Language and Locale Name Localization

Use Cases

Language and locale name localization means to localize language and locale names on the UI based on local language habits. For example, in an English environment, Simplified Chinese is represented by 简体中文.

How to Develop

For details about the APIs, see getDisplayCountry and getDisplayLanguage.

  1. Import the i18n module.

    import I18n from '@ohos.i18n';
    import { BusinessError } from '@ohos.base'
  2. Localize language names. When providing language names for a user, for example, when a user switches the system language, the system displays the localized language names. The following uses German as an example.

    let displayLanguage = I18n.System.getDisplayLanguage("de", "zh-Hans-CN"); // German
    // language: two-letter language code, for example, zh, de, or fr.
    // locale: localization identifier, for example, en-GB, en-US, or zh-Hans-CN.
    // sentenceCase: whether the first letter of the language name needs to be capitalized. The default value is true.
  3. Localize country/region names. When providing country/region names for a user, for example, when a user switches the country/region, the system displays the localized country/region names.

    let displayCountry = I18n.System.getDisplayCountry("SA", "en-GB"); // Saudi Arabia
    // country: two-letter country/region code, for example, CN, DE, or SA.
    // locale: localization identifier, for example, en-GB, en-US, or zh-Hans-CN.
    // sentenceCase: whether the first letter of the country/region name needs to be capitalized. The default value is true.