Default User Agent String

Since API version 11, the default user agent string is as follows for the <Web> component based on the ArkWeb kernel:

Mozilla/5.0 ({deviceType}; {OSName} {OSVersion}) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 ArkWeb/{ArkWeb VersionCode} {Mobile}

Field. Description Remarks
deviceType Device type. Obtained through the mapping of the system parameter const.product.devicetype.
OSName OS name of the distribution. Obtained through the system parameter
OSVersion OS version of the distribution. Obtained through the system parameter const.ohos.fullname.
ArkWeb VersionCode ArkWeb version. -
Mobile (optional) Whether the device is a mobile phone. -


Mozilla/5.0 (Phone; OpenHarmony 4.1) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 ArkWeb/ Mobile

You are advised to use the ArkWeb keyword to identify whether the device is an OpenHarmony device and whether the web kernel is ArkWeb. You can also use the deviceType keyword to identify the device type for page display.