
The ExtensionAbilityInfo module defines the ExtensionAbility information. A third-party application can obtain its own ExtensionAbility information through bundleManager.getBundleInfoForSelf, with GET_BUNDLE_INFO_WITH_HAP_MODULE and GET_BUNDLE_INFO_WITH_EXTENSION_ABILITY passed in to bundleFlags .


The initial APIs of this module are supported since API version 9. Newly added APIs will be marked with a superscript to indicate their earliest API version.


System capability: SystemCapability.BundleManager.BundleFramework.Core

Name Type Readable Writable Description
bundleName string Yes No Bundle name.
moduleName string Yes No Name of the HAP file to which the ExtensionAbility belongs.
name string Yes No Name of the ExtensionAbility.
labelId number Yes No ID of the ExtensionAbility label.
descriptionId number Yes No ID of the ExtensionAbility description.
iconId number Yes No ID of the ExtensionAbility icon.
exported boolean Yes No Whether the ExtensionAbility can be called by other bundles.
extensionAbilityType ExtensionAbilityType Yes No Type of the ExtensionAbility.
permissions Array<string> Yes No Permissions required for other bundles to call the ExtensionAbility.
applicationInfo ApplicationInfo Yes No Application information. The information can be obtained by passing in GET_BUNDLE_INFO_WITH_HAP_MODULE, GET_BUNDLE_INFO_WITH_EXTENSION_ABILITY, and GET_BUNDLE_INFO_WITH_APPLICATION to the bundleFlags parameter of getBundleInfoForSelf.
metadata Array<Metadata> Yes No Metadata of the ExtensionAbility. The information can be obtained by passing in GET_BUNDLE_INFO_WITH_HAP_MODULE, GET_BUNDLE_INFO_WITH_EXTENSION_ABILITY, and GET_BUNDLE_INFO_WITH_METADATA to the bundleFlags parameter of getBundleInfoForSelf.
enabled boolean Yes No Whether the ExtensionAbility is enabled.
readPermission string Yes No Permission required for reading data from the ExtensionAbility.
writePermission string Yes No Permission required for writing data to the ExtensionAbility.
extensionAbilityTypeName11 string Yes No Type of the ExtensionAbility.