@ohos.inputMethodList (Input Method List)

The inputMethodList module is oriented to system applications and input method applications. It provides APIs for implementing an input method list. This list displays the default input method subtypes and third-party input methods. Users can use this list to switch from the default input method to another input method.


The initial APIs of this module are supported since API version 11. Updates will be marked with a superscript to indicate their earliest API version.

Modules to Import

import inputMethodL from '@ohos.inputMethodList';

Child Components

Not supported


The universal attributes are not supported.


InputMethodListDialog({controller: CustomDialogController, patternOptions?: PatternOptions})

Implements a dialog box showing the input method list.

Decorator type: @CustomDialog

System capability: SystemCapability.MiscServices.InputMethodFramework


Name Type Mandatory Decorator Description
controller CustomDialogController Yes - Controller for the dialog box showing the input method list.
patternOptions PatternOptions No - Input method pattern options (for the default input method only).


System capability: SystemCapability.MiscServices.InputMethodFramework

Name Type Readable Writable Description
defaultSelected11+ number Yes Yes Optional. Default selected pattern.
patterns11+ Array<Pattern> Yes Yes Mandatory. Resource of the pattern option.
action9+ function Yes Yes Mandatory. Callback invoked when the pattern option changes.


System capability: SystemCapability.MiscServices.InputMethodFramework

Name Type Readable Writable Description
icon11+ Resource Yes Yes Mandatory. Default icon.
selectedIcon11+ Resource Yes Yes Mandatory. Icon for the selected option.


The universal events are not supported.


import { InputMethodListDialog, Pattern, PatternOptions } from '@ohos.inputMethodList';

// Configure the component.
export struct settingsItem {
  @State defaultPattern: number = 1;
  private oneHandAction: PatternOptions = {
    defaultSelected: this.defaultPattern,
    patterns: [
        icon: $r('app.media.hand_icon'),
        selectedIcon: $r('app.media.hand_icon_selected')
        icon: $r('app.media.hand_icon1'),
        selectedIcon: $r('app.media.hand_icon_selected1')
        icon: $r('app.media.hand_icon2'),
        selectedIcon: $r('app.media.hand_icon_selected2'),
    action:(index: number)=>{
      console.info(`pattern is changed, current is ${index}`);
      this.defaultPattern = index;
  private listController: CustomDialogController = new CustomDialogController({
    builder: InputMethodListDialog({ patternOptions: this.oneHandAction }),
    customStyle: true,
    maskColor: '#00000000'

  build() {
    Column() {
      Flex({ direction: FlexDirection.Column,
        alignItems: ItemAlign.Center, justifyContent: FlexAlign.Center }) {
        Text("Input Method List").fontSize(20)
    .onClick((event?: ClickEvent) => {