ArkUI Subsystem Changelog

cl.arkui.1 Support for the undefined Parameter by Universal Events

Added support for passing undefined as a parameter for universal events (click, touch, show/hide, key, focus, mouse, and component area change events).


// xxx.ets
struct Example {
  build() {

Change Impact

If the event callback parameter is undefined, the system will not respond to the configured event callback.

Key API/Component Changes


Adaptation Guide

If the event parameter is set to undefined, the event is disabled. Set the parameter based on the use case.

cl.arkui.2 Initialization Requirement Change of @Prop/@BuilderParam Decorated Variables


// xxx.ets
struct Parent {
  @State message: string = 'Parent'
  build() {
    Column() {
      Child() // Compile time error.

struct Child {
  @Prop message: string
  build() {
    Column() {

Change Impact

If the @Prop or @BuilderParam decorated variable is not initialized locally or initialized from its parent component, a compile time error will occur.

Key API/Component Changes


Adaptation Guide

Assign an initial value to the @Prop or @BuilderParam decorated variable or pass the value from the parent component.

cl.arkui.3 Initial Value Requirement Change of @BuilderParam Decorated Variables


// xxx.ets
function builderFunction() {
  Text('Hello Builder')

function normal () {


struct Index {
  @BuilderParam builderParam: ()=>void = builderFunction
  @BuilderParam builderParam2: ()=>void = normal // Compile time error.
  build() {
    Column() {


Change Impact

If the initial value of the @BuilderParam decorated variable is not an @Builder method, the compilation will fail.

Key API/Component Changes


Adaptation Guide

Pass in an @Builder method as the initial value of the @BuilderParam variable.

cl.arkui.4 Type Change of the searchButton Attribute in the <Search> Component from SearchButtonOption to SearchButtonOptions

Change Impact

If the SearchButtonOption type is explicitly used, the compilation will fail.

Key API/Component Changes

The type of the searchButton attribute is changed from SearchButtonOption to SearchButtonOptions.

Adaptation Guide

Change SearchButtonOption to SearchButtonOptions.

cl.arkui.5 Type Change of the BindSheet Attribute in Overlay Components from SheetStyle to SheetOptions

Change Impact

If the SheetStyle type is explicitly used, the compilation will fail.

Key API/Component Changes

The type of the BindSheet attribute is changed from SheetStyle to SheetOptions.

Adaptation Guide

Change SheetStyle to SheetOptions.

cl.arkui.6 Change of the Value Returned by onBackPress from void to void | boolean for Custom Components


// xxx.ets
struct Index {
  async onBackPress() {}    // Compile-time error
  build() {
    Column() {


Change Impact

When the lifecycle function onBackPress of a custom component is modified with async, the compilation fails.

Key API/Component Changes

onBackPress? (): void is changed to onBackPress? (): void | boolean.

Adaptation Guide

The custom component lifecycle APIs are synchronous callbacks invoked by the system when appropriate. They must be used according to the synchronous API specifications defined by the SDK. Do not use modifiers such as async to change API specifications.