Declaring Permissions in ACL

If an application with a lower APL requires a permission of a higher APL, you can declare the required permissions in the Access Control List (ACL).

For example, if a normal application needs to use the global floating window and capture screen images, it needs the ohos.permission.SYSTEM_FLOAT_WINDOW permission (which is of the system_basic level) and the ohos.permission.CAPTURE_SCREEN permission (which is of the system_core level). To enable the normal application to have the system_basic and system_core permissions, you must use the ACL.

The method provided in this topic applies only for the applications in the debug phase. It cannot be used for the applications released to the app market. If you need to develop an application of the commercial version, apply for a release certificate and signature file in the corresponding app market.

Declare the required permissions in the HarmonyAppProvision configuration file.

  1. Open the Sdk/openharmony/_{Version} _/toolchains /lib/UnsgnedReleasedProfileTemplate.json file in the SDK directory.

  2. Add the permissions in the "acls" > "allowed-acls" field.

      // ...
  3. Sign the application again.