, offsetX: 10, offsetY: 0 },{ radius: 10, color: Color.Black, offsetX: 20, offsetY: 0 },
      { radius: 10, color: Color.Brown, offsetX: 30, offsetY: 0 },{ radius: 10, color: Color.Green, offsetX: 40, offsetY: 0 },
      { radius: 10, color: Color.Yellow, offsetX: 100, offsetY: 0 }]
  @State textshadowOf : ShadowOptions[] = []
  build() {
    Column() {
      Column() {
        Text("selection range:").width("100%")
        Text() {
        Text("selection content:").width("100%")
        Text() {
      Row() {
        Button("Update Style: Bold & Text Shadow").onClick(() => {
            start: this.start,
            end: this.end,
              fontWeight: FontWeight.Bolder,
              textShadow: this.textShadows
      Column() {
          .onReady(() => {
                  fontColor: Color.Orange,
                  fontSize: 30,
                  textShadow: { radius: 10, color: Color.Blue, offsetX: 10, offsetY: 0 }


Example 9

function placeholderBuilder2() {
  Row({ space: 2 }) {
    Image($r("")).width(24).height(24).margin({ left: -5 })

// xxx.ets
struct Index {
  controller: RichEditorController = new RichEditorController();
  option: RichEditorOptions = { controller: this.controller };
  private start: number = 2;
  private end: number = 4;
  @State message: string = "[-1, -1]"
  @State content: string = ""
  private my_offset: number | undefined = undefined
  private my_builder: CustomBuilder = undefined

  placeholderBuilder() {
    Row({ space: 2 }) {
      Image($r("")).width(24).height(24).margin({ left: -5 })
      Text('Custom Popup').fontSize(10)

  placeholderBuilder3() {

  placeholderBuilder4() {
    Column() {
      Column({ space: 5 }) {
        Flex({ direction: FlexDirection.Row }) { // The child components are arranged in the same direction as the main axis runs along the rows.

        Flex({ direction: FlexDirection.RowReverse }) { // The child components are arranged opposite to the Row direction.

        Flex({ direction: FlexDirection.Column }) { // The child components are arranged in the same direction as the main axis runs down the columns.

        Flex({ direction: FlexDirection.ColumnReverse }) { // The child components are arranged opposite to the Column direction.
      }.width('100%').margin({ top: 5 })

  MyMenu() {
    Menu() {
      MenuItem({ startIcon: $r(""), content: "Menu option 1" })
      MenuItem({ startIcon: $r(""), content: "Menu option 2" })

  build() {
    Column() {
      Column() {
        Text("selection range:").width("100%")
        Text() {

        Text("selection content:").width("100%")
        Text() {

      Row() {
        Button ("Get Span Info").onClick () => {
'getSpans='+JSON.stringify(this.controller.getSpans({ start:1, end:5 })))
'getParagraphs='+JSON.stringify(this.controller.getParagraphs({ start:1, end:5 })))
          this.content = ""
            start: this.start,
            end: this.end
          }).forEach(item => {
            if (typeof (item as RichEditorImageSpanResult)['imageStyle'] != 'undefined') {
              if ((item as RichEditorImageSpanResult).valueResourceStr == "") {
      "builder span index " + (item as RichEditorImageSpanResult).spanPosition.spanIndex + ", range : " + (item as RichEditorImageSpanResult).offsetInSpan[0] + ", " +
                  (item as RichEditorImageSpanResult).offsetInSpan[1] + ", size : " + (item as RichEditorImageSpanResult).imageStyle[0] + ", " + (item as RichEditorImageSpanResult).imageStyle[1])
              } else {
      "image span " + (item as RichEditorImageSpanResult).valueResourceStr + ", index : " + (item as RichEditorImageSpanResult).spanPosition.spanIndex + ", range: " +
                  (item as RichEditorImageSpanResult).offsetInSpan[0] + ", " + (item as RichEditorImageSpanResult).offsetInSpan[1] + ", size : " +
                  (item as RichEditorImageSpanResult).imageStyle.size[0] + ", " + (item as RichEditorImageSpanResult).imageStyle.size[1])
            } else {
              this.content += (item as RichEditorTextSpanResult).value;
              this.content += "\n"
    "text span: " + (item as RichEditorTextSpanResult).value)
        Button ("Get Selection").onClick () => {
          this.content = "";
          let select = this.controller.getSelection()
"selection start " + select.selection[0] + " end " + select.selection[1])
          select.spans.forEach(item => {
            if (typeof (item as RichEditorImageSpanResult)['imageStyle'] != 'undefined') {
              if ((item as RichEditorImageSpanResult).valueResourceStr == "") {
      "builder span index " + (item as RichEditorImageSpanResult).spanPosition.spanIndex + ", range : " + (item as RichEditorImageSpanResult).offsetInSpan[0] + ", " +
                  (item as RichEditorImageSpanResult).offsetInSpan[1] + ", size : " + (item as RichEditorImageSpanResult).imageStyle[0] + ", " + (item as RichEditorImageSpanResult).imageStyle[1])
              } else {
      "image span " + (item as RichEditorImageSpanResult).valueResourceStr + ", index : " + (item as RichEditorImageSpanResult).spanPosition.spanIndex + ", range: " +
                  (item as RichEditorImageSpanResult).offsetInSpan[0] + ", " + (item as RichEditorImageSpanResult).offsetInSpan[1] + ", size : " +
                  (item as RichEditorImageSpanResult).imageStyle.size[0] + ", " + (item as RichEditorImageSpanResult).imageStyle.size[1])
            } else {
              this.content += (item as RichEditorTextSpanResult).value;
              this.content += "\n"
    "text span: " + (item as RichEditorTextSpanResult).value)
        Button("Delete Selection").onClick(() => {
            start: this.start,
            end: this.end

      Column() {
          .onReady(() => {
                  fontColor: Color.Orange,
                  fontSize: 30
                  size: ["57px", "57px"]
          .onSelect((value: RichEditorSelection) => {
            this.start = value.selection[0];
            this.end = value.selection[1];
            this.message = "[" + this.start + ", " + this.end + "]"
          .aboutToIMEInput((value: RichEditorInsertValue) => {
            console.log("---------------------- aboutToIMEInput --------------------")
            console.log("insertOffset:" + value.insertOffset)
            console.log("insertValue:" + value.insertValue)
            return true;
          .onIMEInputComplete((value: RichEditorTextSpanResult) => {
            console.log("---------------------- onIMEInputComplete --------------------")
            console.log("spanIndex:" + value.spanPosition.spanIndex)
            console.log("spanRange:[" + value.spanPosition.spanRange[0] + "," + value.spanPosition.spanRange[1] + "]")
            console.log("offsetInSpan:[" + value.offsetInSpan[0] + "," + value.offsetInSpan[1] + "]")
            console.log("value:" + value.value)
          .aboutToDelete((value: RichEditorDeleteValue) => {
            value.richEditorDeleteSpans.forEach(item => {
              console.log("---------------------- item --------------------")
    "spanIndex=" + item.spanPosition.spanIndex)
              console.log("spanRange:[" + item.spanPosition.spanRange[0] + "," + item.spanPosition.spanRange[1] + "]")
              console.log("offsetInSpan:[" + item.offsetInSpan[0] + "," + item.offsetInSpan[1] + "]")
              if (typeof (item as RichEditorImageSpanResult)['imageStyle'] != 'undefined') {
                if ((item as RichEditorImageSpanResult).valueResourceStr == "") {
        "builder span index " + (item as RichEditorImageSpanResult).spanPosition.spanIndex + ", range : " + (item as RichEditorImageSpanResult).offsetInSpan[0] + ", " +
                  (item as RichEditorImageSpanResult).offsetInSpan[1] + ", size : " + (item as RichEditorImageSpanResult).imageStyle[0] + ", " + (item as RichEditorImageSpanResult).imageStyle[1])
                } else {
        "image span " + (item as RichEditorImageSpanResult).valueResourceStr + ", index : " + (item as RichEditorImageSpanResult).spanPosition.spanIndex + ", range: " +
                  (item as RichEditorImageSpanResult).offsetInSpan[0] + ", " + (item as RichEditorImageSpanResult).offsetInSpan[1] + ", size : " +
                  (item as RichEditorImageSpanResult).imageStyle.size[0] + ", " + (item as RichEditorImageSpanResult).imageStyle.size[1])
              } else {
      "delete text: " + (item as RichEditorTextSpanResult).value)
            return true;

        Button("add span")
          .onClick(() => {
            let num = this.controller.addBuilderSpan(this.my_builder, { offset: this.my_offset })
  'addBuilderSpan return ' + num)
        Button("add image")
          .onClick(() => {
            let num = this.controller.addImageSpan($r(""), {
              imageStyle: {
                size: ["50px", "50px"],
                verticalAlign: ImageSpanAlignment.BOTTOM,
                layoutStyle: {
                  borderRadius: undefined,
                  margin: undefined
  'addImageSpan return' + num)
        Row() {
          Button('builder1').onClick(() => {
            this.my_builder = () => {
          Button('builder2').onClick(() => {
            this.my_builder = placeholderBuilder2.bind(this)
          Button('builder3').onClick(() => {
            this.my_builder = () => {
          Button('builder4').onClick(() => {
            this.my_builder = () => {


Example 10

Example of using enableDataDetector and dataDetectorConfig

struct TextExample7 {
  controller: RichEditorController = new RichEditorController();
  options: RichEditorOptions = { controller: this.controller };
  @State phoneNumber: string = '(86) (755) ********';
  @State url: string = 'www.********.com';
  @State email: string = '***';
  @State address: string = 'Street A, city B, state C';
  @State enableDataDetector: boolean = true;
  @State types: TextDataDetectorType[] = [];

  build() {
    Row() {
      Column() {
          .onReady(() => {
            this.controller.addTextSpan('Phone number:' + this.phoneNumber + '\n',
                  fontSize: 30
            this.controller.addTextSpan('URL:' + this.url + '\n',
                  fontSize: 30
            this.controller.addTextSpan('Email:' + + '\n',
                  fontSize: 30
            this.controller.addTextSpan('Address:' + this.address,
                  fontSize: 30
          .dataDetectorConfig({types : this.types, onDetectResultUpdate: (result: string)=>{}})