Alert Dialog Box (AlertDialog)

You can set the text content and response callback for an alert dialog box.


The APIs of this module are supported since API version 7. Updates will be marked with a superscript to indicate their earliest API version.

The functionality of this module depends on UI context. This means that the APIs of this module cannot be used where the UI context is unclear. For details, see UIContext.

Since API version 10, you can use the showAlertDialog API in UIContext to obtain the UI context.


Name Type Description
show AlertDialogParamWithConfirm | AlertDialogParamWithButtons | AlertDialogParamWithOptions10+ Defines and displays the <AlertDialog> component.


Name Type Mandatory Description
title ResourceStr No Title of the dialog box.
subtitle10+ ResourceStr No Subtitle of the dialog box.
message ResourceStr Yes Content of the dialog box.
autoCancel boolean No Whether to close the dialog box when the overlay is clicked. The value true means to close the dialog box when the overlay is clicked, and false means the opposite.
Default value: true
confirm {
enabled10+?: boolean,
defaultFocus10+?: boolean,
style10+?: DialogButtonStyle,
value: ResourceStr,
fontColor?: ResourceColor,
backgroundColor?: ResourceColor,
action: () => void
No Information about the confirm button.
enabled: whether to respond when the button is clicked. The value true means to respond when the button is clicked, and false means the opposite.
Default value: true
defaultFocus: whether the button is the default focus. The value true means that the button is the default focus, and false means the opposite.
Default value: false
style: button style.
Default value: DialogButtonStyle.DEFAULT
value: button text.
fontColor: font color of the button.
backgroundColor: background color of the button.
action: callback upon button clicking.
cancel () => void No Callback invoked when the dialog box is closed after the overlay is clicked.
alignment DialogAlignment No Alignment mode of the dialog box in the vertical direction.
Default value: DialogAlignment.Default
offset Offset No Offset of the dialog box relative to the alignment position.
Default value: { dx: 0 , dy: 0 }
gridCount number No Number of grid columns occupied by the width of the dialog box.
Default value: 4
maskRect10+ Rectangle No Mask area of the dialog box. Events outside the mask area are transparently transmitted, and events within the mask area are not.
Default value: { x: 0, y: 0, width: '100%', height: '100%' }
showInSubWindow11+ boolean No Whether to show the dialog box in a sub-window when the dialog box needs to be displayed outside the main window.
Default value: false
A dialog box whose showInSubWindow attribute is true cannot trigger the display of another dialog box whose showInSubWindow attribute is also true.
isModal11+ boolean No Whether the dialog box is a modal. A modal dialog box has a mask applied, while a non-modal dialog box does not.
Default value: true
backgroundColor11+ ResourceColor No Backplane color of the dialog box.
Default value: Color.Transparent
backgroundBlurStyle11+ BlurStyle No Background blur style of the dialog box.
Default value: BlurStyle.COMPONENT_ULTRA_THICK


Name Type Mandatory Description
title ResourceStr No Title of the dialog box.
subtitle10+ ResourceStr No Subtitle of the dialog box.
message ResourceStr Yes Content of the dialog box.
autoCancel boolean No Whether to close the dialog box when the overlay is clicked.
Default value: true
primaryButton {
enabled10+?: boolean,
defaultFocus10+?: boolean,
style10+?: DialogButtonStyle,
value: ResourceStr,
fontColor?: ResourceColor,
backgroundColor?: ResourceColor,
action: () => void;
No Information about the confirm button.
enabled: whether to respond when the button is clicked.
Default value: true
defaultFocus: whether the button is the default focus.
Default value: false
style: button style.
Default value: DialogButtonStyle.DEFAULT
value: button text.
fontColor: font color of the button.
backgroundColor: background color of the button.
action: callback upon button clicking.
secondaryButton {
enabled10+?: boolean,
defaultFocus10+?: boolean,
style10+?: DialogButtonStyle,
value: ResourceStr,
fontColor?: ResourceColor,
backgroundColor?: ResourceColor,
action: () => void;
No Information about the confirm button.
enabled: whether to respond when the button is clicked.
Default value: true
defaultFocus: whether the button is the default focus.
Default value: false
style: button style.
Default value: DialogButtonStyle.DEFAULT
value: button text.
fontColor: font color of the button.
backgroundColor: background color of the button.
action: callback upon button clicking.
cancel () => void No Callback invoked when the dialog box is closed after the overlay is clicked.
alignment DialogAlignment No Alignment mode of the dialog box in the vertical direction.
Default value: DialogAlignment.Default
offset Offset No Offset of the dialog box relative to the alignment position.
gridCount number No Number of grid columns occupied by the width of the dialog box.
maskRect10+ Rectangle No Mask area of the dialog box. Events outside the mask area are transparently transmitted, and events within the mask area are not.
Default value: { x: 0, y: 0, width: '100%', height: '100%' }
backgroundColor11+ ResourceColor No Backplane color of the dialog box.
Default value: Color.Transparent
backgroundBlurStyle11+ BlurStyle No Background blur style of the dialog box.
Default value: BlurStyle.COMPONENT_ULTRA_THICK


Name Type Mandatory Description
title ResourceStr No Title of the dialog box.
subtitle10+ ResourceStr No Subtitle of the dialog box.
message ResourceStr Yes Content of the dialog box.
autoCancel boolean No Whether to close the dialog box when the overlay is clicked.
Default value: true
cancel () => void No Callback invoked when the dialog box is closed after the overlay is clicked.
alignment DialogAlignment No Alignment mode of the dialog box in the vertical direction.
Default value: DialogAlignment.Default
offset Offset No Offset of the dialog box relative to the alignment position.
gridCount number No Number of grid columns occupied by the width of the dialog box.
maskRect10+ Rectangle No Mask area of the dialog box. Events outside the mask area are transparently transmitted, and events within the mask area are not.
Default value: { x: 0, y: 0, width: '100%', height: '100%' }
buttons10+ Array<AlertDialogButtonOptions> No Buttons in the dialog box.
buttonDirection10+ DialogButtonDirection No Direction in which buttons are laid out.
Default value: DialogButtonDirection.AUTO
When there are more than three buttons, the Auto mode (which automatically switches to the vertical layout when there are more than two buttons) is recommended. In non-Auto mode, buttons that extend beyond the display area are clipped.
backgroundColor11+ ResourceColor No Backplane color of the dialog box.
Default value: Color.Transparent
backgroundBlurStyle11+ BlurStyle No Background blur style of the dialog box.
Default value: BlurStyle.COMPONENT_ULTRA_THICK


Name Type Mandatory Description
enabled boolean No Whether to respond when the button is clicked.
Default value: true
defaultFocus boolean No Whether the button is the default focus.
Default value: false
style DialogButtonStyle No Style of the button.
Default value: DialogButtonStyle.DEFAULT
value ResourceStr Yes Text of the button. If the value is null, the button is not displayed.
fontColor ResourceColor No Font color of the button.
backgroundColor ResourceColor No Background color of the button.
action () => void Yes Callback upon button clicking.


Name Description
AUTO Buttons are laid out horizontally when there are two or fewer buttons and vertically otherwise.
HORIZONTAL Buttons are laid out horizontally.
VERTICAL Buttons are laid out vertically.

Priorities of the confirm parameters: fontColor and backgroundColor > style > defaultFocus

backgroundColor fontColor style defaultFocus Effect
Green Red - - Red text on green background
Green - DialogButtonStyle.HIGHLIGHT - White text on green background
Green - DialogButtonStyle.DEFAULT - Blue text on green background
Green - - TRUE White text on green background
Green - - FALSE/- Blue text on green background
- Red DialogButtonStyle.HIGHLIGHT - Red text on blue background
- Red DialogButtonStyle.DEFAULT - Red text on white background
- Red - TRUE Red text on blue background
- Red - FALSE/- Red text on white background
- - DialogButtonStyle.HIGHLIGHT - White text on blue background
- - DialogButtonStyle.DEFAULT - Blue text on white background
- - - TRUE White text on blue background
- - - FALSE/- Blue text on white background


Name Description
Top Vertical top alignment.
Center Vertical center alignment.
Bottom Vertical bottom alignment.
Default Default alignment.
TopStart8+ Top left alignment.
TopEnd8+ Top right alignment.
CenterStart8+ Center left alignment.
CenterEnd8+ Center right alignment.
BottomStart8+ Bottom left alignment.
BottomEnd8+ Bottom right alignment.


The Rectangle type is used to represent a mask area of a dialog box.

Name Type Mandatory Description
x Length No X coordinate of the mask area of the dialog box relative to the upper left corner of the window.
Default value: 0vp
y Length No Y coordinate of the mask area of the dialog box relative to the upper left corner of the window.
Default value: 0vp
width Length No Width of the mask area of the dialog box.
Default value: '100%'
height Length No Height of the mask area of the dialog box.
Default value: '100%'


x and y can be set to a positive or negative percentage value. When x is set to '100%', the mask area is moved rightward by the window width. When x is set to '-100%', the mask area is moved leftward by the window width. When y is set to '100%', the mask area is moved downward by the window height. When y is set to '-100%', the mask area is moved upward by the window height.

width and height can be set in percentage and can only be set to positive values. If they are set to negative values, the default values are used instead.

The percentage is calculated based on the width and height of the window.


Name Description
DEFAULT Blue text on white background (black background under the dark theme).
HIGHLIGHT White text on blue background.


Example 1

// xxx.ets
struct AlertDialogExample {
  build() {
    Column({ space: 5 }) {
      Button('one button dialog')
        .onClick(() => {

              title: 'title',
              message: 'text',
              autoCancel: true,
              alignment: DialogAlignment.Bottom,
              offset: { dx: 0, dy: -20 },
              gridCount: 3,
              confirm: {
                value: 'button',
                action: () => {
        'Button-clicking callback')
              cancel: () => {
      'Closed callbacks')
      Button('two button dialog')
        .onClick(() => {

              title: 'title',
              subtitle: 'subtitle',
              message: 'text',
              autoCancel: true,
              alignment: DialogAlignment.Bottom,
              gridCount: 4,
              offset: { dx: 0, dy: -20 },
              primaryButton: {
                value: 'cancel',
                action: () => {
        'Callback when the first button is clicked')
              secondaryButton: {
                enabled: true,
                defaultFocus: true,
                style: DialogButtonStyle.HIGHLIGHT,
                value: 'ok',
                action: () => {
        'Callback when the second button is clicked')
              cancel: () => {
      'Closed callbacks')
        Button('three button dialog')
        .onClick(() => {

              title: 'title',
              subtitle: 'subtitle',
              message: 'text',
              autoCancel: true,
              alignment: DialogAlignment.Bottom,
              gridCount: 4,
              offset: { dx: 0, dy: -20 },
              buttonDirection: DialogButtonDirection.HORIZONTAL,
              buttons: [
                  value: 'Button',
                  action: () => {
          'Callback when button1 is clicked')
                  value: 'Button',
                  action: () => {
          'Callback when button2 is clicked')
                  value: 'Button',
                  enabled: true,
                  defaultFocus: true,
                  style: DialogButtonStyle.HIGHLIGHT,
                  action: () => {
          'Callback when button3 is clicked')
              cancel: () => {
      'Closed callbacks')
    }.width('100%').margin({ top: 5 })


Example 2

// xxx.ets
struct AlertDialogExample {
  build() {
    Column({ space: 5 }) {
        Button('one button dialog')
        .onClick(() => {

              title: 'title',
              subtitle: 'subtitle',
              message: 'text',
              autoCancel: true,
              alignment: DialogAlignment.Center,
              gridCount: 4,
              showInSubWindow: true,
              isModal: true,
              offset: { dx: 0, dy: -20 },
              buttonDirection: DialogButtonDirection.HORIZONTAL,
              buttons: [
                  value: 'Button',
                  action: () => {
          'Callback when button1 is clicked')
                  value: 'Button',
                  action: () => {
          'Callback when button2 is clicked')
                  value: 'Button',
                  enabled: true,
                  defaultFocus: true,
                  style: DialogButtonStyle.HIGHLIGHT,
                  action: () => {
          'Callback when button3 is clicked')
              cancel: () => {
      'Closed callbacks')
    }.width('100%').margin({ top: 5 })
